<?php namespace Xentral\Modules\Api\Controller\Legacy; use TransferOpentrans; use Xentral\Components\Http\Request; use Xentral\Components\Http\Response; use Xentral\Modules\Api\Converter\OpenTransConverter; use Xentral\Modules\Api\Exception\ResourceNotFoundException; use Xentral\Modules\Api\LegacyBridge\LegacyApplication; class OpenTransConnectController { /** @var Request $request */ protected $request; /** @var LegacyApplication $app */ protected $app; /** @var int $accountId */ protected $accountId; /** * @param LegacyApplication $app * @param Request $request */ public function __construct(LegacyApplication $app, OpenTransConverter $converter, Request $request, $accountId) { $this->request = $request; $this->converter = $converter; $this->app = $app; $this->accountId = $accountId; } /** * @return Response */ public function deleteOrder() { $orderId = $this->getDoctypeIdByRequestAttributes('order'); $transferOpenTrans = $this->getTransferObject(); list($result, $statusCode, $rootNode) = $transferOpenTrans->deleteOrder($orderId); if(is_array($result)) { $result = $this->converter->arrayToXml($result, $rootNode); } if(empty($result)) { throw new ResourceNotFoundException('Auftrag konnte nicht gelöscht werden'); } return $this->sendResponse($result,$statusCode); } /** * @param string $doctype * * @return int */ protected function getDoctypeIdByRequestAttributes($doctype = 'deliverynote') { $id = (int)$this->request->attributes->get('id'); $orderId = $this->request->attributes->get('orderid'); $ordernumber = $orderId > 0?'':$this->request->attributes->get('ordernumber'); $extOrder = $orderId > 0 || !empty($ordernumber)?'':$this->request->attributes->get('extorder'); if($id > 0) { return $id; } if(!empty($ordernumber)) { $orderId = $this->app->DB->Select( sprintf( "SELECT id FROM auftrag WHERE belegnr = '%s' AND belegnr <> '' LIMIT 1", $this->app->DB->real_escape_string($ordernumber) ) ); if(empty($orderId)) { throw new ResourceNotFoundException(sprintf('Auftrag mit Belegnr \'%s\' nicht gefunden', $ordernumber)); } } if(!empty($extOrder)) { $orderId = $this->app->DB->Select( sprintf( "SELECT id FROM auftrag WHERE internet = '%s' AND internet <> '' LIMIT 1", $this->app->DB->real_escape_string($extOrder) ) ); if(empty($orderId)) { throw new ResourceNotFoundException(sprintf('Auftrag mit Externer Belegnr \'%s\' nicht gefunden', $extOrder)); } } if(!empty($orderId)) { switch($doctype) { case 'order': return $orderId; break; case 'invoice': $id = $this->app->DB->Select( sprintf( "SELECT id FROM rechnung WHERE auftragid = %d ORDER BY status = 'storniert' LIMIT 1", $orderId ) ); if(!empty($id)) { return $id; } throw new ResourceNotFoundException( sprintf('Rechnung mit Order-ID \'%s\' nicht gefunden', $orderId ) ); break; case 'deliverynote': default: $id = $this->app->DB->Select( sprintf( "SELECT id FROM lieferschein WHERE auftragid = %d ORDER BY status = 'storniert' LIMIT 1", $orderId ) ); if(!empty($id)) { return $id; } throw new ResourceNotFoundException( sprintf('Lieferschein mit Order-ID \'%s\' nicht gefunden', $orderId ) ); break; } } return $id; } /** * @return Response */ public function readDispatchnotification() { $deliveryNoteId = $this->getDoctypeIdByRequestAttributes('deliverynote'); $transferOpenTrans = $this->getTransferObject(); list($result, $statusCode, $rootNode) = $transferOpenTrans->getDispatchnotification($deliveryNoteId); if(is_array($result)) { $result = $this->converter->arrayToXml($result, $rootNode); } if(empty($result)) { throw new ResourceNotFoundException( sprintf('Lieferschein mit ID \'%s\' nicht gefunden', $deliveryNoteId ) ); } return $this->sendResponse($result,$statusCode); } /** * @param int $apiId * @param string $request * @param string $type * @param bool $isIncoming * @param string $doctype * @param string $status * @param int $doctypeId * * @return int */ protected function insertApiRequestLog( $apiId, $request, $type, $isIncoming, $doctype, $status = '', $doctypeId = 0 ) { $this->app->DB->Insert( sprintf( "INSERT INTO `api_request_response_log` (api_id, raw_request, raw_response, type, status, doctype, doctype_id, is_incomming, created_at) VALUES (%d, '%s', '%s', '%s', '%s','%s',%d,%d,NOW()) ", $apiId, ($isIncoming?$this->app->DB->real_escape_string($request):''), (!$isIncoming?$this->app->DB->real_escape_string($request):''), $this->app->DB->real_escape_string($type), $this->app->DB->real_escape_string($status), $this->app->DB->real_escape_string($doctype), $doctypeId, $isIncoming ) ); return (int)$this->app->DB->GetInsertID(); } /** * @param int $logId * @param string $status */ protected function setLogStatus($logId, $status) { $this->app->DB->Update( sprintf( "UPDATE `api_request_response_log` SET `status` = '%s' WHERE `id` = %d", $this->app->DB->real_escape_string($status), $logId ) ); } /** * @param int $logId * @param int $doctypeId */ protected function setLogDoctypeId($logId, $doctypeId) { $this->app->DB->Update( sprintf( 'UPDATE `api_request_response_log` SET `doctype_id` = %d WHERE `id` = %d', $doctypeId, $logId ) ); } /** * @return Response */ public function createOrder() { $transferOpenTrans = $this->getTransferObject(); if(!empty($this->accountId)) { $transferOpenTrans->setApiId($this->accountId); } $post = $this->request->getContent(); if(empty($post)) { throw new ResourceNotFoundException('Data is empty'); } $logId = $this->insertApiRequestLog($this->accountId, $post, 'create_order',true,'auftrag'); $xml = $this->converter->getXmlFromString($post); if(empty($xml)) { $this->setLogStatus($logId, 'error'); throw new ResourceNotFoundException('Data is no valid Xml'); } list($result, $statusCode, $rootNode, $orderId) = $transferOpenTrans->createOrder($xml); if(!empty($orderId)) { $this->setLogDoctypeId($logId, $orderId); } if(is_array($result)) { $result = $this->converter->arrayToXml($result, $rootNode); } if(empty($result)) { $this->setLogStatus($logId, 'error'); throw new ResourceNotFoundException('Auftrag konnte nicht erstellt werden'); } if($statusCode === Response::HTTP_CREATED) { $this->setLogStatus($logId, 'ok'); } else { $this->setLogStatus($logId, 'error'); } return $this->sendResponse($result,$statusCode); } /** * @return Response */ public function updateDispatchnotification() { $deliveryNoteId = $this->getDoctypeIdByRequestAttributes('deliverynote'); $post = $this->request->getContent(); if(empty($post)) { throw new ResourceNotFoundException('Data is empty'); } $logId = $this->insertApiRequestLog( $this->accountId, $post, 'update_dispatchnotification',true,'lieferschein','', $deliveryNoteId ); $xml = $this->converter->getXmlFromString($post); if(empty($xml)) { $this->setLogStatus($logId, 'error'); throw new ResourceNotFoundException('Data is no valid Xml'); } $transferOpenTrans = $this->getTransferObject(); list($result, $statusCode, $rootNode) = $transferOpenTrans->updateDispatchnotification($deliveryNoteId, $xml); if(is_array($result)) { $result = $this->converter->arrayToXml( $result, $rootNode ); } if($statusCode === Response::HTTP_OK) { $this->setLogStatus($logId, 'ok'); } return $this->sendResponse($result,$statusCode); } /** * @return Response */ public function readInvoice() { $invoiceId = $this->getDoctypeIdByRequestAttributes('invoice'); $transferOpenTrans = $this->getTransferObject(); list($result, $statusCode, $rootNode) = $transferOpenTrans->getInvoice($invoiceId); if(is_array($result)) { $result = $this->converter->arrayToXml( $result, $rootNode ); } if(empty($result)) { throw new ResourceNotFoundException(sprintf('Rechnung mit ID \'%s\' nicht gefunden', $invoiceId)); } return $this->sendResponse($result,$statusCode); } /** * @return Response */ public function readOrder() { $orderId = $this->getDoctypeIdByRequestAttributes('order'); $transferOpenTrans = $this->getTransferObject(); list($result,$statusCode, $rootNode) = $transferOpenTrans->getOrder($orderId); if(is_array($result)) { $result = $this->converter->arrayToXml ( $result, $rootNode ); } if(empty($result)) { throw new ResourceNotFoundException(sprintf('Auftrag mit ID \'%s\' nicht gefunden', $orderId)); } return $this->sendResponse($result,$statusCode); } public function updateOrder() { $orderId = $this->getDoctypeIdByRequestAttributes('order'); $transferOpenTrans = $this->getTransferObject(); $order = $transferOpenTrans->getOrderArr($orderId); if(empty($order)) { throw new ResourceNotFoundException(sprintf('Auftrag mit ID \'%s\' nicht gefunden', $orderId)); } $post = $this->request->getContent(); $logId = $this->insertApiRequestLog( $this->accountId, $post, 'update_order',true,'auftrag','', $orderId ); $arr = $this->converter->toArray($post); if(empty($arr)) { $this->setLogStatus($logId, 'error'); throw new ResourceNotFoundException('XML konnte nicht geparsed werden'); } } /** * @param string $data * @param string $contentType [xml|json] * @param int $statusCode HTTP-Statuscode * * @return Response */ protected function sendResponse($data, $contentType, $statusCode = Response::HTTP_OK) { return new Response( $data, $statusCode, ['Content-Type' => 'application/xml; charset=UTF-8'] ); } /** * @return TransferOpentrans */ private function getTransferObject() { $id = (int)$this->app->DB->Select( "SELECT id FROM uebertragungen_account WHERE aktiv = 1 AND xml_pdf = 'TransferOpenTrans' AND id = %d LIMIT 1", $this->accountId ); if($id < 0) { throw new ResourceNotFoundException('TransferOpenTrans Module not found'); } /** @var \Uebertragungen $transferObject */ $transferObject = $this->app->loadModule('uebertragungen'); if(empty($transferObject)) { throw new ResourceNotFoundException('TransferOpenTrans Module not found'); } return $transferObject->LoadTransferModul('TransferOpentrans', $id); } }