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namespace Xentral\Modules\Api\Controller\Version1;
use Xentral\Components\Http\Response;
use Xentral\Modules\Api\Error\ApiError;
use Xentral\Modules\Api\Exception\BadRequestException;
use Xentral\Modules\Api\Exception\ResourceNotFoundException;
use Xentral\Modules\Api\Exception\ServerErrorException;
use Xentral\Modules\Api\Resource\FileResource;
use Xentral\Modules\Api\Resource\Result\ItemResult;
class FileController extends AbstractController
* Resourcen-Liste abrufen
* @return Response
public function listAction()
// Filter, Sortierung und Paginierung
$filter = $this->prepareFilterParams();
$sorting = $this->prepareSortingParams();
$includes = $this->prepareIncludeParams();
$currentPage = $this->getPaginationPage();
$itemsPerPage = $this->getPaginationCount();
// Liste laden
$resource = $this->getResource($this->resourceClass);
$result = $resource->getList($filter, $sorting, [], $includes, $currentPage, $itemsPerPage);
return $this->sendResult($result);
* Einzelne Resource anhand ID laden
* @return Response
public function readAction()
return $this->sendResult($this->readResult());
* Datei als Download senden
* @return Response
public function downloadAction()
$fileId = $this->getResourceId();
$erp = $this->legacyApi->app->erp;
$filePath = $erp->GetDateiPfad($fileId);
$fileName = $erp->GetDateiName($fileId);
if (!is_file($filePath)) {
throw new ResourceNotFoundException('File not found in filesystem.');
$fileMime = mime_content_type($filePath);
if ($fileMime === 'directory') {
throw new ResourceNotFoundException('File not found. File is a directory.');
$header = [
'Content-Type' => $fileMime,
'Content-Disposition' => sprintf('attachment; filename="%s"', $fileName),
'Content-Length' => (string)filesize($filePath),
return new Response(file_get_contents($filePath), 200, $header);
* Datei base64-kodiert senden
* @return Response
public function base64Action()
$fileId = $this->getResourceId();
$erp = $this->legacyApi->app->erp;
$filePath = $erp->GetDateiPfad($fileId);
if (!is_file($filePath)) {
throw new ResourceNotFoundException('File not found in filesystem.');
$fileMime = mime_content_type($filePath);
if ($fileMime === 'directory') {
throw new ResourceNotFoundException('File not found. File is a directory.');
$prefix = 'data:' . $fileMime . ';base64,';
$header = [
'Content-Type' => 'text/plain',
'Content-Disposition' => 'inline',
return new Response($prefix . base64_encode(file_get_contents($filePath)), 200, $header);
* Datei anlegen/hochladen
* @throws BadRequestException Wenn Pflichtfelder leer, oder Content-Type falsch
* @throws ServerErrorException Wenn Datei aus unbekannten Gründen nicht angelegt werden konnte (sollte nicht auftreten)
* @return Response
public function createAction()
$input = $this->getRequestDataFromUrlEncodedForm();
if (empty($input['dateiname'])) {
throw new BadRequestException('Required property "dateiname" is missing.');
if (empty($input['titel'])) {
throw new BadRequestException('Required property "titel" is missing.');
if (empty($input['file_content'])) {
throw new BadRequestException('Required property "file_content" is missing.');
$fileName = $input['dateiname']; // Pflichtfeld
$fileTitle = $input['titel']; // Pflichtfeld
$fileDescription = $input['beschreibung'] ?? '';
$fileNumber = null;
$fileCreatorUserId = null;
$erp = $this->legacyApi->app->erp;
$fileId = (int)$erp->CreateDatei(
if ($fileId <= 0) {
throw new ServerErrorException('Failed to create file.');
// if (!empty($input['belegtyp'])) {
// $erp->AddDateiStichwort($fileId, 'Belege', $input['belegtyp'], $belegId); // @todo $belegId
// }
// Bei Erfolg die angelegte Resource zurückliefern; mit Success-Flag
/** @var FileResource $resource */
$result = $this->readResult($fileId);
return $this->sendResult($result, Response::HTTP_CREATED);
* @throws ResourceNotFoundException
* @return void
public function updateAction()
throw new ResourceNotFoundException();
* @throws BadRequestException
* @return array
protected function getRequestDataFromUrlEncodedForm()
$request = $this->request;
if ($request->getContentType() !== 'x-www-form-urlencoded') {
throw new BadRequestException(
'Unsupported Content-Type',
['Content-Type must be "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"']
return $request->post->all();
* @param int|null $useFileId
* @throws ResourceNotFoundException
* @return ItemResult
protected function readResult($useFileId = null)
$fileId = (int)$useFileId > 0 ? (int)$useFileId : $this->getResourceId();
$erp = $this->legacyApi->app->erp;
$filePath = $erp->GetDateiPfad($fileId);
if (!is_file($filePath)) {
throw new ResourceNotFoundException('File not found in filesystem.');
$fileMime = mime_content_type($filePath);
if ($fileMime === 'directory') {
throw new ResourceNotFoundException('File not found. File is a directory.');
$resource = $this->getResource($this->resourceClass);
$includes = $this->prepareIncludeParams();
$result = $resource->getOne($fileId, $includes);
$fullUri = $this->request->getFullUrl();
// URI um File-ID erweitern, wenn der Request ohne ID war (beim Anlegen)
if ((int)$useFileId > 0) {
$fullUri .= '/' . $useFileId;
// Daten anreichern um Download-Links
$data = $result->getData();
$data['mimetype'] = $fileMime;
$data['links'] = [
'download' => $fullUri . '/download',
'base64' => $fullUri . '/base64',
return new ItemResult($data);