client = $client; $this->db = $db; $this->propertyGateway = $propertyGateway; } /** * @throws HubspotException * @return array */ public function getDealStages() { $response = $this->client->setResource('getPipelineProperties')->read([], ['deals']); if ($response->getStatusCode() !== 200) { throw new HubspotException($response->getError()); } if (($data = $response->getJson()) && array_key_exists('results', $data)) { $stages = array_column($data['results'], 'stages'); return reset($stages); } return []; } public function installDealStages() { // Get Deal Stages $firstStage = 0; $viewId = 0; if ($dealStages = $this->propertyGateway->getLeadsByType('deals')) { $stage = array_unique(array_column($dealStages, 'wiedervorlage_stage_id')); $firstStage = $stage[0]; } if ($firstStage > 0) { $viewId = $this->db->fetchValue( 'SELECT ws.view FROM wiedervorlage_stages `ws` WHERE', [ 'id' => $firstStage, ] ); } if (empty($firstStage) || empty($viewId)) { // CHECK the default view if ($this->db->fetchValue( 'SELECT FROM wiedervorlage_view `wv` WHERE AND wv.shortname=:desc AND AND wv.project=0', [ 'name' => 'Hubspot', 'desc' => 'Hubspot', 'active' => 1, ] )) { return; } $this->db->perform( 'INSERT INTO wiedervorlage_view(name,shortname,active) VALUES (:name,:desc_short,1)', [ 'name' => 'Hubspot', 'desc_short' => 'Hubspot', ] ); $viewId = $this->db->lastInsertId(); } if ($viewId > 0 && ($ahDealStages = $this->getDealStages())) { $position = (int)$this->getMaxSortByViewId($viewId) + 1; foreach ($ahDealStages as $hDealStage) { if ($this->db->fetchValue( 'SELECT FROM hs_mapping_leads `hm` WHERE hm.value=:value AND hm.type=:type', [ 'value' => $hDealStage['stageId'], 'type' => 'deals', ] )) { continue; } $this->db->perform( 'INSERT INTO wiedervorlage_stages (kurzbezeichnung,name,stageausblenden,sort,view) VALUES(:desc, :name,:enabled, :position,:wiedervorlage_view_id)', [ 'desc' => $hDealStage['label'], 'name' => $hDealStage['label'], 'position' => $position, 'wiedervorlage_view_id' => $viewId, 'enabled' => 1, ] ); if ($stageId = $this->db->lastInsertId()) { $this->db->perform( 'INSERT INTO hs_mapping_leads (`label`, `value`, `type`, `wiedervorlage_stage_id`, `is_system`, `wiedervorlage_view_id`) VALUES(:label, :value,:type, :wstage_id, :is_system, :view_id)', [ 'label' => $hDealStage['label'], 'value' => $hDealStage['stageId'], 'type' => 'deals', 'wstage_id' => $stageId, 'is_system' => 1, 'view_id' => $viewId, ] ); } $position++; } } } /** * @param int $viewId * * @return false|float|int|string */ public function getMaxSortByViewId($viewId) { return $this->db->fetchValue( 'SELECT MAX(ws.sort) FROM wiedervorlage_stages `ws` WHERE ws.`view`=:id', ['id' => $viewId] ); } /** * @param int $viewId * * @return false|float|int|string */ public function getMinStageByViewId($viewId) { return $this->db->fetchValue( 'SELECT MIN( FROM wiedervorlage_stages `ws` WHERE ws.`view`=:id', ['id' => $viewId] ); } }