. * * @author Spencer Mortensen * @license http://www.gnu.org/licenses/lgpl-3.0.html LGPL-3.0 * @copyright 2015 Datto, Inc. */ namespace Datto\JsonRpc\Http; use Datto\JsonRpc; use Datto\JsonRpc\Evaluator; /** * Class Server * * @link http://www.simple-is-better.org/json-rpc/transport_http.html Proposed specifications * * @package Datto\JsonRpc\Http */ class Server { private static $CONTENT_TYPE = 'application/json'; /** @var Evaluator */ private $evaluator; /** * @param Evaluator $evaluator */ public function __construct($evaluator) { $this->evaluator = $evaluator; } public function reply() { $contentType = $_SERVER['CONTENT_TYPE'] ?? ''; if (strncmp($contentType, self::$CONTENT_TYPE, strlen(self::$CONTENT_TYPE)) !== 0) { self::errorInvalidContentType(); return; } $message = @file_get_contents('php://input'); if ($message === false) { self::errorInvalidBody(); return; } $server = new JsonRpc\Server($this->evaluator); $reply = $server->reply($message); if ($reply === null) { self::successNoContent(); return; } self::successContent($reply); } private static function errorInvalidContentType() { self::error(415, 'Unsupported Media Type', "Please submit your request with the HTTP header:
\r\n“Content-Type: " . self::$CONTENT_TYPE . "”"); } private static function errorInvalidBody() { self::error(400, 'Bad Request', "Unable to read the HTTP body."); } private static function successNoContent() { header('HTTP/1.1 204 No Content'); } /** * Sends a text value as the body of an HTTP/1.1 "200 OK" response. * * @param string $content * String value that will be sent as the body of the HTTP request. */ private static function successContent($content) { header('HTTP/1.1 200 OK'); header('Content-Type: ' . self::$CONTENT_TYPE); header('Content-Length: ' . strlen($content)); echo $content; } /** * Sends an error response. * * @param int $code * Integer representing the HTTP/1.1 error code. * * @param string $title * String representing the HTTP/1.1 error name. * * @param string $description * Detailed explanation of the error. */ private static function error($code, $title, $description) { header("HTTP/1.1 {$code} {$title}"); echo << Error {$code}: {$title}

Error {$code}



EOS; } }