Conf)) { $conf = new Config(); $app->Conf = $conf; } if(empty($app->DB)) { $app->DB = new DB($app->Conf->WFdbhost,$app->Conf->WFdbname,$app->Conf->WFdbuser,$app->Conf->WFdbpass,null,$app->Conf->WFdbport); } if(empty($app->erp)) { if(class_exists('erpAPICustom')) { $erp = new erpAPICustom($app); } else { $erp = new erpAPI($app); } $app->erp = $erp; } if(empty($app->remote)) { if(is_file(dirname(__DIR__) . '/www/lib/class.remote_custom.php')){ if(!class_exists('RemoteCustom')) { require_once dirname(__DIR__) . '/www/lib/class.remote_custom.php'; } $app->remote = new RemoteCustom($app); } else { $app->remote = new Remote($app); } } $app->erp->LogFile("Starte Synchronisation"); //$app->DB->Update("UPDATE artikel SET cache_lagerplatzinhaltmenge='999'"); $firmendatenid = $app->DB->Select("SELECT MAX(id) FROM firmendaten LIMIT 1"); $app->DB->Update( "UPDATE `prozessstarter` SET `mutexcounter` = `mutexcounter` + 1 WHERE `mutex` = 1 AND `parameter` = 'lagerzahlen' AND `aktiv` = 1" ); if(!$app->DB->Select( "SELECT `id` FROM `prozessstarter` WHERE `mutex` = 0 AND `parameter` = 'lagerzahlen' AND `aktiv` = 1" )) { return; } $shops = $app->DB->SelectArr('SELECT * FROM `shopexport` WHERE `aktiv` = 1'); if(empty($shops)) { return; } $shopByIds = []; foreach($shops as $shop) { $shopByIds[$shop['id']] = $shop; } $shopIds = array_keys($shopByIds); $shopIdsStr = implode(',', $shopIds); $hours = 12; $hoursShop = 48; $lagerartikel = $app->DB->SelectFirstCols( "SELECT FROM `artikel` AS `a` LEFT JOIN ( SELECT ao2.artikel, 1 AS `autolagerlampe`, MAX(ao2.storage_cache = -999) AS `cache_reseted`, MAX(HOUR(TIMEDIFF(NOW(), `last_storage_transfer`))) AS `last_storage_transfer_hours` FROM `artikel_onlineshops` AS `ao2` INNER JOIN `artikel` AS `art` ON ao2.artikel = AND (art.autolagerlampe = 1 OR (ao2.autolagerlampe = 1 AND ao2.ausartikel = 0)) WHERE ao2.aktiv = 1 AND IN ({$shopIdsStr}) GROUP BY ao2.artikel ) AS `ao` ON = ao.artikel WHERE (a.geloescht = 0 OR a.geloescht IS NULL) AND ( a.lagerartikel = 1 OR (a.stueckliste = 1 AND a.juststueckliste = 1) ) AND (a.autolagerlampe = 1 OR ao.artikel IS NOT NULL) AND ( > 0 OR a.shop2 > 0 OR a.shop3 > 0 OR ao.artikel IS NOT NULL) AND a.nummer <> 'DEL' AND ( a.cache_lagerplatzinhaltmenge = -999 OR ao.cache_reseted = 1 OR a.laststorage_sync < a.laststorage_changed OR a.laststorage_sync < DATE_SUB(NOW(), INTERVAL {$hours} HOUR) OR (ao.last_storage_transfer_hours IS NULL OR ao.last_storage_transfer_hours > {$hoursShop}) ) ORDER BY a.cache_lagerplatzinhaltmenge = -999 DESC, ao.cache_reseted DESC, a.laststorage_sync" ); if(empty($lagerartikel)) { return; } try { $r = new ReflectionMethod($app->erp, 'LagerSync'); $params = $r->getParameters(); $anzargs = count($params); } catch(Exception $e) { $anzargs = 2; } $clagerartikel = $lagerartikel?count($lagerartikel):0; $app->erp->LogFile('Artikel Gesamt fuer Synchronisation: '.$clagerartikel); foreach($lagerartikel as $ij => $articleId) { $app->DB->Update( "UPDATE `prozessstarter` SET `mutex` = 1 , `mutexcounter` = 0, `letzteausfuerhung` = NOW() WHERE `parameter` = 'lagerzahlen' AND `aktiv` = 1" ); try { if($anzargs > 2){ $message .= $app->erp->LagerSync($articleId, true, $shopByIds); }else{ $message .= $app->erp->LagerSync($articleId, true); } } catch (Exception $exception) { $message .= '
' . $exception->getMessage(); } if($message!='') { $message .='
'; } if($ij % 10 === 0 && method_exists($app->erp, 'canRunCronjob') && !$app->erp->canRunCronjob(['lagerzahlen'])) { $app->DB->Update( "UPDATE `prozessstarter` SET `mutex` = 0 , `mutexcounter` = 0, `letzteausfuerhung` = NOW() WHERE `parameter` = 'lagerzahlen' AND `aktiv` = 1" ); return; } usleep(10000); } $app->DB->Update( "UPDATE `prozessstarter` SET `mutex` = 0 , `mutexcounter` = 0, `letzteausfuerhung` = NOW() WHERE `parameter` = 'lagerzahlen' AND `aktiv` = 1" ); if($message !='' && $erp->Firmendaten('systemmailsabschalten') == 0 && $erp->GetFirmaMail()!='') { try { if($erp->Firmendaten('systemmailsempfaenger') != ''){ $erp->MailSend( $erp->GetFirmaMail(), $erp->GetFirmaName(), $erp->Firmendaten('systemmailsempfaenger'), 'Lagerverwaltung', 'Systemmeldung: Auto Update Lagerlampen', $message ); }else{ if($erp->GetFirmaBCC1() != ''){ $erp->MailSend( $erp->GetFirmaMail(), $erp->GetFirmaName(), $erp->GetFirmaBCC1(), 'Lagerverwaltung', 'Systemmeldung: Auto Update Lagerlampen', $message ); } } } catch (Exception $exception) { $app->erp->LogFile($app->DB->real_escape_string($exception->getMessage())); } } $app->erp->LogFile('Ende Synchronisation');