<?php namespace Xentral\Modules\Hubspot; use Xentral\Components\Database\Database; final class HubspotContactGateway { /** @var Database $db */ private $db; /** * @var HubspotConfigurationService */ private $configurationService; /** * @param Database $db * @param HubspotConfigurationService $configurationService */ public function __construct(Database $db, HubspotConfigurationService $configurationService) { $this->db = $db; $this->configurationService = $configurationService; } /** * @param int $hsContactId * @param null|string $type * * @return array */ public function getMappingByHubspotId(int $hsContactId, ?string $type = 'address'): array { $sql = ' SELECT h.id, h.created_at, h.data, h.address_id, h.type FROM `hubspot_contacts` AS `h` WHERE h.hidden = 0 AND h.hs_contact_id = :id'; $where = ['id' => $hsContactId]; if ($type !== null) { $sql .= ' AND h.type = :type'; $where['type'] = $type; } return $this->db->fetchRow($sql, $where); } /** * @param int $addressId * @param string $type * * @return array */ public function getMappingByAddressId(int $addressId, string $type = 'address'): array { return $this->db->fetchRow( 'SELECT h.id, h.created_at, h.data, h.hs_contact_id FROM `hubspot_contacts` AS `h` WHERE h.hidden = 0 AND h.address_id = :id AND h.type = :type', ['id' => $addressId, 'type' => $type] ); } /** * @param int $addressId * @param bool $withStatusField * * @throws Exception\HubspotException * * @return array */ public function getAddressById(int $addressId, bool $withStatusField = false): array { $placeHolder = ''; if ($withStatusField === true) { $leadFields = $this->configurationService->matchSelectedAddressFreeField(); $lrField = $leadFields['hubspot_lr_field']; $lsField = $leadFields['hubspot_ls_field']; $placeHolder = ",a.`{$lrField}`, a.`{$lsField}`"; } $numberOfEmployeesField = $this->configurationService->tryGetConfiguration('hubspot_numberofemployees_field'); if (!empty($numberOfEmployeesField)) { $fieldName = str_replace('adresse', '', $numberOfEmployeesField); $placeHolder .= ",a.`{$fieldName}` AS numberofemployees"; } $settings = $this->configurationService->getSettings(); $defaultCustomFields = array_key_exists('hubspot_address_free_fields', $settings) ? $settings['hubspot_address_free_fields'] : []; if (!empty($defaultCustomFields)) { foreach ($defaultCustomFields as $defaultCustomField => $systemField) { $fieldName = str_replace('adresse', '', $systemField); $placeHolder .= ",a.`{$fieldName}` AS `xthubspot_{$defaultCustomField}`"; } } $sql = 'SELECT a.id, a.`lead`, a.typ, a.sprache, a.name, a.vorname, a.nachname, a.land, a.ort, a.plz, a.bundesstaat, a.telefon, a.strasse, a.vertrieb, a.email %s FROM `adresse` AS `a` WHERE a.geloescht = 0 AND a.id = :id'; return $this->db->fetchRow(sprintf($sql, $placeHolder), ['id' => $addressId]); } /** * @param int $hsContactId * @param array $types * * @return bool */ public function hubspotContactExists(int $hsContactId, array $types = []): bool { $sql = ' SELECT h.id FROM `hubspot_contacts` AS `h` WHERE h.hidden = 0 AND h.hs_contact_id = :id'; $where = ['id' => $hsContactId]; if (!empty($types)) { $sqlType = implode("','", $types); $sql .= ' AND h.type IN(:type)'; $where['type'] = $sqlType; } return !empty($this->db->fetchValue($sql, $where)); } /** * @param int $contactPersonId * * @return array */ public function getContactPersonData(int $contactPersonId): array { $sql = 'SELECT ap.id, ap.adresse AS address_id, ap.typ, ap.sprache, ap.name, ap.vorname, ap.bereich, ap.land, ap.ort, ap.plz, ap.strasse, ap.telefon, ap.email FROM `ansprechpartner` AS `ap` WHERE ap.geloescht = 0 AND ap.id = :id'; return $this->db->fetchRow($sql, ['id' => $contactPersonId]); } /** * @param int $contactPersonId * * @return array */ public function getHubspotMappingByPersonId(int $contactPersonId): array { $sql = 'SELECT hc.hs_contact_id AS `company_id`, (SELECT `hs_contact_id` FROM `hubspot_contacts` WHERE `address_id` = :cid) AS `contact_id` FROM `ansprechpartner` AS `ap` JOIN `hubspot_contacts` AS `hc` ON(ap.adresse = hc.address_id AND hc.type = :type) WHERE ap.id = :cid'; return $this->db->fetchRow($sql, ['cid' => $contactPersonId, 'type' => 'company']); } /** * @param int $noteId * * @return array */ public function getAddressInfoByNoteId(int $noteId): array { $sql = 'SELECT d.adresse_to AS `address_id`, a.typ AS `type`, a.name, d.betreff AS `object`, d.content FROM `dokumente` AS `d` JOIN `adresse` AS `a` ON(d.adresse_to = a.id) WHERE d.`id` = :note_id AND d.typ = :type'; return $this->db->fetchRow($sql, ['note_id' => $noteId, 'type' => 'notiz']); } /** * @param int $companyId * * @return bool */ public function hubspotSaleStaffExists(int $companyId): bool { $sql = ' SELECT h.id FROM `hubspot_contacts` AS `h` WHERE h.hidden = 0 AND h.data = :company AND h.type = :type'; $where = ['company' => (string)$companyId, 'type' => 'sale_staff']; return !empty($this->db->fetchValue($sql, $where)); } }