<?php use Xentral\Core\LegacyConfig\ConfigLoader; include_once(dirname(__DIR__)."/conf/main.conf.php"); include_once(dirname(__DIR__)."/phpwf/plugins/class.mysql.php"); include_once(dirname(__DIR__)."/www/lib/imap.inc.php"); include_once(dirname(__DIR__)."/www/lib/class.erpapi.php"); if(file_exists(dirname(__DIR__)."/www/lib/class.erpapi_custom.php"))include_once(dirname(__DIR__)."/www/lib/class.erpapi_custom.php"); include_once(dirname(__DIR__)."/www/lib/class.remote.php"); if(file_exists(dirname(__DIR__)."/www/lib/class.remote_custom.php"))include_once(dirname(__DIR__)."/www/lib/class.remote_custom.php"); include_once(dirname(__DIR__)."/www/lib/class.httpclient.php"); if(!class_exists('AES')){ $aes = ''; $phpversion = (String)phpversion(); if($phpversion[0] == '7' && (int)$phpversion[2] > 0) $aes = '2'; if($aes == 2 && is_file(dirname(__DIR__) . "/www/lib/class.aes" . $aes . ".php")){ include_once(dirname(__DIR__) . "/www/lib/class.aes" . $aes . ".php"); }else include_once(dirname(__DIR__) . "/www/lib/class.aes.php"); } include_once(dirname(__DIR__)."/www/pages/shopimport.php"); include_once(dirname(__DIR__)."/www/plugins/phpmailer/class.phpmailer.php"); include_once(dirname(__DIR__)."/www/plugins/phpmailer/class.smtp.php"); if(!class_exists('Secure')){ include_once(dirname(__DIR__) . "/phpwf/plugins/class.secure.php"); } include_once(dirname(__DIR__)."/phpwf/plugins/class.string.php"); include_once(dirname(__DIR__)."/phpwf/plugins/class.formhandler.php"); if(!class_exists('image')){ include_once (dirname(__DIR__)."/www/lib/class.image.php"); } if(!class_exists('FPDFWAWISION')){ if(file_exists(dirname(__DIR__).'/conf/user_defined.php')){ include_once dirname(__DIR__) . '/conf/user_defined.php'; } if(defined('USEFPDF3') && USEFPDF3 && file_exists(dirname(__DIR__) . '/www/lib/pdf/fpdf_3.php')){ require_once dirname(__DIR__) . '/www/lib/pdf/fpdf_3.php'; }else if(defined('USEFPDF2') && USEFPDF2 && file_exists(dirname(__DIR__) . '/www/lib/pdf/fpdf_2.php')){ require_once dirname(__DIR__) . '/www/lib/pdf/fpdf_2.php'; }else{ require_once dirname(__DIR__) . '/www/lib/pdf/fpdf.php'; } } include_once(dirname(__DIR__)."/www/lib/pdf/fpdf_final.php"); $classes = array('briefpapier','auftrag','angebot','rechnung','gutschrift'); foreach($classes as $class) { if(file_exists(dirname(__DIR__)."/www/lib/dokumente/class.".$class."_custom.php")) { include_once(dirname(__DIR__)."/www/lib/dokumente/class.".$class."_custom.php"); }elseif(file_exists(dirname(__DIR__)."/www/lib/dokumente/class.".$class.".php")) { include_once(dirname(__DIR__)."/www/lib/dokumente/class.".$class.".php"); } } include_once(dirname(__DIR__)."/phpwf/plugins/class.string.php"); //ENDE if(!class_exists('User')) { class User { var $app; function __construct($app) { $this->app = $app; } function GetName() { return 'Cronjob'; } function GetID() { return 0; } function GetFirma() { return 1; } function GetType() { return 'admin'; } function DefaultProjekt() { return $this->app->DB->Select("SELECT standardprojekt FROM firma WHERE id='1' LIMIT 1"); } function GetAdresse() { return 0; } function GetUsername() { return 'Cronjob'; } } } if(empty($app)) { $app = new app_t(); } $app->User = new User($app); if(empty($app->Conf)) { $conf = ConfigLoader::load(); $app->Conf = $conf; } if(empty($app->DB) || empty($app->DB->connection)) { $app->DB = new DB($app->Conf->WFdbhost, $app->Conf->WFdbname, $app->Conf->WFdbuser, $app->Conf->WFdbpass, $app, $app->Conf->WFdbport); } if(empty($app->erp)) { if(class_exists('erpAPICustom')) { $erp = new erpAPICustom($app); } else { $erp = new erpAPI($app); } $app->erp = $erp; } $app->String = new WawiString(); $app->FormHandler = new FormHandler($app); if(empty($app->remote)) { if(class_exists('RemoteCustom')) { $remote = new RemoteCustom($app); } else { $remote = new Remote($app); } $app->remote = $remote; } $app->Secure = new Secure($app); $firmendatenid = $app->DB->Select("SELECT MAX(id) FROM firmendaten LIMIT 1"); $benutzername = $app->erp->Firmendaten('benutzername'); $passwort = $app->erp->Firmendaten('passwort'); $host = $app->erp->Firmendaten('host'); $port = $app->erp->Firmendaten('port'); $mailssl = $app->erp->Firmendaten('mailssl'); $mailanstellesmtp = $app->erp->Firmendaten('mailanstellesmtp'); $noauth = $app->erp->Firmendaten('noauth'); // mail $app->mail = new PHPMailer($app); $app->mail->CharSet = 'UTF-8'; $app->mail->PluginDir='plugins/phpmailer/'; if($mailanstellesmtp=='1'){ $app->mail->IsMail(); } else { $app->mail->IsSMTP(); if($noauth=='1') { $app->mail->SMTPAuth = false; } else { $app->mail->SMTPAuth = true; } if($mailssl==1){ $app->mail->SMTPSecure = 'tls'; // sets the prefix to the servier } else if ($mailssl==2){ $app->mail->SMTPSecure = 'ssl'; // sets the prefix to the servier } $app->mail->Host = $host; $app->mail->Port = $port; // set the SMTP port for the GMAIL server $app->mail->Username = $benutzername; // GMAIL username $app->mail->Password = $passwort; // GMAIL password } $cronjob = $app->DB->Select("SELECT id FROM prozessstarter WHERE aktiv = 1 AND parameter = 'amazon' LIMIT 1"); if(!$cronjob) { return; } $app->DB->Update("UPDATE prozessstarter SET letzteausfuerhung = now(), mutex = 0, mutexcounter = 0 WHERE id = '".$cronjob."' AND mutexcounter > 2 LIMIT 1"); if($app->DB->Select('SELECT id FROM prozessstarter WHERE mutex = 1 AND aktiv = 1 AND parameter = \'amazon\' LIMIT 1')) { $app->DB->Update( "UPDATE prozessstarter SET letzteausfuerhung = now(), mutexcounter = mutexcounter + 1 WHERE aktiv = 1 AND parameter = 'amazon' AND mutex = 1 LIMIT 1" ); return; } $app->erp->LogFile('Starte Amazon Cronjob'); $app->DB->Update( "UPDATE prozessstarter SET letzteausfuerhung = now(), mutex = 1, mutexcounter = 0 WHERE aktiv = 1 AND parameter = 'amazon'" ); $shops = $app->DB->SelectArr( "SELECT id, bezeichnung,demomodus FROM shopexport WHERE aktiv = 1 AND geloescht <> 1 and (bezeichnung like '%amazon%' OR ((shoptyp = 'intern' OR shoptyp = 'custom') AND modulename = 'shopimporter_amazon'))" ); if(!empty($shops)) { foreach($shops as $shop) { if(method_exists($app->erp, 'canRunCronjob') && !$app->erp->canRunCronjob(['amazon'])) { return; } $app->erp->ProzessstarterStatus('Schnittstelle: '.$shop['bezeichnung'], $cronjob); $app->remote->RemoteCommand($shop['id'], 'cronjob'); $app->DB->Update( "UPDATE prozessstarter SET letzteausfuerhung = now(), mutex = 1, mutexcounter = 0 WHERE aktiv = 1 AND parameter = 'amazon'" ); $app->erp->RunHook('amazon_cronjob', 1, $shop['id']); if(method_exists($app->erp, 'canRunCronjob') && !$app->erp->canRunCronjob(['amazon'])) { return; } $app->DB->Update( "UPDATE prozessstarter SET letzteausfuerhung = now(), mutex = 1, mutexcounter = 0 WHERE aktiv = 1 AND parameter = 'amazon'" ); } } $app->DB->Update( "UPDATE prozessstarter SET letzteausfuerhung = now(), mutex = 0, mutexcounter = 0 WHERE aktiv = 1 AND parameter = 'amazon'" ); $app->erp->LogFile('Ende Amazon Cronjob');