validator = $validator; $this->inputs = $this->resolveInputAttributes($inputs); $this->messages = $messages; $this->errors = new ErrorBag; foreach($rules as $attributeKey => $rules) { $this->addAttribute($attributeKey, $rules); } } public function addAttribute($attributeKey, $rules) { $resolved_rules = $this->resolveRules($rules); $attribute = new Attribute($this, $attributeKey, $this->getAlias($attributeKey), $resolved_rules); $this->attributes[$attributeKey] = $attribute; } public function getAttribute($attributeKey) { return isset($this->attributes[$attributeKey])? $this->attributes[$attributeKey] : null; } public function validate(array $inputs = array()) { $this->errors = new ErrorBag; // reset error bag $this->inputs = array_merge($this->inputs, $this->resolveInputAttributes($inputs)); foreach($this->attributes as $attributeKey => $attribute) { $this->validateAttribute($attribute); } } public function errors() { return $this->errors; } protected function validateAttribute(Attribute $attribute) { if ($this->isArrayAttribute($attribute)) { $attributes = $this->parseArrayAttribute($attribute); foreach($attributes as $i => $attr) { $this->validateAttribute($attr); } return; } $attributeKey = $attribute->getKey(); $rules = $attribute->getRules(); $value = $this->getValue($attributeKey); $isEmptyValue = $this->isEmptyValue($value); $isValid = true; foreach($rules as $ruleValidator) { $ruleValidator->setAttribute($attribute); if ($isEmptyValue && $ruleValidator instanceof Defaults) { $value = $ruleValidator->check(null); $isEmptyValue = $this->isEmptyValue($value); continue; } $valid = $ruleValidator->check($value); if ($isEmptyValue AND $this->ruleIsOptional($attribute, $ruleValidator)) { continue; } if (!$valid) { $isValid = false; $this->addError($attribute, $value, $ruleValidator); if ($ruleValidator->isImplicit()) { break; } } } if ($isValid) { $this->setValidData($attribute, $value); } else { $this->setInvalidData($attribute, $value); } } protected function isArrayAttribute(Attribute $attribute) { $key = $attribute->getKey(); return strpos($key, '*') !== false; } protected function parseArrayAttribute(Attribute $attribute) { $attributeKey = $attribute->getKey(); $data = Helper::arrayDot($this->initializeAttributeOnData($attributeKey)); $pattern = str_replace('\*', '([^\.]+)', preg_quote($attributeKey)); $data = array_merge($data, $this->extractValuesForWildcards( $data, $attributeKey )); $attributes = []; foreach ($data as $key => $value) { if ((bool) preg_match('/^'.$pattern.'\z/', $key, $match)) { $attr = new Attribute($this, $key, null, $attribute->getRules()); $attr->setPrimaryAttribute($attribute); $attr->setKeyIndexes(array_slice($match, 1)); $attributes[] = $attr; } } // set other attributes to each attributes foreach ($attributes as $i => $attr) { $otherAttributes = $attributes; unset($otherAttributes[$i]); $attr->setOtherAttributes($otherAttributes); } return $attributes; } /** * Gather a copy of the attribute data filled with any missing attributes. * Adapted from: * * @param string $attribute * @return array */ protected function initializeAttributeOnData($attributeKey) { $explicitPath = $this->getLeadingExplicitAttributePath($attributeKey); $data = $this->extractDataFromPath($explicitPath); $asteriskPos = strpos($attributeKey, '*'); if (false === $asteriskPos || $asteriskPos === (mb_strlen($attributeKey, 'UTF-8') - 1)) { return $data; } return Helper::arraySet($data, $attributeKey, null, true); } /** * Get all of the exact attribute values for a given wildcard attribute. * Adapted from: * * @param array $data * @param string $attributeKey * @return array */ public function extractValuesForWildcards($data, $attributeKey) { $keys = []; $pattern = str_replace('\*', '[^\.]+', preg_quote($attributeKey)); foreach ($data as $key => $value) { if ((bool) preg_match('/^'.$pattern.'/', $key, $matches)) { $keys[] = $matches[0]; } } $keys = array_unique($keys); $data = []; foreach ($keys as $key) { $data[$key] = Helper::arrayGet($this->inputs, $key); } return $data; } /** * Get the explicit part of the attribute name. * Adapted from: * * E.g. '*.baz' -> '' * * Allows us to not spin through all of the flattened data for some operations. * * @param string $attributeKey * @return string */ protected function getLeadingExplicitAttributePath($attributeKey) { return rtrim(explode('*', $attributeKey)[0], '.') ?: null; } /** * Extract data based on the given dot-notated path. * Adapted from: * * Used to extract a sub-section of the data for faster iteration. * * @param string $attributeKey * @return array */ protected function extractDataFromPath($attributeKey) { $results = []; $value = Helper::arrayGet($this->inputs, $attributeKey, '__missing__'); if ($value != '__missing__') { Helper::arraySet($results, $attributeKey, $value); } return $results; } protected function addError(Attribute $attribute, $value, Rule $ruleValidator) { $ruleName = $ruleValidator->getKey(); $message = $this->resolveMessage($attribute, $value, $ruleValidator); $this->errors->add($attribute->getKey(), $ruleName, $message); } protected function isEmptyValue($value) { $requiredValidator = new Required; return false === $requiredValidator->check($value, []); } protected function ruleIsOptional(Attribute $attribute, Rule $rule) { return false === $attribute->isRequired() AND false === $rule->isImplicit() AND false === $rule instanceof Required; } protected function resolveAttributeName(Attribute $attribute) { $primaryAttribute = $attribute->getPrimaryAttribute(); if (isset($this->aliases[$attribute->getKey()])) { return $this->aliases[$attribute->getKey()]; } elseif($primaryAttribute AND isset($this->aliases[$primaryAttribute->getKey()])) { return $this->aliases[$primaryAttribute->getKey()]; } elseif ($this->validator->getUseHumanizedKeys()) { return $attribute->getHumanizedKey(); } else { return $attribute->getKey(); } } protected function resolveMessage(Attribute $attribute, $value, Rule $validator) { $primaryAttribute = $attribute->getPrimaryAttribute(); $params = $validator->getParameters(); $attributeKey = $attribute->getKey(); $ruleKey = $validator->getKey(); $alias = $attribute->getAlias() ?: $this->resolveAttributeName($attribute); $message = $validator->getMessage(); // default rule message $message_keys = [ $attributeKey.$this->messageSeparator.$ruleKey, $attributeKey, $ruleKey ]; if ($primaryAttribute) { // insert primaryAttribute keys // $message_keys = [ // $attributeKey.$this->messageSeparator.$ruleKey, // >> here [1] << // $attributeKey, // >> and here [3] << // $ruleKey // ]; $primaryAttributeKey = $primaryAttribute->getKey(); array_splice($message_keys, 1, 0, $primaryAttributeKey.$this->messageSeparator.$ruleKey); array_splice($message_keys, 3, 0, $primaryAttributeKey); } foreach($message_keys as $key) { if (isset($this->messages[$key])) { $message = $this->messages[$key]; break; } } // Replace message params $vars = array_merge($params, [ 'attribute' => $alias, 'value' => $value, ]); foreach($vars as $key => $value) { $value = $this->stringify($value); $message = str_replace(':'.$key, $value, $message); } // Replace key indexes $keyIndexes = $attribute->getKeyIndexes(); foreach ($keyIndexes as $pathIndex => $index) { $replacers = [ "[{$pathIndex}]" => $index, ]; if (is_numeric($index)) { $replacers["{{$pathIndex}}"] = $index + 1; } $message = str_replace(array_keys($replacers), array_values($replacers), $message); } return $message; } protected function stringify($value) { if (is_string($value) || is_numeric($value)) { return $value; } elseif(is_array($value) || is_object($value)) { return json_encode($value); } else { return ''; } } protected function resolveRules($rules) { if (is_string($rules)) { $rules = explode('|', $rules); } $resolved_rules = []; $validatorFactory = $this->getValidator(); foreach($rules as $i => $rule) { if (empty($rule)) continue; $params = []; if (is_string($rule)) { list($rulename, $params) = $this->parseRule($rule); $validator = call_user_func_array($validatorFactory, array_merge([$rulename], $params)); } elseif($rule instanceof Rule) { $validator = $rule; } elseif($rule instanceof Closure) { $validator = call_user_func_array($validatorFactory, ['callback', $rule]); } else { $ruleName = is_object($rule) ? get_class($rule) : gettype($rule); throw new \Exception("Rule must be a string, closure or Rakit\Validation\Rule instance. ".$ruleName." given"); } $resolved_rules[] = $validator; } return $resolved_rules; } protected function parseRule($rule) { $exp = explode(':', $rule, 2); $rulename = $exp[0]; if ($rulename !== 'regex') { $params = isset($exp[1])? explode(',', $exp[1]) : []; } else { $params = [$exp[1]]; } return [$rulename, $params]; } public function setMessage($key, $message) { $this->messages[$key] = $message; } public function setMessages(array $messages) { $this->messages = array_merge($this->messages, $messages); } public function setAlias($attributeKey, $alias) { $this->aliases[$attributeKey] = $alias; } public function getAlias($attributeKey) { return isset($this->aliases[$attributeKey])? $this->aliases[$attributeKey] : null; } public function setAliases($aliases) { $this->aliases = array_merge($this->aliases, $aliases); } public function passes() { return $this->errors->count() == 0; } public function fails() { return !$this->passes(); } public function getValue($key) { return Helper::arrayGet($this->inputs, $key); } public function hasValue($key) { return Helper::arrayHas($this->inputs, $key); } public function getValidator() { return $this->validator; } protected function resolveInputAttributes(array $inputs) { $resolvedInputs = []; foreach($inputs as $key => $rules) { $exp = explode(':', $key); if (count($exp) > 1) { // set attribute alias $this->aliases[$exp[0]] = $exp[1]; } $resolvedInputs[$exp[0]] = $rules; } return $resolvedInputs; } public function getValidatedData() { return array_merge($this->validData, $this->invalidData); } protected function setValidData(Attribute $attribute, $value) { $key = $attribute->getKey(); if ($attribute->isArrayAttribute() || $attribute->isUsingDotNotation()) { Helper::arraySet($this->validData, $key, $value); Helper::arrayUnset($this->invalidData, $key); } else { $this->validData[$key] = $value; } } public function getValidData() { return $this->validData; } protected function setInvalidData(Attribute $attribute, $value) { $key = $attribute->getKey(); if ($attribute->isArrayAttribute() || $attribute->isUsingDotNotation()) { Helper::arraySet($this->invalidData, $key, $value); Helper::arrayUnset($this->validData, $key); } else { $this->invalidData[$key] = $value; } } public function getInvalidData() { return $this->invalidData; } }