# Time-Management-Module

## Description

The time-management module handles all vacation and illness requests off the employees.
It is based (and replaces in certain places) the older module 'Mitarbeiterzeiterfassung'.

### Create new instance

/** @var \Xentral\Modules\TimeManagement\TimeManagementModule $timeManagement */
$timeManagement = $container->get('TimeManagementModule');

A hook is provided in mitarbeiterzeiterfassung.php to intervene in the process of changing the state of a day:

## Open issues

- half days: It is not possible to differentiate between morning and afternoon
- the module is designed for vacation and illnesses. It does not handle unpaid vacation or absent days like the old module
- it is not designed for shiftworking over more than one day
- if someone only works half-days he has to take a whole day of vacation. This seems not to be correct and must be changed in future.