SHOW FULL TABLES; +----------------------------------------------+------------+ | Tables_in_openxe | Table_type | +----------------------------------------------+------------+ | abrechnungsartikel | BASE TABLE | | abrechnungsartikel_gruppe | BASE TABLE | | abschlagsrechnung_rechnung | BASE TABLE | | accordion | BASE TABLE | | adapterbox | BASE TABLE | | adapterbox_log | BASE TABLE | | adapterbox_request_log | BASE TABLE | | adresse | BASE TABLE | | adresse_abosammelrechnungen | BASE TABLE | | adresse_accounts | BASE TABLE | | adresse_filter | BASE TABLE | | adresse_filter_gruppen | BASE TABLE | ... MariaDB [openxe]> SHOW FULL COLUMNS FROM wiki; +-------------------+--------------+--------------------+------+-----+---------+----------------+---------------------------------+---------+ | Field | Type | Collation | Null | Key | Default | Extra | Privileges | Comment | +-------------------+--------------+--------------------+------+-----+---------+----------------+---------------------------------+---------+ | id | int(11) | NULL | NO | PRI | NULL | auto_increment | select,insert,update,references | | | name | varchar(255) | utf8mb3_general_ci | YES | MUL | NULL | | select,insert,update,references | | | content | longtext | utf8mb3_general_ci | NO | | NULL | | select,insert,update,references | | | lastcontent | longtext | utf8mb3_general_ci | NO | | NULL | | select,insert,update,references | | | wiki_workspace_id | int(11) | NULL | NO | | 0 | | select,insert,update,references | | | parent_id | int(11) | NULL | NO | | 0 | | select,insert,update,references | | | language | varchar(32) | utf8mb3_general_ci | NO | | | | select,insert,update,references | | +-------------------+--------------+--------------------+------+-----+---------+----------------+---------------------------------+---------+ 7 rows in set (0.002 sec) */ function implode_with_quote(string $quote, string $delimiter, array $array_to_implode) : string { return($quote.implode($quote.$delimiter.$quote, $array_to_implode).$quote); } $host = 'localhost'; $user = 'openxe'; $passwd = 'openxe'; $schema = 'openxe'; $target_folder = "export"; $tables_file_name_wo_folder = "0-tables.txt"; $tables_file_name = $target_folder."/".$tables_file_name_wo_folder; $delimiter = ";"; $quote = '"'; $color_red = "\033[31m"; $color_green = "\033[32m"; $color_yellow = "\033[33m"; $color_default = "\033[39m"; echo("\n"); if ($argc > 1) { if (in_array('-v', $argv)) { $verbose = true; } else { $verbose = false; } if (in_array('-f', $argv)) { $force = true; } else { $force = false; } if (in_array('-e', $argv)) { $export = true; } else { $export = false; } if (in_array('-c', $argv)) { $compare = true; } else { $compare = false; } /* if (strpos($argv[1],'-') == 0) { $module_name = $argv[1]; } else { info(); exit; }*/ // First get the contents of the database table structure $mysqli = mysqli_connect($host, $user, $passwd, $schema); /* Check if the connection succeeded */ if (!$mysqli) { echo "Connection failed\n"; echo "Error number: " . mysqli_connect_errno() . "\n"; echo "Error message: '" . mysqli_connect_error() . "'\n\n"; exit; } echo "--------------- Successfully connected! --------------- \n"; echo("--------------- Loading from database... ---------------\n"); // Get tables and views $tables = array(); $sql = "SHOW FULL TABLES"; $result = mysqli_query($mysqli, $sql); if (!$result) { echo "Query error: '" . mysqli_error($mysqli)."'"; exit; } $tables = array(); while ($row = mysqli_fetch_assoc($result)) { $table = array(); $table['name'] = $row['Tables_in_'.$schema]; $table['type'] = $row['Table_type']; $tables[] = $table; // Add table to list of tables } // Get and add columns of the table foreach ($tables as &$table) { $sql = "SHOW FULL COLUMNS FROM ".$table['name']; $result = mysqli_query($mysqli, $sql); if (!$result) { echo "Query error: '" . mysqli_error($mysqli)."'\n\n"; exit; } $columns = array(); while ($column = mysqli_fetch_assoc($result)) { $columns[] = $column; // Add column to list of columns } $table['columns'] = $columns; if ($verbose) { echo("Table '".$table['name']."' of type '".$table['type']."'\n"); } } unset($table); // ------ IMPORT COMPLETE ------ echo("--------------- Loading from database complete. ---------------\n"); if ($export) { echo("--------------- Export to CSV... ---------------\n"); // Prepare tables file if (!is_dir($target_folder)) { mkdir($target_folder); } if (!$force && file_exists($tables_file_name)) { echo("File exists: '" .$tables_file_name . "'!\n"); echo("Use -f to force overwrite.\n\n"); exit; } $tables_file = fopen($tables_file_name, "w"); if (empty($tables_file)) { echo ("Failed to write to '" . $tables_file_name."'!\n\n"); exit(); } $first_table = true; // Now export all colums of the tables foreach ($tables as $export_table) { if ($verbose) { echo("Table '".$export_table['name']."' of type '".$export_table['type']."' loaded from database.\n"); } if ($first_table) { $first_table = false; fwrite($tables_file,$quote.'name'.$quote.$delimiter.$quote.'type'.$quote."\n"); } fwrite($tables_file,$quote.$export_table['name'].$quote.$delimiter.$quote.$export_table['type'].$quote."\n"); // Prepare export_table file $table_file_name = $target_folder."/".$export_table['name'].".txt"; if (!$force && file_exists($table_file_name)) { echo("File exists: '" .$table_file_name . "'!\n"); echo("Use -f to force overwrite.\n\n"); exit; } $table_file = fopen($table_file_name, "w"); if (empty($table_file)) { echo ("Failed to write to '" . $table_file_name."'!\n\n"); exit(); } $first_column = true; foreach ($export_table['columns'] as $column) { if ($first_column) { $first_column = false; fwrite($table_file,implode_with_quote($quote,$delimiter,array_keys($column))."\n"); } fwrite($table_file,implode_with_quote($quote,$delimiter,array_values($column))."\n"); } unset($column); fclose($table_file); } unset($export_table); echo("Exported ".count($tables)." tables.\n"); fwrite($tables_file,"\n"); fclose($tables_file); echo("--------------- Export to CSV complete. ---------------\n"); } if ($compare) { // Results here as ['text'] ['diff'] $compare_differences = array(); echo("--------------- Loading from CSV... ---------------\n"); $compare_tables = array(); $first_table = true; $tables_file = fopen($tables_file_name, "r"); if (!$tables_file) { echo("File not found: '" .$tables_file_name . "'\n"); echo("\n"); exit; } while (($csv_line = fgetcsv($tables_file,0,$delimiter,$quote)) !== FALSE) { if ($first_table) { $first_table = false; } else if (count($csv_line) == 2) { $new_compare_table = array(); $new_compare_table['name'] = $csv_line['0']; $new_compare_table['type'] = $csv_line['1']; $compare_tables[] = $new_compare_table; if ($verbose) { echo("Table '".$new_compare_table['name']."' loaded from CSV '$tables_file_name'.\n"); } } else { } } fclose($tables_file); // Get columns for each compare_table foreach ($compare_tables as &$compare_table) { $table_file_name = $target_folder."/".$compare_table['name'].".txt"; if (!file_exists($table_file_name)) { echo("File not found: '" .$table_file_name . "'\n"); echo("\n"); exit; } $table_file = fopen($table_file_name, "r"); if (empty($table_file)) { echo ("Failed to open '" . $table_file_name."'\n\n"); exit(); } $first_column = true; $column_headers = array(); $columns = array(); $column = array(); while (($csv_line = fgetcsv($table_file,0,$delimiter,$quote)) !== FALSE) { if ($first_column) { $first_column = false; $column_headers = $csv_line; } else { for ($cr = 0;$cr < count($csv_line);$cr++) { $column[$column_headers[$cr]] = $csv_line[$cr]; } $columns[] = $column; } } $compare_table['columns'] = $columns; if ($verbose) { echo("Colums loaded for '".$compare_table['name']."' from CSV $table_file_name. \n"); } } unset($compare_table); echo("--------------- Loading from CSV complete. ---------------\n"); // Do the comparison echo("--------------- Comparison... ---------------\n"); echo("Number of tables: ".count($tables)." in Database, ".count($compare_tables)." in CSV.\n"); if (count($tables) != count($compare_tables)) { } foreach ($tables as $database_table) { $found_table = array(); foreach ($compare_tables as $compare_table) { if ($database_table['name'] == $compare_table['name']) { $found_table = $compare_table; break; } } unset($compare_table); if ($found_table) { if ($verbose) { echo("Table '".$database_table['name']."' found in CSV '$tables_file_name'.\n"); } // Check columns $compare_table_columns = array_column($found_table['columns'],'Field'); foreach ($database_table['columns'] as $column) { $column_name_to_find = $column['Field']; $column_key = array_search($column_name_to_find,$compare_table_columns,true); if ($column_key !== false) { if ($verbose) { echo("Column '".$column['Field']."' from table '".$database_table['name']."' in table '".$found_table['name']."' found in CSV.\n"); } $column_diff = array_diff($column,$found_table['columns'][$column_key]); if (!empty($column_diff)) { $compare_difference = array(); $compare_difference['text'] = $color_red."Difference:".$color_default." Column '".$column['Field']."' from table '".$database_table['name']."' is different from '".$found_table['name']."' in CSV.\n"; $compare_difference['diff'] = $column_diff; $compare_differences[] = $compare_difference; echo($compare_difference['text']); } } else { $compare_difference = array(); $compare_difference['text'] = $color_red."Difference:".$color_default." Column '".$column['Field']."' from table '".$database_table['name']."' in table '".$found_table['name']."' not found in CSV.\n"; $compare_difference['diff'] = $column_diff; $compare_differences[] = $compare_difference; echo($compare_difference['text']); } } unset($column); } else { $compare_difference = array(); $compare_difference['text'] = $color_red."Difference:".$color_default." Table '".$database_table['name']."' not found in CSV '$tables_file_name'.\n"; $compare_difference['diff'] = $column_diff; $compare_differences[] = $compare_difference; echo($compare_difference['text']); } } unset($database_table); echo("\nComparison found ".(empty($compare_differences)?0:count($compare_differences))." differences.\n"); echo("--------------- Comparison complete. ---------------\n"); } echo("--------------- Done! ---------------\n"); echo("\n"); } else { info(); exit; } function info() { echo("\nOpenXE database extractor\n"); echo("Copyright 2022 (c) OpenXE project\n\n"); echo("\n"); echo("Export database structures in a defined format for database comparison / upgrade\n"); echo("Options\n"); echo("\t-v: verbose output\n"); echo("\t-f: force override of existing files\n"); echo("\t-e: export database structure to files\n"); echo("\t-c: compare content of files with database structure\n"); echo("\n"); }