Vue.component('click-by-click-assistant', { props: ['pages', 'allowclose', 'pagination'], data: function(){ return { activePage: 0, currentTransition:'', dataStorage: [] } }, template: '<div class="click-by-click-assistant"><div class="wrapper"><div class="container">' + '<div v-if="allowclose" class="app-close-button" @click="$emit(\'close\')"></div>' + '<transition :name="currentTransition" mode="out-in">' + /** DEFAULT TEXT PAGE **/ '<div class="page" v-for="(page, index) in pages" ' + 'v-if="page.type === \'defaultPage\' && activePage === index" ' + ':data-pageIndex="index" ' + ':key="index">' + '<app-media v-if="page.headerMedia" :media="page.headerMedia"></app-media>' + '<div class="page-content">' + '<div v-if="!page.headerMedia && page.icon" class="header-icon" :class="page.icon"></div>' + '<h2 v-if="page.headline" v-html="page.headline"></h2>'+ '<h3 v-if="page.subHeadline" v-html="page.subHeadline"></h3>'+ '<p class="page-text" v-if="page.text" v-html="page.text"></p>'+ '<div class="flex-container" v-if="">'+ '<div v-if="" class="link">'+ '<a class="link" :href="" >{{ }}</a>'+ '</div>' + '</div>'+ '<button v-if="button.action === \'next\'" ' + 'v-for="button in page.ctaButtons" ' + 'class="button button-primary cta center" ' + '@click="changePage(\'next\')">{{ button.title }}</button>'+ '<button v-if="! && button.action === \'close\'" ' + 'v-for="button in page.ctaButtons" ' + 'class="button button-primary cta center" ' + '@click="$emit(\'close\')">{{ button.title }}</button>'+ '<button v-if="! && button.action === \'completeStep\'" ' + 'v-for="button in page.ctaButtons" ' + 'class="button button-primary cta center" ' + '@click="$emit(\'completeStep\')">{{ button.title }}</button>'+ '<button v-if=" && button.action === \'close\'" ' + 'v-for="button in page.ctaButtons" ' + 'class="button button-primary cta center" ' + '@click="link(">{{ button.title }}</button>'+ '<app-pagination v-if="pagination" :pages="pages" :index="index"></app-pagination>' + '</div>'+ '</div>' + /** FORM PAGE **/ '<div class="page" v-for="(page, index) in pages" ' + 'v-if="(page.type === \'form\' || page.type === \'survey\') && activePage === index" ' + ':data-pageIndex="index" :key="index">' + '<app-media v-if="page.headerMedia" :media="page.headerMedia"></app-media>' + '<div class="page-content">' + '<div v-if="!page.headerMedia && page.icon" class="header-icon" :class="page.icon"></div>' + '<h2 v-html="page.headline"></h2>'+ '<p v-if="page.subHeadline" v-html="page.subHeadline"></p>'+ '<app-form :page="page"></app-form>' + '<app-pagination v-if="pagination" :pages="pages" :index="index"></app-pagination>' + '</div>' + '</div>' + '</transition>' + '</div></div></div>', mounted: function(){ var self = this; self.saveDataRequiredForSubmit(); self.$on('completeStep', function(){ if(WizardContainer !== undefined){ WizardContainer.completeStep(); } self.$emit('close'); }); }, methods: { /** * @param {string} direction */ changePage: function(direction){ if(direction !== 'back' && direction !== 'next'){ return; } this.activePage = direction === 'next' ? this.activePage + 1 : this.activePage - 1; this.currentTransition = direction; }, link: function(link) { window.location.href = link; }, /** * saves all data that was defined on the building JSON file in order to submit it later */ saveDataRequiredForSubmit: function(){ var current; for(var i = 0; i < this.pages.length; i++){ current = this.pages[i].dataRequiredForSubmit; if(current === undefined || current.length === 0){ return; } this.setToStorage(current); } }, /** * @param {Object} object */ setToStorage: function(object){ this.dataStorage.push(object); }, /** * * @returns {Object} */ getStorage: function(){ return this.dataStorage; }, /** * clear storage, but keeps vue listener on this.dataStorage */ clearStorage: function(){ for (var member in this.dataStorage) { delete this.dataStorage[member]; } } } }); Vue.component('app-form',{ props: ['page'], data: function () { return { rowId: 0, surveyChoice: [], showSurveyError: false, formValid: true, formWasValidated: false, loading: false, errorMsg: 'Bitte überprüfe die Eingabefelder' } }, template: '<form @submit.prevent="processForm" novalidate>' + '<div class="flex-container" v-for="(row, rowIndex) in page.form" :key="">' + '<app-input-row v-if="row.inputs !== undefined && row.inputs.length > 0" ' + 'ref="row" :row="row" ' + ':hasSiblings="page.form.length > 1" ' + '@deleteme="removeInputRow(rowIndex)"></app-input-row>' + '<span v-else-if="row.surveyButtons !== undefined && row.surveyButtons.length > 0" ' + 'class="survey-button-container" ' + 'v-for="button in row.surveyButtons">'+ '<input type="checkbox" :id="button.value" name="data" :value="button.value" v-model="surveyChoice"/>'+ '<label :for="button.value" class="button button-secondary" > {{ button.title }} </label>' + '</span>' + '</div>' + '<div class="flex-container" v-if="">'+ '<div v-if="" class="add-row">'+ '<a class="link" :href="" >{{ }}</a>'+ '</div>' + '</div>'+ '<transition name="fade">' + '<div v-if="page.errorMsg && showSurveyError && surveyChoice.length === 0" ' + 'class="errorMsg">{{ page.errorMsg }}</div>'+ '<div v-if="formWasValidated && !formValid" class="errorMsg"> {{ errorMsg }}</div>'+ '</transition>' + '<button v-for="button in page.ctaButtons" ' + ':type="button.action" class="button button-primary cta center">{{ button.title }}' + '<app-spinner v-if="loading"></app-spinner></button>' + '</form>', methods:{ /** * @param {Object} row */ addInputRow: function(row){ this.rowId++ = this.rowId; for(var k = 0; k < row.inputs.length; k++){ row.inputs[k].name += this.rowId; }; for(var i = 0; i < -1; i++){[i].add.allow = false; } if(row.add.maximum ==={ this.allowAddOnLastRow(false); } }, /** * @param {number} index */ removeInputRow: function(index){ if( <= 1){ return; }, 1); this.allowAddOnLastRow(true); }, /** * @param {string} decision */ allowAddOnLastRow: function(decision){ var lastIndex = - 1;[lastIndex].add.allow = decision; }, /** * @param {Object} e */ processForm: function(e){ this.validateForm(); if(!this.formValid){ return; } if(!{ throw new Error("Please define submitType in your JSON"); } if( === "save"){ this.$parent.setToStorage(this.filterDataFromSubmitEvent(e)); this.$parent.changePage("next"); return; } this.submitForm(e); }, validateForm: function(){ if( === 'survey'){ this.formValid = this.surveyChoice.length !== 0; this.formWasValidated = true; if(!this.formValid){ this.showSurveyError = true; } } else { this.formValid = this.requiredRowsValid(); } }, /** * Checks if the required rows are valid * @returns {boolean} */ requiredRowsValid: function(){ if(this.$refs === undefined){ console.error("Please define ref on child component"); return false; } if(this.$refs.row === undefined) { return true; } var current; for(var i = 0; i < this.$refs.row.length; i++){ current = this.$refs.row[i]; // case 1: if row has not been validated (no user input), form is valid in regard of this row if(!current.rowWasValidated){ this.formWasValidated = false; return true; } // case 2: if row is invalid, form is not valid // rowValid only includes required inputs (filtered out on row component) if(!current.rowValid){ this.formWasValidated = true; return false; } } return true; // if case1 or case2 didn't match, form valid }, /** * @param {Event} e */ submitForm: function(e){ var request = new XMLHttpRequest(), self = this, data, responseJson; data = this.prepareSubmitData(e);"POST", + '', true); request.addEventListener('load', function(event) { if (request.status >= 200 && request.status < 300) { console.log("POST " + request.statusText + " status: " + request.status); responseJson = JSON.parse(request.responseText); if( !== undefined) { self.$parent.pages.push(; } self.$parent.clearStorage(); if(responseJson.dataRequiredForSubmit !== undefined){ self.$parent.setToStorage(responseJson.dataRequiredForSubmit); } self.$parent.changePage("next"); self.loading = false; } else { console.warn(request.statusText, request.responseText); self.loading = false; self.formValid = false; self.formWasValidated = true; responseJson = JSON.parse(request.responseText); if(responseJson.error !== undefined) { self.errorMsg = responseJson.error; } else { self.errorMsg = 'Ooops, da ist etwas schief gelaufen. Bitte versuche es erneut.'; } if(responseJson.dataRequiredForSubmit !== undefined){ self.$parent.setToStorage(responseJson.dataRequiredForSubmit); } } }); self.loading = true; request.send(data); }, /** * Combines all available data of all not-submitted pages * * @param {Object} e * * @returns {FormData} */ prepareSubmitData: function(e){ var submitData = new FormData(), filteredEventData, storageData; filteredEventData = this.filterDataFromSubmitEvent(e); storageData = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(this.$parent.getStorage())); if(storageData !== undefined && storageData.length > 0){ for(var i = 0; i < storageData.length; i++){ for(var key in storageData[i]){ submitData.append(key, storageData[i][key]); } } } if(filteredEventData !== undefined){ for(var filteredEventDataKey in filteredEventData){ submitData.append(filteredEventDataKey, filteredEventData[filteredEventDataKey]); } } return submitData; }, /** * Serializes all data from a form submit event * * @param e * * @returns {Object} */ filterDataFromSubmitEvent: function(e){ var data = {}, checkedInSurvey = [], current; for(var i = 0; i <; i++){ current =[i]; if(current.tagName === "button" || current.tagName === "BUTTON"){ continue; } if(!{ throw new Error("Please define names for all inputs"); } if( === "survey" && (current.tagName === "input" || current.tagName === "INPUT")){ if(current.checked){ checkedInSurvey.push(current.value); } data[] = checkedInSurvey; } else { if(current.type === 'checkbox') { if(current.checked){ data[] = current.value; } } else { data[] = current.value; } } } return data; } } }); Vue.component('app-input-row',{ props: ['row', 'hasSiblings'], data: function(){ return { rowValid: true, rowWasValidated: false } }, template: '<div class="app-row-container">' + '<div class="app-input-row" :class="{\'reduced-width\': row.inputs.length === 1 }">' + '<div class="app-row-valid" :class="{\'icon-ok\': rowValid && rowWasValidated}"></div>' + '<app-input ' + 'v-for="(input, inputIndex) in row.inputs" ' + ':type="input.type" ' + ':validation="input.validation" ' + ':customErrorMsg="input.customErrorMsg" ' + ':name="" ' + ':label="input.label"' + ':value="input.value"' + ':connectedTo="input.connectedTo"' + ':options="input.options"' + 'ref="input"'+ ':key="inputIndex"></app-input>' + '<div v-if="row.removable && hasSiblings" @click="$emit(\'deleteme\')" class="remove-row"></div>' + '</div>' + '<div v-if="row.add && row.add.allow" @click="addRow" class="add-row">{{ row.add.text }}</div>' + '<div v-if="" class="add-row"><a class="link" :href="" >{{ }}</a></div>' + '</div>', methods:{ addRow: function(){ var newRow = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(this.row)); // removes vue observable and makes it possible to change this.$parent.addInputRow(newRow); }, validateRow: function(){ this.rowValid = this.requiredInputsValid(); this.rowWasValidated = true; if(this.rowValid){ this.$parent.validateForm(); } }, /** * Checks if the required Inputs are valid * * @returns {boolean} */ requiredInputsValid: function(){ if(this.$refs === undefined){ throw new Error("Please define ref on child component"); } var valid = true, current; for(var i = 0; i < this.$refs.input.length; i++){ current = this.$refs.input[i]; if(!current.validation){ valid = true; continue; } valid = current.validation && current.valid && current.wasValidated; // row is invalid after first invalid input if(!valid){ return false; } } return valid; } } }); Vue.component('app-input', { props: ['type', 'validation', 'name', 'label', 'customErrorMsg', 'options', 'value', 'connectedTo'], data: function () { return { inputValue: this.value ? this.value : '', inputType: this.type, inputErrorMsg: undefined, valid: true, wasValidated: false } }, template: '<div v-if="type === \'select\'" class="app-input select" :class="{\'input-error\': !valid }">' + '<select :id="name" :name="name" v-model="inputValue" :class="{\'hasSelected\': inputValue.length > 0 }" ' + '@change="validateInput" >' + '<option v-for="(option, index) in options" :value="option.value" :key="index">{{ option.text }}</option>' + '</select>' + '<label :for="name">{{ label }} <span v-if="validation"> (Pflichtfeld)</span></label>' + '</div>'+ '<div v-else class="app-input" :class="{\'input-error\': !valid}">' + //'<input style="display: none" type="password" />' + '<input :type="inputType" :id="name" :name="name" v-model="inputValue" ' + ':class="{\'hasValue\': inputValue.length > 0 }" ' + '@blur="validateInput" autocomplete="off" required />' + '<div v-if="type === \'password\'" class="reveal" @click="togglePasswordVisibility"></div>' + '<label :for="name">{{ label }} <span v-if="validation"> (Pflichtfeld)</span></label>' + '<transition name="fade">' + '<div v-if="!valid && inputErrorMsg" class="input-error"> {{ inputErrorMsg }}</div>' + '</transition>'+ '</div>', mounted: function(){ var self = this; // listens to compare request "broadcast" from other component self.$root.$on('compareConnected', function(data){ if( !== data.connectedTo) { return; } // "broadcasts" to every component listening self.$root.$emit('comparisonResult', { requestingInput:, valid: self.inputValue === data.requestingInput.inputValue && self.valid }) }); self.$root.$on('comparisonResult', function(result){ if( === result.requestingInput){ self.valid = result.valid; } }); }, methods: { validateInput: function(){ if((this.inputValue.length === 0 && !this.wasValidated) || !this.validation){ // input is valid if it has a value and wasn't validated before (inputs do not get validated on page render) // or if it's not necessary to validate this.valid = true; return; } switch(this.type){ case "email": var regex = /^(([^<>()[\]\\.,;:\s@\"]+(\.[^<>()[\]\\.,;:\s@\"]+)*)|(\".+\"))@((\[[0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,3}\])|(([a-zA-Z\-0-9]+\.)+[a-zA-Z]{2,}))$/; this.valid = regex.test(this.inputValue); this.inputErrorMsg = this.customErrorMsg || "Adresse nicht gültig"; break; case "text": this.valid = this.inputValue.length >= 2; this.inputErrorMsg = this.customErrorMsg || "Mindestens zwei Zeichen"; break; case "password": // "broadcasting" event to listening components // In this case we compare if passwords match in connected fields -> "connectedTo" option in JSON if(this.connectedTo !== undefined){ this.$root.$emit('compareConnected', { connectedTo: this.connectedTo, requestingInput: { name:, inputValue: this.inputValue } }); this.inputErrorMsg = this.customErrorMsg || "Bitte wiederholen Sie das Passwort"; } else { this.valid = this.inputValue.length >= 4; this.inputErrorMsg = this.customErrorMsg || "Mindestens vier Zeichen"; } break; case "select": // it's "selected/changed" (event) so it always has a valid value break; default: break; } this.wasValidated = true; this.$parent.validateRow(); }, togglePasswordVisibility: function(){ this.inputType = this.inputType === 'password' ? 'text' : 'password'; } } }); Vue.component('app-pagination', { props: ["pages", "index"], template: '' + '<div class="app-pagination">' + '<div v-for="(dot, dotIndex) in pages" :class="{\'active\': index === dotIndex}"></div>' + '</div>' }); Vue.component('app-spinner',{ template: '<div class="spinner spinner-circle"></div>' }); Vue.component('app-media',{ props: ["media"], template: '<div>' + '<iframe v-if="media.type === \'video\'"' + 'class="media-youtube" ' + ':src=" + \'?rel=0\'" ' + 'frameborder="0" ' + 'allow="accelerometer; autoplay; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture" ' + 'allowfullscreen>' + '</iframe>' + '<img ' + 'v-if="media.type === \'image\'"' + 'class="media-image"' + ':src="">' + '<img/>' + '</div>' });