WFdbhost; $user = $dbci->WFdbuser; $passwd = $dbci->WFdbpass; $schema = $dbci->WFdbname; require_once($directory.'/../tools/database_compare/mustal_mysql_upgrade_tool.php'); $datafolder = $directory."/data"; $lockfile_name = $datafolder."/.in_progress.flag"; $remote_file_name = $datafolder."/remote.json"; $schema_file_name = "db_schema.json"; echo("--------------- OpenXE upgrade ---------------\n"); require_once($directory.'/../cronjobs/githash.php'); $remote_info_contents = file_get_contents($remote_file_name); if (!$remote_info_contents) { abort("Unable to load $remote_file_name"); return(-1); } $remote_info = json_decode($remote_info_contents, true); // Get changed files on system -> Should be empty $output = array(); $retval = git("ls-files -m ..", $output,$verbose,"Git not initialized."); // Not a git repository -> Create it and then go ahead if ($retval == 128) { echo("Setting up git..."); $retval = git("init ..", $output,$verbose,"Error while initializing git!"); if ($retval != 0) { abort(""); return(-1); } $retval = git("add ../.", $output,$verbose,"Error while initializing git!"); if ($retval != 0) { abort(""); return(-1); } $retval = git("fetch ".$remote_info['host']." ".$remote_info['branch'], $output,$verbose,"Error while initializing git!"); if ($retval != 0) { abort(""); return(-1); } $retval = git("checkout FETCH_HEAD -f", $output,$verbose,"Error while initializing git!"); if ($retval != 0) { abort(""); return(-1); } } if ($retval != 0) { abort("Error while executing git!"); return(-1); } if ($verbose) { echo("--------------- Update history ---------------\n"); $retval = git("log --date=short-local --pretty=\"%cd (%h): %s\" HEAD --not HEAD~4",$output,$verbose,"Error while showing history!"); if ($retval != 0) { abort(""); return(-1); } } if ($do_upgrade) { if (!empty($output)) { echo("There are modified files:"); echo_output($output); if (!$force) { abort("Clear modified files or use -f"); return(-1); } } echo("--------------- Locking system ---------------\n"); if (file_exists($lockfile_name)) { echo("System is already locked.\n"); } else { file_put_contents($lockfile_name," "); } echo("--------------- Pulling files... ---------------\n"); if ($force) { $retval = git("reset --hard",$output,$verbose,"Error while resetting modified files!"); if ($retval != 0) { echo_output($output); abort(""); return(-1); } } $retval = git("pull ".$remote_info['host']." ".$remote_info['branch'],$output,$verbose,"Error while pulling files!"); if ($retval != 0) { echo_output($output); abort(""); return(-1); } $retval = git("reset --hard",$output,$verbose,"Error while applying files!"); if ($retval != 0) { echo_output($output); abort(""); return(-1); } echo("--------------- Files upgrade completed ---------------\n"); $retval = git("log -1 ",$output,$verbose,"Error while checking files!"); if ($retval != 0) { echo_output($output); abort(""); return(-1); } echo_output($output); echo("--------------- Loading from database '$schema@$host'... ---------------\n"); $db_def = mustal_load_tables_from_db($host, $schema, $user, $passwd, $mustal_replacers); if (empty($db_def)) { echo ("Could not load from $schema@$host\n"); exit; } $compare_differences = array(); echo("--------------- Loading from JSON... ---------------\n"); $compare_def = mustal_load_tables_from_json($datafolder, $schema_file_name); if (empty($compare_def)) { abort("Could not load from JSON $schema_file_name\n"); return(-1); } echo("--------------- Comparing database '$schema@$host' vs. JSON '".$compare_def['database']."@".$compare_def['host']."' ---------------\n"); $compare_differences = mustal_compare_table_array($compare_def,"in JSON",$db_def,"in DB",true); echo((empty($compare_differences)?0:count($compare_differences))." differences.\n"); echo("--------------- Calculating database upgrade for '$schema@$host'... ---------------\n"); $upgrade_sql = array(); $result = mustal_calculate_db_upgrade($compare_def, $db_def, $upgrade_sql, $mustal_replacers); if ($result != 0) { abort("Error: $result\n"); return(-1); } echo(count($upgrade_sql)." upgrade statements\n"); echo("--------------- Executing database upgrade for '$schema@$host' database... ---------------\n"); // First get the contents of the database table structure $mysqli = mysqli_connect($host, $user, $passwd, $schema); /* Check if the connection succeeded */ if (!$mysqli) { echo ("Failed to connect!\n"); } else { $counter = 0; $error_counter = 0; $number_of_statements = count($upgrade_sql); foreach ($upgrade_sql as $sql) { $counter++; echo("\rUpgrade step $counter of $number_of_statements... "); $query_result = mysqli_query($mysqli, $sql); if (!$query_result) { $error = " not ok: ". mysqli_error($mysqli); echo($error); echo("\n"); file_put_contents("./errors.txt",date()." ".$error.$sql."\n",FILE_APPEND); $error_counter++; } else { echo("ok.\r"); } } echo("\n"); echo("$error_counter errors.\n"); if ($error_counter > 0) { echo("See 'errors.txt'\n"); } echo("--------------- Checking database upgrade for '$schema@$host'... ---------------\n"); $db_def = mustal_load_tables_from_db($host, $schema, $user, $passwd, $mustal_replacers); echo("--------------- Comparing database '$schema@$host' vs. JSON '".$compare_def['database']."@".$compare_def['host']."' ---------------\n"); $compare_differences = mustal_compare_table_array($compare_def,"in JSON",$db_def,"in DB",true); echo((empty($compare_differences)?0:count($compare_differences))." differences.\n"); } echo("--------------- Unlocking system ---------------\n"); unlink($lockfile_name); } else { // Dry run echo("--------------- Dry run, use -do to upgrade ---------------\n"); echo("--------------- Fetching files... ---------------\n"); $retval = git("fetch ".$remote_info['host']." ".$remote_info['branch'],$output,$verbose,"Error while fetching files!"); if ($retval != 0) { echo_output($output); abort(""); } echo("--------------- Pending upgrades: ---------------\n"); $retval = git("log --date=short-local --pretty=\"%cd (%h): %s\" FETCH_HEAD --not HEAD",$output,$verbose,"Error while fetching files!"); if (!$verbose) { echo_output($output); } if (empty($output)) { echo("No upgrades pending.\n"); } if ($retval != 0) { abort(""); } } echo("--------------- Done! ---------------\n"); return(0); }