0) $aes = '2'; if($aes == 2 && is_file(dirname(__DIR__) . "/www/lib/class.aes" . $aes . ".php")){ include_once(dirname(__DIR__) . "/www/lib/class.aes" . $aes . ".php"); }else include_once(dirname(__DIR__) . "/www/lib/class.aes.php"); } if(!class_exists('image')) { include_once (dirname(__DIR__)."/www/lib/class.image.php"); } $classes = array('briefpapier','lieferschein','auftrag','anfrage','gutschrift','bestellung','rechnung','mahnwesen','angebot'); foreach($classes as $class) { if(file_exists(dirname(__DIR__)."/www/lib/dokumente/class.".$class."_custom.php")) { include_once(dirname(__DIR__)."/www/lib/dokumente/class.".$class."_custom.php"); }elseif(file_exists(dirname(__DIR__)."/www/lib/dokumente/class.".$class.".php")) { include_once(dirname(__DIR__)."/www/lib/dokumente/class.".$class.".php"); } } if(!defined('FPDF_FONTPATH')) { define('FPDF_FONTPATH',dirname(__DIR__).'/www/lib/pdf/font/'); } /* include_once(dirname(__FILE__)."/../www/lib/dokumente/class.briefpapier.php"); include_once(dirname(__FILE__)."/../www/lib/dokumente/class.lieferschein.php"); include_once(dirname(__FILE__)."/../www/lib/dokumente/class.auftrag.php"); include_once(dirname(__FILE__)."/../www/lib/dokumente/class.angebot.php"); if(file_exists(dirname(__FILE__)."/../www/lib/dokumente/class.anfrage.php"))include_once(dirname(__FILE__)."/../www/lib/dokumente/class.anfrage.php"); include_once(dirname(__FILE__)."/../www/lib/dokumente/class.gutschrift.php"); include_once(dirname(__FILE__)."/../www/lib/dokumente/class.bestellung.php"); include_once(dirname(__FILE__)."/../www/lib/dokumente/class.rechnung.php"); include_once(dirname(__FILE__)."/../www/lib/dokumente/class.mahnwesen.php");*/ if(!class_exists('WawiString')){ include_once(dirname(__DIR__) . "/phpwf/plugins/class.string.php"); } if(!class_exists('app_t2')) { class app_t2 extends ApplicationCore { var $DB; var $erp; var $User; var $mail; var $remote; var $Secure; public function GetLandLang($isocode) { $flipped = array_flip($this->GetLaender()); if(isset($flipped[$isocode])){ $land = $flipped[$isocode]; } else { $land = 'unkown'; } return $land; } public function GetLaender() { $laender = array( 'Afghanistan' => 'AF', 'Ägypten' => 'EG', 'Albanien' => 'AL', 'Algerien' => 'DZ', 'Andorra' => 'AD', 'Angola' => 'AO', 'Anguilla' => 'AI', 'Antarktis' => 'AQ', 'Antigua und Barbuda' => 'AG', 'Äquatorial Guinea' => 'GQ', 'Argentinien' => 'AR', 'Armenien' => 'AM', 'Aruba' => 'AW', 'Aserbaidschan' => 'AZ', 'Äthiopien' => 'ET', 'Australien' => 'AU', 'Bahamas' => 'BS', 'Bahrain' => 'BH', 'Bangladesh' => 'BD', 'Barbados' => 'BB', 'Belgien' => 'BE', 'Belize' => 'BZ', 'Benin' => 'BJ', 'Bermudas' => 'BM', 'Bhutan' => 'BT', 'Birma' => 'MM', 'Bolivien' => 'BO', 'Bosnien-Herzegowina' => 'BA', 'Botswana' => 'BW', 'Bouvet Inseln' => 'BV', 'Brasilien' => 'BR', 'Britisch-Indischer Ozean' => 'IO', 'Brunei' => 'BN', 'Bulgarien' => 'BG', 'Burkina Faso' => 'BF', 'Burundi' => 'BI', 'Chile' => 'CL', 'China' => 'CN', 'Christmas Island' => 'CX', 'Cook Inseln' => 'CK', 'Costa Rica' => 'CR', 'Dänemark' => 'DK', 'Deutschland' => 'DE', 'Djibuti' => 'DJ', 'Dominika' => 'DM', 'Dominikanische Republik' => 'DO', 'Ecuador' => 'EC', 'El Salvador' => 'SV', 'Elfenbeinküste' => 'CI', 'Eritrea' => 'ER', 'Estland' => 'EE', 'Falkland Inseln' => 'FK', 'Färöer Inseln' => 'FO', 'Fidschi' => 'FJ', 'Finnland' => 'FI', 'Frankreich' => 'FR', 'Französisch Guyana' => 'GF', 'Französisch Polynesien' => 'PF', 'Französisches Süd-Territorium' => 'TF', 'Gabun' => 'GA', 'Gambia' => 'GM', 'Georgien' => 'GE', 'Ghana' => 'GH', 'Gibraltar' => 'GI', 'Grenada' => 'GD', 'Griechenland' => 'GR', 'Grönland' => 'GL', 'Großbritannien' => 'UK', 'Großbritannien (UK)' => 'GB', 'Guadeloupe' => 'GP', 'Guam' => 'GU', 'Guatemala' => 'GT', 'Guinea' => 'GN', 'Guinea Bissau' => 'GW', 'Guyana' => 'GY', 'Haiti' => 'HT', 'Heard und McDonald Islands' => 'HM', 'Honduras' => 'HN', 'Hong Kong' => 'HK', 'Indien' => 'IN', 'Indonesien' => 'ID', 'Irak' => 'IQ', 'Iran' => 'IR', 'Irland' => 'IE', 'Island' => 'IS', 'Israel' => 'IL', 'Italien' => 'IT', 'Jamaika' => 'JM', 'Japan' => 'JP', 'Jemen' => 'YE', 'Jordanien' => 'JO', 'Jugoslawien' => 'YU', 'Kaiman Inseln' => 'KY', 'Kambodscha' => 'KH', 'Kamerun' => 'CM', 'Kanada' => 'CA', 'Kap Verde' => 'CV', 'Kasachstan' => 'KZ', 'Kenia' => 'KE', 'Kirgisistan' => 'KG', 'Kiribati' => 'KI', 'Kokosinseln' => 'CC', 'Kolumbien' => 'CO', 'Komoren' => 'KM', 'Kongo' => 'CG', 'Kongo, Demokratische Republik' => 'CD', 'Kosovo' => 'KO', 'Kroatien' => 'HR', 'Kuba' => 'CU', 'Kuwait' => 'KW', 'Laos' => 'LA', 'Lesotho' => 'LS', 'Lettland' => 'LV', 'Libanon' => 'LB', 'Liberia' => 'LR', 'Libyen' => 'LY', 'Liechtenstein' => 'LI', 'Litauen' => 'LT', 'Luxemburg' => 'LU', 'Macao' => 'MO', 'Madagaskar' => 'MG', 'Malawi' => 'MW', 'Malaysia' => 'MY', 'Malediven' => 'MV', 'Mali' => 'ML', 'Malta' => 'MT', 'Marianen' => 'MP', 'Marokko' => 'MA', 'Marshall Inseln' => 'MH', 'Martinique' => 'MQ', 'Mauretanien' => 'MR', 'Mauritius' => 'MU', 'Mayotte' => 'YT', 'Mazedonien' => 'MK', 'Mexiko' => 'MX', 'Mikronesien' => 'FM', 'Mocambique' => 'MZ', 'Moldavien' => 'MD', 'Monaco' => 'MC', 'Mongolei' => 'MN', 'Montenegro' => 'ME', 'Montserrat' => 'MS', 'Namibia' => 'NA', 'Nauru' => 'NR', 'Nepal' => 'NP', 'Neukaledonien' => 'NC', 'Neuseeland' => 'NZ', 'Nicaragua' => 'NI', 'Niederlande' => 'NL', 'Niederländische Antillen' => 'AN', 'Niger' => 'NE', 'Nigeria' => 'NG', 'Niue' => 'NU', 'Nord Korea' => 'KP', 'Norfolk Inseln' => 'NF', 'Norwegen' => 'NO', 'Oman' => 'OM', 'Österreich' => 'AT', 'Pakistan' => 'PK', 'Palästina' => 'PS', 'Palau' => 'PW', 'Panama' => 'PA', 'Papua Neuguinea' => 'PG', 'Paraguay' => 'PY', 'Peru' => 'PE', 'Philippinen' => 'PH', 'Pitcairn' => 'PN', 'Polen' => 'PL', 'Portugal' => 'PT', 'Puerto Rico' => 'PR', 'Qatar' => 'QA', 'Reunion' => 'RE', 'Ruanda' => 'RW', 'Rumänien' => 'RO', 'Rußland' => 'RU', 'Saint Lucia' => 'LC', 'Sambia' => 'ZM', 'Samoa' => 'AS', 'Samoa' => 'WS', 'San Marino' => 'SM', 'Sao Tome' => 'ST', 'Saudi Arabien' => 'SA', 'Schweden' => 'SE', 'Schweiz' => 'CH', 'Senegal' => 'SN', 'Serbien' => 'RS', 'Seychellen' => 'SC', 'Sierra Leone' => 'SL', 'Singapur' => 'SG', 'Slowakei -slowakische Republik-' => 'SK', 'Slowenien' => 'SI', 'Solomon Inseln' => 'SB', 'Somalia' => 'SO', 'South Georgia, South Sandwich Isl.' => 'GS', 'Spanien' => 'ES', 'Sri Lanka' => 'LK', 'St. Helena' => 'SH', 'St. Kitts Nevis Anguilla' => 'KN', 'St. Pierre und Miquelon' => 'PM', 'St. Vincent' => 'VC', 'Süd Korea' => 'KR', 'Südafrika' => 'ZA', 'Sudan' => 'SD', 'Surinam' => 'SR', 'Svalbard und Jan Mayen Islands' => 'SJ', 'Swasiland' => 'SZ', 'Syrien' => 'SY', 'Tadschikistan' => 'TJ', 'Taiwan' => 'TW', 'Tansania' => 'TZ', 'Thailand' => 'TH', 'Timor' => 'TP', 'Togo' => 'TG', 'Tokelau' => 'TK', 'Tonga' => 'TO', 'Trinidad Tobago' => 'TT', 'Tschad' => 'TD', 'Tschechische Republik' => 'CZ', 'Tunesien' => 'TN', 'Türkei' => 'TR', 'Turkmenistan' => 'TM', 'Turks und Kaikos Inseln' => 'TC', 'Tuvalu' => 'TV', 'Uganda' => 'UG', 'Ukraine' => 'UA', 'Ungarn' => 'HU', 'Uruguay' => 'UY', 'Usbekistan' => 'UZ', 'Vanuatu' => 'VU', 'Vatikan' => 'VA', 'Venezuela' => 'VE', 'Vereinigte Arabische Emirate' => 'AE', 'Vereinigte Staaten von Amerika' => 'US', 'Vietnam' => 'VN', 'Virgin Island (Brit.)' => 'VG', 'Virgin Island (USA)' => 'VI', 'Wallis et Futuna' => 'WF', 'Weißrußland' => 'BY', 'Westsahara' => 'EH', 'Zentralafrikanische Republik' => 'CF', 'Zimbabwe' => 'ZW', 'Zypern' => 'CY' ); return $laender; } } } //ENDE if(empty($app) || !class_exists('ApplicationCore') || !($app instanceof ApplicationCore)) { $app = new app_t2(); } if(empty($app->Conf)){ $conf = new Config(); $app->Conf = $conf; } if(empty($app->DB) || empty($app->DB->connection)){ $app->DB = new DB($app->Conf->WFdbhost, $app->Conf->WFdbname, $app->Conf->WFdbuser, $app->Conf->WFdbpass, null, $app->Conf->WFdbport); } if(empty($app->erp)){ if(class_exists('erpAPICustom')){ $erp = new erpAPICustom($app); } else{ $erp = new erpAPI($app); } $app->erp = $erp; } if(class_exists('RemoteCustom')) { $app->remote = new RemoteCustom($app); }elseif(class_exists('Remote')) { $app->remote = new Remote($app); } $app->String = new WawiString(); $app->Secure = new Secure($app); $app->User = new User($app); if(class_exists('FormHandler')){ $app->FormHandler = new FormHandler($app); } if(class_exists('TemplateParser')) { $app->TemplateParser = new TemplateParser($app); } if(!defined('FPDF_FONTPATH')) { define('FPDF_FONTPATH',dirname(__DIR__)."/www/lib/pdf/font/"); } $pdf = new pdfarchiv_app($app); $pdf->run(); class pdfarchiv_app { /** @var ApplicationCore $app */ var $app; /** @var string $folder */ var $folder; /** * pdfarchiv_app constructor. * * @param ApplicationCore $app */ public function __construct($app) { $this->app = $app; $this->folder = $this->app->Conf->WFuserdata."/pdfarchiv/".$this->app->Conf->WFdbname; } /** * @return bool */ public function run() { if(!empty($this->app->Conf->WFuserdata)) { if(!file_exists($this->app->Conf->WFuserdata.'/pdfarchiv')) { if(!@mkdir($this->app->Conf->WFuserdata.'/pdfarchiv') && !is_dir($this->app->Conf->WFuserdata.'/pdfarchiv')) { echo $this->app->Conf->WFuserdata."/pdfarchiv"."konnte nicht erstellt werden\r\n"; } } if(!file_exists($this->folder)) { if(!@mkdir($this->folder) && !is_dir($this->folder)) { echo $this->folder."konnte nicht erstellt werden\r\n"; } } } if(!file_exists($this->folder)) { return false; } $run = true; $this->app->DB->Update("UPDATE prozessstarter SET mutexcounter = mutexcounter+1 WHERE parameter = 'pdfarchiv_app' AND aktiv = 1 AND mutex = 1"); if($this->app->DB->Select("SELECT mutex FROM prozessstarter WHERE parameter = 'pdfarchiv_app' AND aktiv = 1 LIMIT 1")) { return false; } while($run) { $this->app->DB->Update("UPDATE prozessstarter SET mutex = 1 , mutexcounter = 0, letzteausfuerhung = now() WHERE parameter = 'pdfarchiv_app' AND aktiv = 1"); $run = $this->run_next(); if(method_exists($this->app->erp, 'canRunCronjob') && !$this->app->erp->canRunCronjob(['pdfarchiv_app'])) { return true; } } $this->app->DB->Update("UPDATE prozessstarter SET mutex = 0 , mutexcounter = 0 WHERE parameter = 'pdfarchiv_app' AND aktiv = 1"); return true; } /** * @return bool */ protected function run_next() { $job = $this->app->DB->SelectRow("SELECT * FROM pdfarchiv_jobs WHERE status = 'angelegt' and aktiv = 1 and abbrechen <> 1 ORDER by geaendert_am LIMIT 1"); if(empty($job)) { return false; } if($job) { $this->app->DB->Update("UPDATE pdfarchiv_jobs SET status = 'gestartet' WHERE id = '".$job['id']."' LIMIT 1"); $monatvon = (int)$job['monat_von']; $monatbis = (int)$job['monat_bis']; $jahrvon = (int)$job['jahr_von']; $jahrbis = (int)$job['jahr_bis']; if($jahrbis < $jahrvon) { $jahrbis = $jahrvon; $monatbis = $monatvon; } if($jahrbis == $jahrvon && $monatbis < $monatvon) { $monatbis = $monatvon; } $monatvon = ($monatvon < 10?'0':'').$monatvon; $monatbis = ($monatbis < 10?'0':'').$monatbis; $pdfneu = $job['pdfneu']; $generiere_nur_neue = $job['generiere_nur_neue']; $tabs = explode(',',$job['tabellen']); foreach($tabs as $k => $v) { $tabelle = strtolower(trim($v)); if(!empty($tabelle)) { $tabellen[] = $tabelle; } } if(empty($tabellen)) { $this->app->DB->Update("UPDATE pdfarchiv_jobs SET status = 'Fehler', kommentar = 'Keine Tabellen angegeben' WHERE id = '".$job['id']."' LIMIT 1"); return true; } $this->app->DB->Update("UPDATE prozessstarter SET mutex = 1 , mutexcounter = 0 WHERE parameter = 'pdfarchiv_app' AND aktiv = 1"); if($pdfneu) { echo "pdfneu\r\n"; $this->app->DB->Update("UPDATE pdfarchiv_jobs SET status = 'Archiviere...' WHERE id = '".$job['id']."' LIMIT 1"); $centries = 0; foreach($tabellen as $table) { $centries++; if($centries % 10 === 0 && function_exists('gc_enabled') && function_exists('gc_collect_cycles') && gc_enabled()) { $cgc = gc_collect_cycles(); if($cgc > 0) { $this->app->erp->LogFile($cgc.' cycles collected'); } } $check = $this->app->DB->Query("SELECT t.id,t.projekt,t.schreibschutz FROM $table t LEFT JOIN pdfarchiv p ON p.table_id = t.id AND p.table_name = '$table' AND CHAR_LENGTH(p.belegnummer) > 2 AND p.belegnummer <> 'SAB' WHERE t.belegnr <> '' AND t.status <> 'angelegt' AND t.status <> 'angelegta' AND t.status <> 'a' AND year(t.datum) >= '".$jahrvon."' AND year(t.datum) <= '".$jahrbis."' AND month(t.datum) >= '".$monatvon."' AND month(t.datum) <= '".$monatbis."' GROUP BY t.id,t.projekt"); while($row = $this->app->DB->Fetch_Array($check)) { echo "$table ".$row['id']."\r\n"; if(empty($row['schreibschutz'])) { $this->app->DB->Update("UPDATE $table SET schreibschutz = 1 WHERE id = '".$row['id']."' LIMIT 1"); $protkollfunktion = ucfirst($table.'Protokoll'); if(method_exists($this->app->erp,$protkollfunktion)) { $this->app->erp->$protkollfunktion($row['id'], 'PDF-Archiv-App: Schreibschutz gesetzt'); } } $this->app->DB->Update("UPDATE prozessstarter SET mutex = 1 , mutexcounter = 0, letzteausfuerhung = now() WHERE parameter = 'pdfarchiv_app' AND aktiv = 1"); if($this->app->DB->Select("SELECT abbrechen FROM pdfarchiv_jobs WHERE id = '".$job['id']."'")) { $this->app->DB->Update("UPDATE pdfarchiv_jobs SET status = 'abgebrochen' WHERE id = '".$job['id']."' LIMIT 1"); return true; } if($table === 'rechnung') { $mahnwesen = $this->app->DB->Select("SELECT mahnwesen FROM rechnung WHERE id='".$row['id']."' LIMIT 1"); if($mahnwesen && class_exists('MahnwesenPDF')) { $this->app->erp->BriefpapierHintergrunddisable = !$this->app->erp->BriefpapierHintergrunddisable; if(class_exists('MahnwesenCustomPDF')) { $Brief = new MahnwesenCustomPDF($this->app, $row['projekt']); }else{ $Brief = new MahnwesenPDF($this->app, $row['projekt']); } $Brief->GetRechnung($row['id'], $mahnwesen); $tmpfile = $Brief->displayTMP(); $Brief->ArchiviereDocument(); unlink($tmpfile); $this->app->erp->BriefpapierHintergrunddisable = !$this->app->erp->BriefpapierHintergrunddisable; if(class_exists('MahnwesenCustomPDF')) { $Brief = new MahnwesenCustomPDF($this->app, $row['projekt']); }else{ $Brief = new MahnwesenPDF($this->app, $row['projekt']); } $Brief->GetRechnung($row['id'], $mahnwesen); $tmpfile = $Brief->displayTMP(); $Brief->ArchiviereDocument(); unlink($tmpfile); } } $name = ucfirst($table).'PDFCustom'; if(!class_exists($name)) { $name = ucfirst($table).'PDF'; } $nameget = 'Get'.ucfirst($table); $this->app->erp->BriefpapierHintergrunddisable = !$this->app->erp->BriefpapierHintergrunddisable; $Brief = new $name($this->app, $row['projekt']); $Brief->$nameget($row['id']); $tmpfile = $Brief->displayTMP(); $Brief->ArchiviereDocument(); unlink($tmpfile); $this->app->erp->BriefpapierHintergrunddisable = !$this->app->erp->BriefpapierHintergrunddisable; if(class_exists($name)){ $anzargs = 2; if(method_exists($name,'__construct')) { $r = new ReflectionMethod($name, '__construct'); $params = $r->getParameters(); $anzargs = count($params); } if($anzargs < 2) { $Brief = new $name($this->app); }else{ $Brief = new $name($this->app, $row['projekt']); } $Brief->$nameget($row['id']); $tmpfile = $Brief->displayTMP(); $Brief->ArchiviereDocument(); unlink($tmpfile); } } if($check) { $this->app->DB->free($check); } } }elseif($generiere_nur_neue) { $this->app->DB->Update("UPDATE pdfarchiv_jobs SET status = 'Archiviere...' WHERE id = '".$job['id']."' LIMIT 1"); foreach($tabellen as $table) { $check = $this->app->DB->Query("SELECT t.* FROM $table t LEFT JOIN pdfarchiv p ON p.table_id = t.id AND p.table_name = '$table' AND if(t.schreibschutz = 1, p.schreibschutz = 1,1) AND CHAR_LENGTH(p.belegnummer) > 2 AND p.belegnummer <> 'SAB' WHERE isnull(p.id) AND t.belegnr <> '' AND t.status <> 'angelegt' AND t.status <> 'angelegta' AND t.status <> 'a' AND year(t.datum) >= '".$jahrvon."' AND year(t.datum) <= '".$jahrbis."' AND month(t.datum) >= '".$monatvon."' AND month(t.datum) <= '".$monatbis."' "); $centries = 0; while($row = $this->app->DB->Fetch_Array($check)) { echo "$table ".$row['id']."\r\n"; $centries++; if($centries % 10 === 0 && function_exists('gc_enabled') && function_exists('gc_collect_cycles') && gc_enabled()) { $cgc = gc_collect_cycles(); if($cgc > 0) { $this->app->erp->LogFile($cgc.' cycles collected'); } } if(empty($row['schreibschutz'])) { $this->app->DB->Update("UPDATE $table SET schreibschutz = 1 WHERE id = '".$row['id']."' LIMIT 1"); $protkollfunktion = ucfirst($table.'Protokoll'); if(method_exists($this->app->erp,$protkollfunktion)) { $this->app->erp->$protkollfunktion($row['id'], 'PDF-Archiv-App: Schreibschutz gesetzt'); } } $this->app->DB->Update("UPDATE prozessstarter SET mutex = 1 , mutexcounter = 0, letzteausfuerhung = now() WHERE parameter = 'pdfarchiv_app' AND aktiv = 1"); if($this->app->DB->Select("SELECT abbrechen FROM pdfarchiv_jobs WHERE id = '".$job['id']."'")) { $this->app->DB->Update("UPDATE pdfarchiv_jobs SET status = 'abgebrochen' WHERE id = '".$job['id']."' LIMIT 1"); return true; } $name = ucfirst($table).'PDFCustom'; if(!class_exists($name)) { $name = ucfirst($table).'PDF'; } $nameget = 'Get'.ucfirst($table); $this->app->erp->BriefpapierHintergrunddisable = !$this->app->erp->BriefpapierHintergrunddisable; $this->app->erp->BriefpapierHintergrunddisable = !$this->app->erp->BriefpapierHintergrunddisable; $Brief = new $name($this->app, $row['projekt']); $Brief->$nameget($row['id']); $tmpfile = $Brief->displayTMP(); $Brief->ArchiviereDocument(); unlink($tmpfile); $this->app->erp->BriefpapierHintergrunddisable = !$this->app->erp->BriefpapierHintergrunddisable; $Brief = new $name($this->app, $row['projekt']); $Brief->$nameget($row['id']); $tmpfile = $Brief->displayTMP(); $Brief->ArchiviereDocument(); unlink($tmpfile); } } } $this->app->DB->Update("UPDATE prozessstarter SET mutex = 1 , mutexcounter = 0, letzteausfuerhung = now() WHERE parameter = 'pdfarchiv_app' AND aktiv = 1"); if($this->app->DB->Select("SELECT abbrechen FROM pdfarchiv_jobs WHERE id = '".$job['id']."'")) { $this->app->DB->Update("UPDATE pdfarchiv_jobs SET status = 'abgebrochen' WHERE id = '".$job['id']."' LIMIT 1"); return true; } $allepdf = $job['allepdf']; $this->app->DB->Update("UPDATE pdfarchiv_jobs SET status = 'Speichere...' WHERE id = '".$job['id']."' LIMIT 1"); $pfad = $this->folder.'/'.$monatvon.$jahrvon.'-'.$monatbis.$jahrbis.'-'.$job['id']; $pfad_rel = $monatvon.$jahrvon.'-'.$monatbis.$jahrbis.'-'.$job['id']; $i = 0; while(file_exists($pfad)) { $i++; $pfad = $pfad = $this->folder.'/'.$monatvon.$jahrvon.'-'.$monatbis.$jahrbis.'_'.$i.'_'.$job['id']; $pfad_rel = $monatvon.$jahrvon.'-'.$monatbis.$jahrbis.'_'.$i.'_'.$job['id']; } $zip = false; $gz = false; if($job['format'] === 'zip') { $zip = true; } if($job['format'] === 'gz') { $gz = true; } if($zip) { if(!class_exists('ZipArchive')) { $this->app->DB->Update("UPDATE pdfarchiv_jobs SET status = 'Fehler', kommentar = 'Die Klasse ZipArchiv ist nicht installiert' WHERE id = '".$job['id']."' LIMIT 1"); return false; } $ziparchiv = new ZipArchive; if($ziparchiv->open($pfad.'.zip', ZipArchive::CREATE) !== true) { $this->app->erp->LogFile($pfad.'.zip '.(file_exists($pfad.'.zip')?'ex':'ex nicht')); $this->app->DB->Update("UPDATE pdfarchiv_jobs SET status = 'Fehler', kommentar = 'Es konnte kein Zip-Archiv erstellt werden' WHERE id = '".$job['id']."' LIMIT 1"); return false; } }elseif($gz){ if(!mkdir($pfad) && !is_dir($pfad)){ echo "$pfad konnte nicht erstellt werden\r\n"; } if(!function_exists('system')) { $this->app->DB->Update("UPDATE pdfarchiv_jobs SET status = 'Fehler', kommentar = 'Die Funktion system() ist deaktivert: Es ist nicht moeglich gz-Archive zu erzeugen' WHERE id = '".$job['id']."' LIMIT 1"); return false; } } foreach($tabellen as $table) { if(!$gz && !$zip) { continue; } if($allepdf) { echo "allepdf\r\n"; $sql = "SELECT t.*, p.dateiname, p.belegnummer as pbelegnr FROM $table t LEFT JOIN pdfarchiv p ON p.table_id = t.id AND p.table_name = '$table' AND CHAR_LENGTH(p.belegnummer) > 2 AND p.belegnummer <> 'SAB' WHERE p.dateiname <> '' AND not isnull(p.dateiname) AND t.belegnr <> '' AND t.status <> 'angelegt' AND t.status <> 'angelegta' AND t.status <> 'a' AND( year(t.datum) >= '".$jahrvon."' AND year(t.datum) <= '".$jahrbis."' AND month(t.datum) >= '".$monatvon."' AND month(t.datum) <= '".$monatbis."') ORDER BY p.table_id, p.id DESC "; $check = $this->app->DB->Query($sql); //echo $sql."\r\n"; echo mysqli_error($this->app->DB->connection); $centries = 0; while($row = $this->app->DB->Fetch_Array($check)) { $centries++; if($centries % 10 === 0 && function_exists('gc_enabled') && function_exists('gc_collect_cycles') && gc_enabled()) { $cgc = gc_collect_cycles(); if($cgc > 0) { $this->app->erp->LogFile($cgc.' cycles collected'); } } echo $row['id']; $this->app->DB->Update("UPDATE prozessstarter SET mutex = 1 , mutexcounter = 0, letzteausfuerhung = now() WHERE parameter = 'pdfarchiv_app' AND aktiv = 1"); $dateipfad = Briefpapier::getPDFfolder($this->folder.'/'.$table,$row['id'],$row['dateiname']); //if(file_exists($this->folder.'/'.$table.'/'.$row['dateiname'])) if(file_exists($dateipfad)) { echo " ".$row['dateiname']; $belegnr = $row['pbelegnr']; if(!$belegnr)$belegnr = $this->app->DB->Select("SELECT belegnr FROM $table WHERE id = '".$table['table_id']."' LIMIT 1"); if(!$belegnr)$belegnr = $table; $ziel = $pfad.'/'.$table.'/'.$belegnr.'.pdf'; $zielzip = $table.'/'.$belegnr.'.pdf'; $i = 0; while(file_exists($ziel)) { $i++; $ziel = $pfad.'/'.$table.'/'.$belegnr.'_'.$i.'.pdf'; $zielzip = $table.'/'.$belegnr.'_'.$i.'.pdf'; } if($zip) { //echo "addfile: ".$ziparchiv->addFile($this->folder.'/'.$table.'/'.$row['dateiname'], $zielzip); echo "addfile: ".$ziparchiv->addFile($dateipfad, $zielzip); echo "\r\n"; echo "numfiles: " . $ziparchiv->numFiles . "\n"; echo "status:" . $ziparchiv->status . "\n"; echo "status:" . $ziparchiv->getStatusString()."\r\n"; }else{ if(!file_exists($pfad.'/'.$table)) { if(!mkdir($pfad.'/'.$table) && !is_dir($pfad.'/'.$table)) { echo 'Es konnte der Pfad '.$pfad.'/'.$table.' nicht erstellt werden'."\r\n"; } } //copy($this->folder.'/'.$table.'/'.$row['dateiname'], $ziel); copy($dateipfad, $ziel); } } echo "\r\n"; } }else{ echo "nur neueste\r\n"; $check = $this->app->DB->Query("SELECT t.*,p.table_id, p.dateiname, p.belegnummer as pbelegnr FROM $table t LEFT JOIN pdfarchiv p ON p.table_id = t.id AND p.table_name = '$table' AND CHAR_LENGTH(p.belegnummer) > 2 AND p.belegnummer <> 'SAB' WHERE p.dateiname <> '' AND t.belegnr <> '' AND t.status <> 'angelegt' AND t.status <> 'angelegta' AND t.status <> 'a' AND( year(t.datum) >= '".$jahrvon."' AND year(t.datum) <= '".$jahrbis."' AND month(t.datum) >= '".$monatvon."' AND month(t.datum) <= '".$monatbis."') ORDER BY p.table_id, p.id DESC "); $lasttable_id = false; $centries = 0; while($row = $this->app->DB->Fetch_Array($check)) { $centries++; if($centries % 10 === 0 && function_exists('gc_enabled') && function_exists('gc_collect_cycles') && gc_enabled()) { $cgc = gc_collect_cycles(); if($cgc > 0) { $this->app->erp->LogFile($cgc.' cycles collected'); } } echo $row['id']; $this->app->DB->Update("UPDATE prozessstarter SET mutex = 1 , mutexcounter = 0, letzteausfuerhung = now() WHERE parameter = 'pdfarchiv_app' AND aktiv = 1"); if($lasttable_id != $row['table_id']) { $ok = false; $lasttable_id = $row['table_id']; } if(!$ok) { $dateipfad = Briefpapier::getPDFfolder($this->folder.'/'.$table,$row['id'],$row['dateiname']); //if(file_exists($this->folder.'/'.$table.'/'.$row['dateiname'])) if(file_exists($dateipfad)) { echo " ".$row['dateiname']; $ok = true; $belegnr = $row['pbelegnr']; if(!$belegnr)$belegnr = $this->app->DB->Select("SELECT belegnr FROM $table WHERE id = '".$table['table_id']."' LIMIT 1"); if(!$belegnr)$belegnr = $table; $ziel = $pfad.'/'.$table.'/'.$belegnr.'.pdf'; $zielzip = $table.'/'.$belegnr.'.pdf'; $i = 0; while(file_exists($ziel)) { $i++; $zielzip = $table.'/'.$belegnr.'_'.$i.'.pdf'; $ziel = $pfad.'/'.$table.'/'.$belegnr.'_'.$i.'.pdf'; } if($zip) { //$ziparchiv->addFile($this->folder.'/'.$table.'/'.$row['dateiname'], $zielzip); $ziparchiv->addFile($dateipfad, $zielzip); echo "numfiles: " . $ziparchiv->numFiles . "\n"; echo "status:" . $ziparchiv->status . "\n"; echo "status:" . $ziparchiv->getStatusString()."\r\n"; }else{ if(!file_exists($pfad.'/'.$table)) { if(!mkdir($pfad.'/'.$table) && !is_dir($pfad.'/'.$table)) { echo $pfad.'/'.$table." konnte nicht erstellt werden\r\n"; } } //copy($this->folder.'/'.$table.'/'.$row['dateiname'], $ziel); copy($dateipfad, $ziel); } } } echo "\r\n"; } } } $this->app->DB->Update("UPDATE prozessstarter SET mutex = 1 , mutexcounter = 0, letzteausfuerhung = now() WHERE parameter = 'pdfarchiv_app' AND aktiv = 1"); if($zip) { if(TRUE !== $ziparchiv->close()) { $this->app->DB->Update("UPDATE pdfarchiv_jobs SET status = 'Fehler', kommentar = 'Fehler beim Speichern des Zip-Archives' WHERE id = '".$job['id']."' LIMIT 1"); return false; } $this->app->erp->LogFile($pfad.'.zip '.(file_exists($pfad.'.zip')?'ex':'ex nicht')); $this->app->DB->Update("UPDATE pdfarchiv_jobs SET status = 'abgeschlossen',kommentar = '', datei = '".$pfad_rel.".zip' WHERE id = '".$job['id']."' LIMIT 1"); }elseif($gz){ system("cd ".$this->folder." && tar cfz ".$pfad.".tar.gz $pfad_rel $1>/dev/null"); $this->app->DB->Update("UPDATE pdfarchiv_jobs SET status = 'abgeschlossen',kommentar = '', datei = '".$pfad_rel.".tar.gz' WHERE id = '".$job['id']."' LIMIT 1"); }else{ $this->app->DB->Update("UPDATE pdfarchiv_jobs SET status = 'abgeschlossen',kommentar = '', datei = '' WHERE id = '".$job['id']."' LIMIT 1"); } $this->app->DB->Update("UPDATE prozessstarter SET mutex = 1 , mutexcounter = 0, letzteausfuerhung = now() WHERE parameter = 'pdfarchiv_app' AND aktiv = 1"); //system("rm -R $pfad"); } return true; } } /* echo "Suche nach nicht archivierten Dokumenten..\r\n"; $dokumente = array('auftrag','angebot','gutschrift','rechnung','bestellung','lieferschein','anfrage'); foreach($dokumente as $table) { echo $table."\r\n"; $check = $app->DB->Query("SELECT t.* FROM $table t LEFT JOIN pdfarchiv p ON p.table_id = t.id AND p.table_name = '$table' WHERE isnull(p.id) AND belegnr <> '' AND status <> 'storniert' AND status <> 'angelegt' AND status <> 'angelegta' AND status <> 'a' AND status <> ''"); while($row = $app->DB->Fetch_Array($check)) { echo $row['id']."\r\n"; $name = ucfirst($table).'PDF'; $nameget = 'Get'.ucfirst($table); $Brief = new $name($app, $row['projekt']); $Brief->$nameget($row['id']); $tmpfile = $Brief->displayTMP(); $Brief->ArchiviereDocument(); } } */