
 * SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2022 Andreas Palm
 * SPDX-License-Identifier: LicenseRef-EGPL-3.1

class Shopimporter_Mirakl extends ShopimporterBase {

    private $app;
    private $intern;
    private $shopid;
    private $protocol;
    private $apiKey;
    private $shopUrl;
    private $createManufacturerAllowed = false;
    private $idsabholen;
    private $idbearbeitung;
    private $idabgeschlossen;
    public $data;
    // TODO
    private $langidToIso = [3 => 'de', 1 => 'en'];
    private $taxationByDestinationCountry;
    private $orderSearchLimit;

    private $category_identifier_source;
    private $category_identifier_source_field;
    private $product_identifier_type;
    private $product_identifier_source;
    private $product_identifier_source_field;
    private $product_field_map;
    private $offer_field_map;

    public function __construct($app, $intern = false) {
        $this->app = $app;
        $this->intern = $intern;
        if ($intern)

     * See widget.shopexport.php

    public function EinstellungenStruktur() {
        return [
            'ausblenden' => ['abholmodus' => ['ab_nummer', 'zeitbereich']],
            'functions' => ['getarticlelist'],
            'felder' => [
                'protokoll' => [
                    'typ' => 'checkbox',
                    'bezeichnung' => '{|Protokollierung im Logfile|}:'
                /*            'textekuerzen' => [
                  'typ' => 'checkbox',
                  'bezeichnung' => '{|Texte bei Artikelexport auf Maximallänge kürzen|}:'
                  'useKeyAsParameter' => [
                  'typ' => 'checkbox',
                  'bezeichnung' => '{|Shop Version ist mindestens|}:'
                  ], */
                'apikey' => [
                    'typ' => 'text',
                    'bezeichnung' => '{|API Key|}:',
                    'size' => 40,
                'shopurl' => [
                    'typ' => 'text',
                    'bezeichnung' => '{|Shop URL|}:',
                    'size' => 40,
                'shopid' => [
                    'typ' => 'text',
                    'bezeichnung' => '{|Shop ID des Shops|}:',
                    'size' => 40,
                    'info' => 'optional, int64'
                'category_identifier_source' => [
                    'typ' => 'select',
                    'bezeichnung' => '{|Kategorie-Identifizierer|}:',
                    'size' => 40,
                    'optionen' => ['Kategorie' => '{|Kategorie|}', 'Freifeld' => '{|Freifeld|}', 'Eigenschaft' => '{|Eigenschaft|}'],
                    'info' => 'Feld in OpenXE für die Zuordnung der Artikel zu den Katalogkategorien in Mirakl'
                'category_identifier_source_field' => [
                    'typ' => 'text',
                    'bezeichnung' => '{|Kategorie-Identifizierer Freifeld oder Eigenschaft|}:',
                    'size' => 40,
                    'info' => 'Wenn oben Freifeld oder Eigenschaft gew&auml;hlt wurde'
                'product_identifier_type' => [
                    'typ' => 'text',
                    'bezeichnung' => '{|Produkt-Identifizierertyp in Mirakl|}:',
                    'size' => 40,
                    'info' => 'Z.B. EAN'
                'product_identifier_source' => [
                    'typ' => 'select',
                    'bezeichnung' => '{|Produkt-Identifizierer|}:',
                    'size' => 40,
                    'optionen' => ['Artikelnummer' => '{|Artikelnummer|}', 'Herstellernummer' => '{|Herstellernummer|}', 'EAN' => '{|EAN|}', 'Freifeld' => 'Freifeld', 'Eigenschaft' => 'Eigenschaft'],
                    'info' => 'Feld in OpenXE für die Zuordnung der Artikel zu den Katalogprodukten in Mirakl'
                'product_identifier_source_field' => [
                    'typ' => 'text',
                    'bezeichnung' => '{|Produkt-Identifizierer Freifeld oder Eigenschaft|}:',
                    'size' => 40,
                    'info' => 'Wenn oben Freifeld oder Eigenschaft gew&auml;hlt wurde'
                'product_field_map' => [
                    'typ' => 'textarea',
                    'bezeichnung' => '{|Zuordnung Produkt-Felder je Kategorie (JSON)|}:',
                    'info' => 'Die Felder werden vom Mirakl-Betreiber vorgegeben. Mögliche Zuordnungen aus OpenXE sind: Artikelnummer, Artikelname, Einheit, Hersteller, Herstellernummer, EAN oder eine konkrete Artikeleigenschaft'
                'offer_field_map' => [
                    'typ' => 'textarea',
                    'bezeichnung' => '{|Zuordnung Angebots-Felder je Kategorie (JSON)|}:',
                    'info' => 'Die Felder werden vom Mirakl-Betreiber vorgegeben. Mögliche Zuordnungen aus OpenXE sind: nummer, name_de, einheit, hersteller, herstellernummer, ean u.v.m. Freifelder: {"freifeld": "Freifeld1-40"}, Eigenschaften: {"eigenschaft": "Eigenschaftenname xyz"}, Fester Wert: {"wert": "xyz"}, Zusatzfelder zusätzlich mit der Eigenschaft "zusatzfeld": true versehen: z.B. {"freifeld": "Freifeld1", "zusatzfeld": true}'
              'steuergruppen' => [
              'typ' => 'text',
              'bezeichnung' => '{|Steuergruppenmapping|}:',
              'size' => 40,
              'zustand' => [
              'typ' => 'text',
              'bezeichnung' => '{|Freifeld Zustand|}:',
              'size' => 40,
              'abholen' => [
              'typ' => 'text',
              'bezeichnung' => '{|\'Abholen\' Status IDs|}:',
              'size' => 40,
              'bearbeitung' => [
              'typ' => 'text',
              'bezeichnung' => '{|\'In Bearbeitung\' Status IDs|}:',
              'size' => 40,
              'abgeschlossen' => [
              'typ' => 'text',
              'bezeichnung' => '{|\'Abgeschlossen\' Status IDs|}:',
              'size' => 40,
              'autoerstellehersteller' => [
              'typ' => 'checkbox',
              'bezeichnung' => '{|Fehlende Hersteller automatisch anlegen|}:',
              'col' => 2
              'zeigezustand' => [
              'typ' => 'checkbox',
              'bezeichnung' => '{|Artikelzustand im Shop anzeigen|}:',
              'col' => 2
              'zeigepreis' => [
              'typ' => 'checkbox',
              'bezeichnung' => '{|Artikelpreis im Shop anzeigen|}:',
              'col' => 2
              ], */

    public function getKonfig($shopid, $data) {
        $this->shopid = $shopid;
        $this->data = $data;
        $importerSettings = $this->app->DB->SelectArr("SELECT `einstellungen_json` FROM `shopexport` WHERE `id` = '$shopid' LIMIT 1");
        $importerSettings = reset($importerSettings);

        $einstellungen = [];
        if (!empty($importerSettings['einstellungen_json'])) {
            $einstellungen = json_decode($importerSettings['einstellungen_json'], true);
        $this->protocol = $einstellungen['felder']['protokoll'];
        $this->apiKey = $einstellungen['felder']['apikey'];
        $this->shopUrl = rtrim($einstellungen['felder']['shopurl'], '/') . '/';
        if ($einstellungen['felder']['autoerstellehersteller'] === '1') {
            $this->createManufacturerAllowed = true;
        $this->idsabholen = $einstellungen['felder']['abholen'];
        $this->idbearbeitung = $einstellungen['felder']['bearbeitung'];
        $this->idabgeschlossen = $einstellungen['felder']['abgeschlossen'];
        $query = sprintf('SELECT `steuerfreilieferlandexport` FROM `shopexport`  WHERE `id` = %d', $this->shopid);
        $this->taxationByDestinationCountry = !empty($this->app->DB->Select($query));
        $this->category_identifier_source = $einstellungen['felder']['category_identifier_source'];
        $this->category_identifier_source_field = $einstellungen['felder']['category_identifier_source_field'];
        $this->product_identifier_type = $einstellungen['felder']['product_identifier_type'];
        $this->product_identifier_source = $einstellungen['felder']['product_identifier_source'];
        $this->product_identifier_source_field = $einstellungen['felder']['product_identifier_source_field'];
        $this->product_field_map = json_decode($einstellungen['felder']['product_field_map'], true);
        $this->offer_field_map = json_decode($einstellungen['felder']['offer_field_map'], true);        

    private function miraklRequest(string $endpoint, $postdata = null, array $getdata = null, string $content_type = null, bool $raw = false) {
        $ch = curl_init();
        $url_addition = "";

        $headers = array("Authorization: " . $this->apiKey);

        curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, true);

        if (!empty($getdata)) {
            $url_addition = "?";
            $ampersand = "";
            foreach ($getdata as $key => $value) {
                $url_addition .= $ampersand . $key . "=" . $value;
                $ampersand = "&";
        } else if (!empty($postdata)) {
            curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_CUSTOMREQUEST, 'POST');
            curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, $postdata);
            $headers[] = 'Content-Type: ' . $content_type;

        curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL, $this->shopUrl . $endpoint . $url_addition);
        curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER, $headers);
        curl_setopt($ch, CURLINFO_HEADER_OUT, true);
        curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_VERBOSE, true);

        $response = curl_exec($ch);
        if (curl_error($ch)) {
            $this->error[] = curl_error($ch);

        $information = curl_getinfo($ch);
//        print_r($information);
//        print_r($postdata);
//        print_r($response);
//        exit();

        if ($raw)
            return $response;

        return simplexml_load_string($response);

    public function ImportAuth() {
        $ch = curl_init($this->shopUrl . "version");
        curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER, array("Authorization: " . $this->apiKey));
        curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, true);
        $response = curl_exec($ch);
        $code = curl_getinfo($ch, CURLINFO_RESPONSE_CODE);
        if ($code == 200) {
            return 'success ' . print_r($response, true);
        return $response;

     *   Fetches article list from the shop, puts them into table shopexport_getarticles, starts the prozessstarter getarticles which fetches details for each article via ImportGetArticle()

    public function ImportGetArticleList() {
        $result = [];

        $response = $this->miraklRequest('offers', raw: true);

        $result_array = json_decode($response);

        foreach ($result_array->offers as $offer) {
            $result[] = $offer->shop_sku;

        return $result;

     *   Fetches article details from the shop

    public function ImportGetArticle() {

        $articleList = $this->CatchRemoteCommand('data');

        $parameters = array('product_references' => 'productID', 'product_');

        $response = $this->miraklRequest('products?', raw: true);

        throw new Exception("Not implemented");

     *  Send articles to shop

    public function ImportSendList() {
        $articleList = $this->CatchRemoteCommand('data');
        // First gather all articles as offers and send them
        // Wait for import to finish
        // Evaluate import

        // Unimplemented (needed?)
        // Select offers with no product
        // Create products and send
        // Wait for import to finish
        // Evaluate import

        foreach ($articleList as $article) {

             * Export offer

            $additional_fields = array();
            // Required attributes
            $offer_for_mirakl = array(
                'product_id_type' => $this->product_identifier_type,
                'product_id' => $article['nummer'], // TBD
                'shop_sku' => $article['nummer'], // TBD
                'price' => $article['preis'],
                'state_code' => '11', // ?!?!
                'update_delete' => null // Update delete flag. Could be empty (means "update"), "update" or "delete".
            foreach ($this->offer_field_map as $offer_field => $offer_field_source) {

                $offer_field_value = null;

                if (!is_array($offer_field_source)) {
                    if (!isset($article[$offer_field_source])) {
                         throw new Exception("Artikelfeld \"".$offer_field_source."\" nicht vorhanden.");
                    $offer_field_value = $article[$offer_field_source];
                } else {                                               

                    $is_additional_field = false;

                    foreach ($offer_field_source as $key => $value) {
                        switch ($key) {
                            case 'freifeld':
                                // TBD
                            case 'eigenschaft':
                            // TBD
                            case 'wert':
                                $offer_field_value = $value;
                            case 'zusatzfeld':
                                $is_additional_field = $value;

                if ($is_additional_field) {
                    $additional_field = array (
                        "code" => $offer_field,
                        "value" => $offer_field_value
                    $additional_fields[] = $additional_field;
                } else {
                    $offer_for_mirakl[$offer_field] = $offer_field_value; 

            if (!empty($additional_fields)) {
                $offer_for_mirakl['offer_additional_fields'] = $additional_fields;
            $offers_for_mirakl[] = $offer_for_mirakl;

        $data_for_mirakl = array();
        $data_for_mirakl['offers'] = $offers_for_mirakl;

        $json_for_mirakl = json_encode($data_for_mirakl);

//        print_r($json_for_mirakl);
//        exit();

        $result = [];
        $response = $this->miraklRequest('offers', postdata: $json_for_mirakl, content_type: 'application/json', raw: true);

        $result = json_decode($response);

        if (!isset($result->import_id)) {
            return(array('status' => false, 'message' => "Offer import in Mirakl not accepted: ".print_r($response,true)));
        $import_id = $result->import_id;

        // Wait for import to finish
        $status = null;
        while ($status != 'COMPLETE' && $status != 'FAILED') {
            $response = $this->miraklRequest('offers/imports/'.$import_id, raw: true);
            $result = json_decode($response);
            $status = $result->status;
        if ($status == 'FAILED') {
            return(array('status' => false, 'message' => "Offer import in Mirakl failed: ".print_r($response,true)));
        if ($result->lines_in_error == 0) {
        // Check errors 
        $response = $this->miraklRequest('offers/imports/'.$import_id.'/error_report', raw: true);
        return(array('status' => false, 'message' => "Offer import in Mirakl has errors: ".print_r($response,true)));


    private function getOrdersToProcess(int $limit) {

    private function Log($message, $dump = '') {
        if ($this->protocol) {
            $this->app->erp->Logfile($message, print_r($dump, true));

    public function ImportDeleteAuftrag() {

    public function ImportUpdateAuftrag() {

    public function ImportGetAuftraegeAnzahl() {

    public function ImportGetAuftrag() {