<?php namespace Xentral\Components\Database\Adapter; use Generator; use mysqli; use mysqli_result; use mysqli_stmt; use Xentral\Components\Database\DatabaseConfig; use Xentral\Components\Database\Exception\BindParameterException; use Xentral\Components\Database\Exception\ConnectionException; use Xentral\Components\Database\Exception\EscapingException; use Xentral\Components\Database\Exception\QueryFailureException; use Xentral\Components\Database\Exception\TransactionException; use Xentral\Components\Database\Parser\MysqliArrayValueParser; use Xentral\Components\Database\Parser\MysqliNamedParameterParser; use Xentral\Components\Database\Profiler\ProfilerInterface; final class MysqliAdapter implements AdapterInterface { /** @var mysqli|null $connection */ private $connection; /** @var DatabaseConfig $config */ private $config; /** @var bool $transactionActive */ private $transactionActive = false; /** @var int|null $reconnectCounter */ private $reconnectCounter; /** @var int $reconnectLimit */ private $reconnectMaxCount = 5; /** @var ProfilerInterface|null $profiler */ private $profiler; /** * @param DatabaseConfig $config * @param ProfilerInterface|null $profiler */ public function __construct(DatabaseConfig $config, ProfilerInterface $profiler = null) { $this->config = $config; $this->profiler = $profiler; } /** * @throws ConnectionException * * @return void */ public function connect() { if ($this->connection !== null) { return; } if ($this->reconnectCounter === null) { $this->reconnectCounter = 0; } else { $this->reconnectCounter++; } if ($this->reconnectCounter >= $this->reconnectMaxCount) { throw new ConnectionException(sprintf( 'Too many reconnects. Reconnect count: %d (Max allowed %d)', $this->reconnectCounter, $this->reconnectMaxCount )); } $this->startProfiler(__FUNCTION__); $connection = new mysqli( $this->config->getHostname(), $this->config->getUsername(), $this->config->getPassword(), null, $this->config->getPort() ); if ($connection->connect_errno > 0) { throw new ConnectionException(sprintf( 'Database connection to host "%s" failed. Error code #%s. Error message: %s', $this->config->getHostname(), $connection->connect_errno, $connection->connect_error )); } $connection->select_db($this->config->getDatabase()); if ($connection->errno > 0) { throw new ConnectionException(sprintf( 'Database selection failed for database "%s". Error code #%s. Error message: %s', $this->config->getDatabase(), $connection->errno, $connection->error )); } // @see https://www.php.net/manual/de/mysqlinfo.concepts.charset.php if (!$connection->set_charset($this->config->getCharset())) { throw new ConnectionException(sprintf( 'Failed to set character set "%s". Error: %s', $this->config->getCharset(), $connection->error )); } if (!$connection->autocommit(true)) { throw new ConnectionException(sprintf( 'Failed to activate auto commit. Error: %s', $connection->error )); } $this->finishProfiler(null, [ 'dbname' => $this->config->getDatabase(), 'host' => $this->config->getHostname(), 'port' => $this->config->getPort(), ]); $this->connection = $connection; foreach ($this->config->getQueries() as $query) { $this->perform($query); } } /** * @return void */ public function disconnect() { if ($this->connection === null) { return; } $this->startProfiler(__FUNCTION__); $this->connection->close(); $this->connection = null; $this->finishProfiler(); } /** * @return bool */ public function inTransaction() { return $this->transactionActive; } /** * @throws TransactionException If transaction is already started * * @return void */ public function beginTransaction() { if ($this->inTransaction()) { throw new TransactionException('Transaction is already started.'); } $this->connect(); if ($this->connection->begin_transaction() === false) { throw new TransactionException(sprintf('Transaction start failed: %s', $this->connection->error)); } $this->transactionActive = true; } /** * @throws TransactionException * * @return void */ public function commit() { if (!$this->inTransaction()) { throw new TransactionException('Transaction not started.'); } $this->connection->commit(); $this->connection->autocommit(true); $this->transactionActive = false; } /** * @throws TransactionException * * @return void */ public function rollback() { if (!$this->inTransaction()) { throw new TransactionException('Transaction not started.'); } $this->connection->rollback(); $this->connection->autocommit(true); $this->transactionActive = false; } /** * @return int */ public function lastInsertId() { return (int)$this->connection->insert_id; } /** * @param array $values * @param string $statement * * @throws QueryFailureException * * @return void */ public function perform($statement, array $values = []) { $this->connect(); $this->startProfiler(__FUNCTION__); $query = $this->getMysqliStatement($statement, $values); if (!is_object($query)) { throw new QueryFailureException(sprintf('Database query failed: %s', $this->connection->error)); } $query->close(); $this->finishProfiler($statement, $values); } /** * @param string $statement * @param array $values * * @throws QueryFailureException * * @return int */ public function fetchAffected($statement, array $values = []) { $this->connect(); $this->startProfiler(__FUNCTION__); $query = $this->getMysqliStatement($statement, $values); if (!is_object($query)) { throw new QueryFailureException(sprintf('Database query failed: %s', $this->connection->error)); } $affectedRows = (int)$query->affected_rows; $query->close(); $this->finishProfiler($statement, $values); return $affectedRows; } /** * @param string $statement * @param array $values * * @return array */ public function fetchAll($statement, array $values = []) { $this->connect(); $this->startProfiler(__FUNCTION__); $result = $this->getMysqliResult($statement, $values); $data = []; while ($row = $result->fetch_assoc()) { $data[] = $row; } $result->close(); $this->finishProfiler($statement, $values); return $data; } /** * @param string $statement * @param array $values * * @return array */ public function fetchAssoc($statement, array $values = []) { $this->connect(); $this->startProfiler(__FUNCTION__); $result = $this->getMysqliResult($statement, $values); $data = []; while ($row = $result->fetch_assoc()) { $assocKey = reset($row); // Fetch first array value $data[$assocKey] = $row; } $result->close(); $this->finishProfiler($statement, $values); return $data; } /** * @param string $statement * @param array $values * * @return array Empty array on empty result */ public function fetchRow($statement, array $values = []) { $this->connect(); $this->startProfiler(__FUNCTION__); $result = $this->getMysqliResult($statement, $values); if ($result->num_rows === 0) { $result->close(); return []; } $data = $result->fetch_assoc(); $result->close(); $this->finishProfiler($statement, $values); return $data; } /** * @param string $statement * @param array $values * * @return int|float|string|false false on empty result */ public function fetchValue($statement, array $values = []) { $this->connect(); $this->startProfiler(__FUNCTION__); $result = $this->getMysqliResult($statement, $values); if ($result->num_rows === 0) { $result->close(); return false; } $data = $result->fetch_assoc(); $result->close(); $this->finishProfiler($statement, $values); return reset($data); } /** * @param string $statement * @param array $values * * @return array */ public function fetchCol($statement, array $values = []) { $this->connect(); $this->startProfiler(__FUNCTION__); $result = $this->getMysqliResult($statement, $values); $data = []; while ($row = $result->fetch_assoc()) { $firstValue = reset($row); // Fetch first array value $data[] = $firstValue; } $result->close(); $this->finishProfiler($statement, $values); return $data; } /** * @param string $statement * @param array $values * * @throws QueryFailureException * * @return array */ public function fetchPairs($statement, array $values = []) { $this->connect(); $this->startProfiler(__FUNCTION__); $result = $this->getMysqliResult($statement, $values); if ($result->field_count !== 2) { throw new QueryFailureException('Field count does not match. fetchPairs() allows only two fields.'); } $data = []; while ($row = $result->fetch_assoc()) { $key = array_shift($row); $value = array_shift($row); $data[$key] = $value; } $result->close(); $this->finishProfiler($statement, $values); return $data; } /** * @param string $statement * @param array $values * @param bool $includeGroupColumn * * @return array */ public function fetchGroup($statement, array $values = [], $includeGroupColumn = false) { $this->connect(); $this->startProfiler(__FUNCTION__); $result = $this->getMysqliResult($statement, $values); $data = []; $includeGroupColumn = (bool)$includeGroupColumn; while ($row = $result->fetch_assoc()) { $group = $includeGroupColumn === true ? reset($row) : array_shift($row); // Fetch first array value if (!isset($data[$group])) { $data[$group] = []; } $data[$group][] = $row; } $result->close(); $this->finishProfiler($statement, $values); return $data; } /** * @param string $statement * @param array $values * * @return Generator */ public function yieldAll($statement, array $values = []) { $this->connect(); $this->startProfiler(__FUNCTION__); $result = $this->getMysqliResult($statement, $values); $this->finishProfiler($statement, $values); while ($row = $result->fetch_assoc()) { yield $row; } $result->close(); } /** * @param string $statement * @param array $values * * @return Generator */ public function yieldAssoc($statement, array $values = []) { $this->connect(); $this->startProfiler(__FUNCTION__); $result = $this->getMysqliResult($statement, $values); $this->finishProfiler($statement, $values); while ($row = $result->fetch_assoc()) { $assocKey = reset($row); // Fetch first array value yield $assocKey => $row; } $result->close(); } /** * @param string $statement * @param array $values * * @return Generator */ public function yieldCol($statement, array $values = []) { $this->connect(); $this->startProfiler(__FUNCTION__); $result = $this->getMysqliResult($statement, $values); $this->finishProfiler($statement, $values); while ($row = $result->fetch_assoc()) { $firstValue = reset($row); // Fetch first array value yield $firstValue; } $result->close(); } /** * @param string $statement * @param array $values * * @throws QueryFailureException * * @return Generator */ public function yieldPairs($statement, array $values = []) { $this->connect(); $this->startProfiler(__FUNCTION__); $result = $this->getMysqliResult($statement, $values); $this->finishProfiler($statement, $values); if ($result->field_count !== 2) { throw new QueryFailureException('Field count does not match. yieldPairs() allows only two fields.'); } while ($row = $result->fetch_assoc()) { $key = array_shift($row); $value = array_shift($row); yield $key => $value; } $result->close(); } /** * Escapes values for "BOOLEAN" and (TINY)INT columns * * @param bool|null $value * @param bool $isNullable * * @throws EscapingException * * @return string */ public function escapeBool($value, $isNullable = false) { if ($isNullable === true && $value === null) { return 'NULL'; } if (!is_bool($value)) { throw new EscapingException('Can not escape bool. Value is not a bool.'); } return $value === true ? '1' : '0'; } /** * Escapes values for INT columns * * @param mixed $value * @param bool $isNullable * * @throws EscapingException * * @return string */ public function escapeInt($value, $isNullable = false) { if ($isNullable === true && $value === null) { return 'NULL'; } if (!is_int($value)) { throw new EscapingException('Can not escape integer. Value is not an integer.'); } return (string)(int)$value; } /** * Escapes values for FLOAT, DOUBLE and REAL columns * * @param mixed $value * @param bool $isNullable * * @throws EscapingException * * @return string */ public function escapeDecimal($value, $isNullable = false) { if ($isNullable === true && $value === null) { return 'NULL'; } if (!is_numeric($value)) { throw new EscapingException('Can not escape decimal. Value is not numeric.'); } return (string)$value; } /** * Escapes values for CHAR, VARCHAR, TEXT and BLOB columns * * @param mixed $value * @param bool $isNullable * * @throws EscapingException * * @return string */ public function escapeString($value, $isNullable = false) { if ($isNullable === true && $value === null) { return 'NULL'; } if (!is_string($value)) { throw new EscapingException('Can not escape string. Value is not a string.'); } $this->connect(); return "'" . $this->connection->real_escape_string($value) . "'"; } /** * Escapes and quotes an identifier (column or table name) * * @param string $value * * @throws EscapingException * * @return string */ public function escapeIdentifier($value) { if (!is_string($value)) { throw new EscapingException('Can not escape identifier. Passed value is not a string.'); } if (empty(trim($value))) { throw new EscapingException('Can not escape identifier. Passed value is empty.'); } $parts = explode('.', $value); if (count($parts) > 2) { throw new EscapingException('Can not escape identifier. Identifier contains more than one dots.'); } $partsCleaned = []; foreach ($parts as $part) { if (empty(trim($part))) { throw new EscapingException( 'Can not escape identifier. Parts before and after the dot can not be empty.' ); } if (strlen($part) > 64) { throw new EscapingException( 'Can not escape identifier. Identifier is too long. Only 64 characters are allowed.' ); } $partCleaned = preg_replace('/[^A-Za-z0-9_]+/', '', $part); if (strlen($partCleaned) !== strlen($part)) { throw new EscapingException( 'Can not escape identifier. Passed value contains invalid characters. ' . 'Valid characters: A-Z, a-z, 0-9, Underscore' ); } $partsCleaned[] = '`' . $partCleaned . '`'; } return implode('.', $partsCleaned); } /** * @return void */ public function __clone() { $this->connection = null; $this->transactionActive = false; $this->config = clone $this->config; } /** * @return void */ public function __destruct() { $this->disconnect(); } /** * @return void */ public function __wakeup() { } /** * @return array */ public function __sleep() { return []; } /** * @param string $statement * @param array $values * * @return mysqli_stmt */ private function getMysqliStatement($statement, array $values = []) { list($statement, $values) = $this->replaceArrayValues($statement, $values); list($rebuildStatement, $bindValues, $parameterNames) = $this->replaceNamedParameters($statement, $values); $query = $this->connection->prepare($rebuildStatement); if ($query === false && $this->connection->errno === 2006) { // Code 2006 = MySQL server has gone away // Falls Verbindung in einen Timeout gelaufen ist // => Verbindung wiederherstellen und Prepare erneut probieren $this->disconnect(); $this->connect(); $query = $this->connection->prepare($rebuildStatement); } if ($query === false || !is_object($query)) { throw new QueryFailureException( sprintf( 'Database prepare failed. Error code #%s. Error message: %s', $this->connection->errno, $this->connection->error ), (int)$this->connection->errno ); } $this->bindParametersToMysqliStatement($query, $bindValues, $parameterNames); $query->execute(); if ($query->errno > 0) { throw new QueryFailureException( sprintf('Database query failed. Error code #%s. Error message: %s', $query->errno, $query->error), (int)$query->errno ); } return $query; } /** * @param string $statement * @param array $values * * @return array */ private function replaceArrayValues($statement, array $values = []) { $parser = new MysqliArrayValueParser(); $result = $parser->rebuild($statement, $values); return [$result['statement'], $result['values']]; } /** * @param string $statement * @param array $values * * @return array */ private function replaceNamedParameters($statement, array $values = []) { $parser = new MysqliNamedParameterParser(); $result = $parser->rebuild($statement, $values); return [$result['statement'], $result['values'], $result['params']]; } /** * @param mysqli_stmt $statement * @param array $bindValues Values for binding * @param array $parameterNames Original parameter names (for debugging only) * * @return void */ private function bindParametersToMysqliStatement($statement, $bindValues, $parameterNames) { if (empty($bindValues)) { return; } $bindTypes = ''; foreach ($bindValues as $index => &$bindValue) { if (is_bool($bindValue)) { $bindValue = (int)$bindValue; $bindTypes .= 'i'; // integer continue; } if (is_float($bindValue)) { $bindTypes .= 'd'; // double continue; } if (is_array($bindValue)) { throw new BindParameterException(sprintf( 'Can not bind parameter of type "array" to placeholder "%s".', $parameterNames[$index] )); } if (is_object($bindValue)) { throw new BindParameterException(sprintf( 'Can not bind parameter of type "object" to placeholder "%s".', $parameterNames[$index] )); } $bindTypes .= 's'; // string } unset($bindValue); $statement->bind_param($bindTypes, ...$bindValues); } /** * @param $statement * @param array $values * * @return mysqli_result */ private function getMysqliResult($statement, array $values = []) { $query = $this->getMysqliStatement($statement, $values); $result = $query->get_result(); $query->close(); if ($result === false) { throw new QueryFailureException( sprintf('Database query failed. Error code #%s. Error message: %s', $query->errno, $query->error), (int)$query->errno ); } return $result; } /** * @param string $methodName * * @return void */ private function startProfiler($methodName) { if ($this->profiler === null) { return; } $this->profiler->start(__CLASS__, $methodName); } /** * @param string|null $statement * @param array $values * * @return void */ private function finishProfiler($statement = null, array $values = []) { if ($this->profiler === null) { return; } $this->profiler->finish($statement, $values); } }