app = $app; if ($intern) return; $this->app->ActionHandlerInit($this); $this->app->ActionHandler("list", "ticket_list"); $this->app->ActionHandler("create", "ticket_create"); // This automatically adds a "New" button $this->app->ActionHandler("edit", "ticket_edit"); $this->app->ActionHandler("minidetail", "ticket_minidetail"); $this->app->ActionHandler("text", "ticket_text"); // Output text for iframe display $this->app->ActionHandler("text_ausgang", "ticket_text_ausgang"); // Output text for iframe display $this->app->ActionHandler("statusfix", "ticket_statusfix"); // Xentral 20 compatibility set all ticket status to latest ticket_nachricht status $this->app->ActionHandler("datefix", "ticket_datefix"); // Xentral 20 compatibility set all ticket dates to latest ticket_nachricht date $this->app->ActionHandler("dateien", "ticket_dateien"); $this->app->DefaultActionHandler("list"); $this->app->ActionHandlerListen($app); } public function Install() { /* Fill out manually later */ } function ticket_status_icon(string $status) { return(''); } public function TableSearch(&$app, $name, $erlaubtevars) { function ticket_iconssql() { return "CONCAT('')"; } switch ($name) { case "ticket_list": $allowed['ticket_list'] = array('list'); $heading = array('','','Ticket #', 'Aktion','Adresse', 'Betreff', 'Tags', 'Verant.', 'Nachr.', 'Status', 'Projekt', 'Menü'); $width = array('1%','1%','5%', '5%', '5%', '30%', '1%', '5%', '1%', '1%', '1%', '1%'); $findcols = array('','','t.schluessel', 't.zeit', '', 't.betreff', 't.tags', 'w.warteschlange', 'nachrichten_anz', 't.status', 'p.abkuerzung'); $searchsql = array( 't.schluessel', 't.zeit', '', 't.betreff','t.notiz', 't.tags', 'w.warteschlange', 't.status', 'p.abkuerzung','(SELECT mail FROM ticket_nachricht tn WHERE tn.ticket = t.schluessel AND tn.versendet <> 1 LIMIT 1)'); $defaultorder = 1; $defaultorderdesc = 0; $menu = "
" . "Conf->WFconf['defaulttheme']}/images/edit.svg\" border=\"0\">" . "
"; $timedifference = "if ( TIMESTAMPDIFF(hour, t.zeit, NOW()) < 24, CONCAT(TIMESTAMPDIFF(hour, t.zeit, NOW()),'h'), CONCAT(TIMESTAMPDIFF(day, t.zeit, NOW()), 'd ',MOD(TIMESTAMPDIFF(hour, t.zeit, NOW()),24),'h'))"; $dropnbox = "'' AS `open`, CONCAT('') AS `auswahl`"; $priobetreff = "if(t.prio!=1,REGEXP_REPLACE(t.betreff, '<[^>]*>+', ''),CONCAT('',REGEXP_REPLACE(t.betreff, '<[^>]*>+', ''),''))"; //+ #20230916 XSS $anzahlnachrichten = "(SELECT COUNT( FROM ticket_nachricht n WHERE n.ticket = t.schluessel)"; $letztemail = $app->erp->FormatDateTimeShort("(SELECT MAX(n.zeit) FROM ticket_nachricht n WHERE n.ticket = t.schluessel AND n.zeit IS NOT NULL)"); $tagstart = "
  • "; $tagend = "
  • "; $sql = "SELECT SQL_CALC_FOUND_ROWS, ".$dropnbox.", CONCAT('',t.schluessel,''),". $app->erp->FormatDateTimeShort('zeit')." as aktion, CONCAT(COALESCE(CONCAT(,'
    '),''),COALESCE((SELECT mail FROM ticket_nachricht tn WHERE tn.ticket = t.schluessel AND tn.versendet <> 1 LIMIT 1),'')) as combiadresse, CONCAT('',".$priobetreff.",'
    '), CONCAT('
    '), w.warteschlange, ".$anzahlnachrichten." as `nachrichten_anz`, ".ticket_iconssql().", p.abkuerzung, FROM ticket t LEFT JOIN adresse a ON t.adresse = LEFT JOIN warteschlangen w ON t.warteschlange = w.label LEFT JOIN projekt p on t.projekt ="; $where = "1"; // Toggle filters $this->app->Tpl->Add('JQUERYREADY', "$('#meinetickets').click( function() { fnFilterColumn1( 0 ); } );"); $this->app->Tpl->Add('JQUERYREADY', "$('#prio').click( function() { fnFilterColumn2( 0 ); } );"); $this->app->Tpl->Add('JQUERYREADY', "$('#geschlossene').click( function() { fnFilterColumn3( 0 ); } );"); $this->app->Tpl->Add('JQUERYREADY', "$('#spam').click( function() { fnFilterColumn4( 0 ); } );"); for ($r = 1;$r <= 4;$r++) { $this->app->Tpl->Add('JAVASCRIPT', ' function fnFilterColumn' . $r . ' ( i ) { if(oMoreData' . $r . $name . '==1) oMoreData' . $r . $name . ' = 0; else oMoreData' . $r . $name . ' = 1; $(\'#' . $name . '\').dataTable().fnFilter( \'\', i, 0,0 ); } '); } $more_data1 = $this->app->Secure->GetGET("more_data1"); if ($more_data1 == 1) { $where .= " AND t.warteschlange IN (SELECT w.label FROM warteschlangen w WHERE adresse=".$this->app->User->GetAdresse().")"; // Queues of user } else { } $more_data2 = $this->app->Secure->GetGET("more_data2"); if ($more_data2 == 1) { $where .= " AND t.prio = '1'"; } else { } $more_data3 = $this->app->Secure->GetGET("more_data3"); if ($more_data3 == 1) { } else { $where .= " AND (t.status <> 'abgeschlossen')"; // Exclude and geschlossen } $more_data4 = $this->app->Secure->GetGET("more_data4"); if ($more_data4 == 1) { } else { $where .= " AND (t.status <> 'spam')"; } // END Toggle filters $moreinfo = true; // Allow drop down details $menucol = 11; // For moredata $count = "SELECT count(DISTINCT id) FROM ticket t WHERE $where"; // echo(htmlentities($sql." ".$where)); // $groupby = ""; break; } $erg = false; foreach ($erlaubtevars as $k => $v) { if (isset($$v)) { $erg[$v] = $$v; } } return $erg; } // Ensure status 'offen' on self-assigned tickets function ticket_set_self_assigned_status(array $ids) { $sql = "UPDATE ticket SET status = 'offen' WHERE status = 'neu' AND id IN (".implode(',',$ids).") AND warteschlange IN (SELECT label FROM warteschlangen WHERE adresse = '".$this->app->User->GetAdresse()."')"; $this->app->DB->Update($sql); } function ticket_list() { // Process multi action $auswahl = $this->app->Secure->GetPOST('auswahl'); $submit = $this->app->Secure->GetPOST('submit'); $selectedIds = []; if(!empty($auswahl)) { foreach($auswahl as $selectedId) { $selectedId = (int)$selectedId; if($selectedId > 0) { $selectedIds[] = $selectedId; } } switch ($submit) { case 'zuordnen': $status = $this->app->Secure->GetPOST('status'); $warteschlange = $this->app->Secure->GetPOST('warteschlange'); $sql = "UPDATE ticket SET status = '".$status."', zeit = NOW()"; if ($warteschlange != '') { $sql .= ", warteschlange = '".explode(" ",$warteschlange)[0]."'"; } $sql .= " WHERE id IN (".implode(",",$selectedIds).")"; $this->app->DB->Update($sql); $this->ticket_set_self_assigned_status($selectedIds); break; case 'spam_filter': if($this->app->erp->RechteVorhanden('ticketregeln','create')) { $sql = "UPDATE ticket SET status = 'spam', zeit = NOW()"; $sql .= " WHERE id IN (".implode(",",$selectedIds).")"; $this->app->DB->Update($sql); foreach ($selectedIds as $selectedId) { // Check existing $sql = "SELECT id FROM ticket_regeln WHERE empfaenger_email = '' AND sender_email = (SELECT mailadresse FROM ticket WHERE id = ".$selectedId." LIMIT 1) AND name = '' AND betreff = '' AND spam = 1 AND aktiv = 1 "; if (!$this->app->DB->Select($sql)) { $sql = "INSERT IGNORE INTO ticket_regeln ( empfaenger_email, sender_email, name, betreff, spam, persoenlich, prio, dsgvo, adresse, warteschlange, aktiv ) VALUES ( '', (SELECT mailadresse FROM ticket WHERE id = ".$selectedId." LIMIT 1), '', '', 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1 )"; $this->app->DB->Insert($sql); } } } break; } } // List $this->app->YUI->TagEditor('taglist', array('width'=>370)); $this->app->Tpl->Add('SCRIPTJAVASCRIPT',''); $this->app->erp->MenuEintrag("index.php?module=ticket&action=list", "Übersicht"); $this->app->erp->MenuEintrag("index.php?module=ticket&action=create", "Neu anlegen"); $this->app->erp->MenuEintrag("index.php", "Zurück"); $this->app->Tpl->Set('STATUS', $this->app->erp->GetStatusTicketSelect('neu')); $this->app->YUI->AutoComplete("warteschlange","warteschlangename"); if(!$this->app->erp->RechteVorhanden('ticketregeln','create')) { $this->app->Tpl->Set('SPAM_HIDDEN', 'hidden'); } $this->app->YUI->TableSearch('TAB1', 'ticket_list', "show", "", "", basename(__FILE__), __CLASS__); $this->app->Tpl->Parse('PAGE', "ticket_list.tpl"); } function get_messages_of_ticket($ticket_id, $where, $limit) { if ($limit) { $limitsql = " LIMIT ".((int) $limit); } else { $limitsql = ""; } if (empty($ticket_id)) { $ticket_where = ""; } else { $ticket_where = " AND = ".$ticket_id; } if (empty($where)) { $where = "1"; } // $sql = "SELECT, n.betreff, n.verfasser, n.mail, n.mail_cc, n.zeit, n.zeitausgang, n.versendet, n.text, n.verfasser_replyto, mail_replyto, (SELECT GROUP_CONCAT(value SEPARATOR ', ' FROM ticket_header th WHERE th.ticket_nachricht = AND th.type = 'cc') value from) as cc FROM ticket_nachricht n INNER JOIN ticket t ON t.schluessel = n.ticket WHERE (".$where.") AND = ".$ticket_id." ORDER BY n.zeit DESC ".$limitsql; $sql = "SELECT, n.betreff, n.bearbeiter, n.verfasser, n.mail, t.quelle, ".$this->app->erp->FormatDateTimeShort('n.zeit','zeit').", ".$this->app->erp->FormatDateTimeShort('n.zeitausgang','zeitausgang').", n.versendet, n.text, n.textausgang, n.verfasser_replyto, n.mail_replyto, n.mail_cc, (SELECT GROUP_CONCAT(value SEPARATOR ', ') FROM ticket_header th WHERE th.ticket_nachricht = AND th.type = 'cc') as mail_cc_recipients, (SELECT GROUP_CONCAT(value SEPARATOR ', ') FROM ticket_header th WHERE th.ticket_nachricht = AND th.type = 'to') as mail_recipients FROM ticket_nachricht n INNER JOIN ticket t ON t.schluessel = n.ticket WHERE (".$where.") ".$ticket_where." ORDER BY n.zeit DESC ".$limitsql; return $this->app->DB->SelectArr($sql); } function add_attachments_html($ticket_id, $message_id,$templatepos,$showdelete) { $file_attachments = $this->app->erp->GetDateiSubjektObjekt('Anhang','Ticket',$message_id); if (!empty($file_attachments)) { $this->app->Tpl->Add('NACHRICHT_ANHANG',"
    "); foreach ($file_attachments as $file_attachment) { if ($showdelete) { $deletetext = ''. ''; } else { $deletetext = ""; } $attachtext = ""; /* Not implemented -> Attachment of ticket_nachricht to business object is the better option -> implement later $attachtext = ''. ''; */ $this->app->Tpl->Add($templatepos, "". htmlentities($this->app->erp->GetDateiName($file_attachment)). " (". $this->app->erp->GetDateiSize($file_attachment). ")". "". $deletetext. $attachtext. "
    "); } } } function add_attachments_header_html($ticket_id, $templatepos) { $file_attachments = $this->app->erp->GetDateiSubjektObjekt('%','ticket_header',$ticket_id); if (!empty($file_attachments)) { $this->app->Tpl->Add($templatepos,"{|Anhänge|}:
    "); foreach ($file_attachments as $file_attachment) { $this->app->Tpl->Add($templatepos, "". htmlentities($this->app->erp->GetDateiName($file_attachment)). " (". $this->app->erp->GetDateiSize($file_attachment). ")". "". "
    "); } $this->app->Tpl->Add($templatepos,"
    "); } } function add_messages_tpl($messages, $showdrafts) { // Add Messages now foreach ($messages as $message) { $message['betreff'] = strip_tags($message['betreff']); //+ #20230916 XSS // Clear this first $this->app->Tpl->Set('NACHRICHT_ANHANG',""); if (empty($message['betreff'])) { $message['betreff'] = "..."; } // Xentral 20 compatibility if ($message['textausgang'] != '') { // Sent message $this->app->Tpl->Set("NACHRICHT_BETREFF",''.htmlentities($message['betreff']).''); $this->app->Tpl->Set("NACHRICHT_ZEIT",$message['zeitausgang']); $this->app->Tpl->Set("NACHRICHT_FLOAT","right"); $this->app->Tpl->Set("META_FLOAT","left"); $this->app->Tpl->Set("NACHRICHT_TEXT",$message['textausgang']); $this->app->Tpl->Set("NACHRICHT_SENDER",htmlentities($message['bearbeiter'])); $this->app->Tpl->Set("NACHRICHT_RECIPIENTS",htmlentities($message['verfasser']." <".$message['mail'].">")); // $this->app->Tpl->Set("NACHRICHT_TEXT",$message['textausgang']); $this->app->Tpl->Set("NACHRICHT_TEXT",''); $this->app->Tpl->Parse('MESSAGES', "ticket_nachricht.tpl"); } if ($message['versendet'] == '1' && empty($message['textausgang'])) { // textausgang is always empty, except for old Xentral 20 tickets // Sent message if (is_null($message['zeitausgang'])) { if (!$showdrafts) { continue; } $this->app->Tpl->Set("NACHRICHT_BETREFF",htmlentities($message['betreff']." (Entwurf)")); } else { $this->app->Tpl->Set("NACHRICHT_BETREFF",''.htmlentities($message['betreff']).''); } $this->app->Tpl->Set("NACHRICHT_SENDER",htmlentities($message['verfasser']." <".$message['mail_replyto'].">")); $this->app->Tpl->Set("NACHRICHT_RECIPIENTS",htmlentities($message['mail'])); $this->app->Tpl->Set("NACHRICHT_CC_RECIPIENTS",htmlentities($message['mail_cc'])); $this->app->Tpl->Set("NACHRICHT_FLOAT","right"); $this->app->Tpl->Set("META_FLOAT","left"); $this->app->Tpl->Set("NACHRICHT_ZEIT",$message['zeitausgang']); $this->app->Tpl->Set("NACHRICHT_NAME",htmlentities($message['verfasser'])); } else { // Received message $this->app->Tpl->Set("NACHRICHT_SENDER",htmlentities($message['verfasser']." <".$message['mail'].">")); if ($message['mail_recipients'] != '') { $this->app->Tpl->Set("NACHRICHT_RECIPIENTS",htmlentities($message['mail_recipients'])); } else { // Xentral 20 compatibility $this->app->Tpl->Set("NACHRICHT_RECIPIENTS",htmlentities($message['quelle'])); } $this->app->Tpl->Set("NACHRICHT_CC_RECIPIENTS",htmlentities($message['mail_cc_recipients'])); $this->app->Tpl->Set("NACHRICHT_BETREFF",''.htmlentities($message['betreff']).''); $this->app->Tpl->Set("NACHRICHT_FLOAT","left"); $this->app->Tpl->Set("META_FLOAT","right"); $this->app->Tpl->Set("NACHRICHT_ZEIT",$message['zeit']); } // $this->app->Tpl->Set("NACHRICHT_TEXT",$message['text']); $this->app->Tpl->Set("NACHRICHT_TEXT",''); $this->add_attachments_html($id,$message['id'],'NACHRICHT_ANHANG',false); $this->app->Tpl->Parse('MESSAGES', "ticket_nachricht.tpl"); } } function ticket_text() { $secure_html_tags = array( '
    ', '

    ', '', '', '', '', '
    ', '