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if (!class_exists('Versanddienstleister')) {
require_once dirname(__DIR__) . '/class.versanddienstleister.php';
* Request & Response Exceptions
interface ParcelOneExceptionInterface
* Class ParcelOneReplacer
* Register some placeholders (with their values) as array
* and replace each substring of {KEY}, {key}, {{KEY}} or {{key}} with
* its value.
class ParcelOneReplacer
private $replacements = [];
* DPDe_Placeholders constructor.
* @param array $replacements
public function __construct($replacements)
$replacements = array_filter($replacements, static function($e){
return is_string($e) || is_numeric($e);
$replacements = array_filter($replacements, 'is_string', ARRAY_FILTER_USE_KEY);
$replacements = array_change_key_case($replacements, CASE_UPPER);
$this->replacements = $replacements;
* Search and replace variables in string.
* Replaces all placeholders in upper or lower case within single or double curly brackets
* @param string $message
* E.G.: Would convert "hello {customer}." to "hello awesome people."
* if array to __construct was like ['customer' => 'awesome people']
* @return string
public function handle($message)
if (!is_string($message)) {
$type = gettype($message);
throw new RuntimeException(sprintf(
'Expected message as string, got %s.', $type
if (empty($this->replacements)) {
return $message;
foreach ($this->replacements as $key => $value) {
$value = (string) $value;
// key with one bracket
$key = '{' . trim($key, '{}') . '}';
$message = str_replace([$key, strtolower($key)], [$value, $value], $message);
// key with two brackets
$key = '{' . $key . '}';
$message = str_replace([$key, strtolower($key)], [$value, $value], $message);
return $message;
* This abstract class is designed to simplify a new 'delivery tool'
* Class AbstractVersandart
abstract class AbstractVersandartParcelone extends Versanddienstleister
public $einstellungen = [];
public $export_drucker;
public $paketmarke_drucker;
* Copied from other 'versandart modules', added
* the RuntimeException for json decode.
* AbstractVersandart constructor.
* @param app_t $app
* @param int $id
final public function __construct($app, $id)
$this->id = $id;
$this->app = &$app;
$settings = $this->app->DB->Select("SELECT einstellungen_json FROM versandarten WHERE id = '$id' LIMIT 1");
$this->paketmarke_drucker = $this->app->DB->Select("SELECT paketmarke_drucker FROM versandarten WHERE id = '$id' LIMIT 1");
$this->export_drucker = $this->app->DB->Select("SELECT export_drucker FROM versandarten WHERE id = '$id' LIMIT 1");
if ($settings) {
$settings = json_decode($settings, true);
if (json_last_error()) {
throw new RuntimeException(sprintf(
'JSON decode failed in %s with %s.', get_class($this), json_last_error_msg()
} else {
$settings = [];
$this->einstellungen = $settings;
* Just a hook run if the ctr had his job done.
* @return void
abstract protected function ctrHook();
* Called via 'versandzentrum'
* Thanks to 'sevensenders.php'
* @param int|string $id
* @param $sid
* @return array
public function PaketmarkeDrucken($id, $sid)
$adressdaten = $this->GetAdressdaten($id, $sid);
$ret = $this->Paketmarke($sid, $id, '', false, $adressdaten);
if ($sid !== 'lieferschein') {
return $ret;
$deliveryNoteArr = $this->app->DB->SelectRow("SELECT adresse, versandart, projekt FROM lieferschein WHERE id = '$id' LIMIT 1");
$adresse = $deliveryNoteArr['adresse'];
$project = $deliveryNoteArr['projekt'];
$versandart = $deliveryNoteArr['versandart'];
$addressValidation = 2;
if ($ret) {
$addressValidation = 1;
$tracking = null;
// $tracking = $this->tracking; // $this->tracking is not set in 'sevensenders.php'
if (isset($adressdaten['tracking'])) {
$tracking = $adressdaten['tracking'];
$this->app->DB->Insert("INSERT INTO versand (versandunternehmen, tracking,
VALUES ('$versandart','$tracking',NOW(),1,'$id',1,'1','$adresse','$project',1,'$addressValidation') ");
if ($addressValidation === 1) {
$this->app->erp->LieferscheinProtokoll($id, 'Paketmarke automatisch gedruckt');
} elseif ($addressValidation === 2) {
$this->app->erp->LieferscheinProtokoll($id, 'automatisches Paketmarke Drucken fehlgeschlagen');
return $ret;
* This method is the 'main' part of all delivery tools.
* Available via Lager -> Lieferschein
* index.php?module=lieferschein&action=paketmarke&id={id}
* or Lager -> Versandzentrum
* index.php?module=versanderzeugen&action=frankieren&id={id}
* or Lager -> Retoure
* index.php?module=retoure&action=paketmarke&id={id}
* called via erpapi->Paketmarke($parsetarget,$sid="",$zusatz="",$typ="DHL") as:
* $error = $obj->Paketmarke($sid!=''?$sid:'lieferschein',($sid=='versand'?$id:$tid), $parsetarget, $error);
* Reads the address data and package data via '$this->app->Secure->GetPOST' or from '$adressdaten' array.
* @param string $doctyp 'lieferschein' / 'versand' / 'retoure'
* @param string|int $id '1'
* @param string $target '#TAB1'
* @param bool $error
* @param null|array $adressdaten
* @return array
final public function Paketmarke($doctyp, $id, $target = '', $error = false, &$adressdaten = null)
if (is_string($id) && is_numeric($id)) {
$id = (int)$id;
if (!is_int($id)) {
$type = gettype($id);
throw new ArgumentTypeException('Expected id as integer, got ' . $type);
if (!is_string($doctyp)) {
$type = gettype($doctyp);
throw new ArgumentTypeException('Expected doctyp as string, got ' . $type);
$allowedTypes = ['lieferschein', 'versand', 'retoure'];
if ($adressdaten === null) {
$doctyp = $this->getModuleName($doctyp, $allowedTypes);
if (!in_array($doctyp, $allowedTypes, true)) {
throw new RuntimeException('Only \'Lieferschein\' is supported, got ' . $doctyp);
if (is_array($adressdaten) && !empty($adressdaten)) {
$address = [
'name' => $adressdaten['name'],
'name2' => $adressdaten['name2'],
'name3' => $adressdaten['name3'],
'street' => $adressdaten['strassekomplett'],
'street_no' => $adressdaten['hausnummer'],
'plz' => $adressdaten['plz'],
'ort' => $adressdaten['ort'],
'email' => $adressdaten['email'],
'phone' => $adressdaten['phone'],
'land' => $adressdaten['land'],
// bundesstaat
// $anzahl = (int)isset($adressdaten["anzahl"])?$adressdaten["anzahl"]:0;
// $nummeraufbeleg = "";//$this->app->Secure->GetPOST("nummeraufbeleg");
// if ($anzahl <= 0 || !is_int($anzahl)) $anzahl = 1;
// $laenge = isset($adressdaten["laenge"])?$adressdaten["laenge"]:'';
// $breite = isset($adressdaten["breite"])?$adressdaten["breite"]:'';
// $hoehe = isset($adressdaten["hoehe"])?$adressdaten["hoehe"]:'';
$cash_on_delivery = isset($adressdaten['Nachnahme']) ? $adressdaten['Nachnahme'] : 0;
$packageData = [
'kg1' => $adressdaten['standardkg'],
'drucken' => '1',
'anders' => '',
'tracking_again' => '',
'module' => $doctyp,
'versandmit' => '', // $this->app->Secure->GetPOST('versandmit'),
'trackingsubmit' => '', // $this->app->Secure->GetPOST('trackingsubmit'),
'versandmitbutton' => '', // $this->app->Secure->GetPOST('versandmitbutton'),
'tracking' => '', // $this->app->Secure->GetPOST('tracking'),
'trackingsubmitcancel' => '', // $this->app->Secure->GetPOST('trackingsubmitcancel'),
'retourenlabel' => '', // $this->app->Secure->GetPOST('retourenlabel'),
'nachnahme' => (int)$cash_on_delivery,
'product' => '',
} else {
$address = [
'name' => $this->app->Secure->GetPOST('name'),
'name2' => $this->app->Secure->GetPOST('name2'),
'name3' => $this->app->Secure->GetPOST('name3'),
'street' => $this->app->Secure->GetPOST('strasse'),
'street_no' => $this->app->Secure->GetPOST('hausnummer'),
'plz' => $this->app->Secure->GetPOST('plz'),
'ort' => $this->app->Secure->GetPOST('ort'),
'email' => $this->app->Secure->GetPOST('email'),
'phone' => $this->app->Secure->GetPOST('phone'),
'land' => $this->app->Secure->GetPOST('land'),
$packageData = [
'kg1' => $this->app->Secure->GetPOST('kg1'),
'drucken' => $this->app->Secure->GetPOST('drucken'),
'anders' => $this->app->Secure->GetPOST('anders'),
'tracking_again' => $this->app->Secure->GetGET('tracking_again'),
'module' => $this->app->Secure->GetGET('module'),
'versandmit' => $this->app->Secure->GetPOST('versandmit'),
'trackingsubmit' => $this->app->Secure->GetPOST('trackingsubmit'),
'versandmitbutton' => $this->app->Secure->GetPOST('versandmitbutton'),
'tracking' => $this->app->Secure->GetPOST('tracking'),
'trackingsubmitcancel' => $this->app->Secure->GetPOST('trackingsubmitcancel'),
'retourenlabel' => $this->app->Secure->GetPOST('retourenlabel'),
// 'product' => $this->app->Secure->GetPOST('products'),
'nachnahme' => $this->app->Secure->GetPOST('nachnahme'),
// $packageData['clients_reference'] = $this->app->Secure->GetPOST('clients_reference');
// $packageData['shipment_reference'] = $this->app->Secure->GetPOST('shipment_reference');
$packageData['service'] = $this->app->Secure->GetPOST('service');
* This is in 'sevensenders.php' only called, if $addressdata === null. But why?
$this->setNachnahmeCheckbox($doctyp, $id);
$ret = [];
if (!empty($address)) {
try {
// throw new RuntimeException('Ooops - data missing');
$this->createPaketmarke($doctyp, $id, $target, $error, $address, $packageData);
} catch (Exception $e) {
$ret[] = $e->getMessage();
if ($target) {
return $ret;
* Get the module name.
* @param string $doctype
* @param array $allowedTypes
* @return string
private function getModuleName($doctype, $allowedTypes)
// // in sevensenders:
// if($adressdaten === null){
// $module = $this->app->Secure->GetGET('module');
// }else{
// $module = $doctyp;
// }
$tmp = $this->app->Secure->GetGET('module');
if (is_array($tmp)) {
$tmp = array_filter($tmp);
$tmp = array_filter($tmp, 'is_string');
if (array_key_exists(0, $tmp)) {
$tmp = $tmp[0];
} else {
$tmp = '';
if (in_array($tmp, $allowedTypes, true)) {
return (string)$tmp;
return $doctype;
* Check if all settings are set and not empty.
* Uses $this->settingsStructure() to get all
* required settings. Empty settings are not allowed!
* Respects select options (drop-down menus). Uses
* the shown labels in the exceptions.
* @throws RuntimeException
protected function validateSettings()
$settings = $this->EinstellungenStruktur();
foreach ($settings as $key => $setting) {
$name = rtrim($setting['bezeichnung'], ':');
if (!array_key_exists($key, $this->einstellungen)) {
if (array_key_exists('optional', $setting) && $setting['optional'] === true) {
if (array_key_exists('typ', $setting) && strtolower((string)$setting['typ']) === 'checkbox') {
if (array_key_exists('default', $setting)) {
$value = $setting['default'];
// if default value is empty, don't run other validations.
$this->einstellungen[$key] = $value;
if (empty($value)) {
if (!array_key_exists($key, $this->einstellungen)) {
throw new RuntimeException(sprintf(
'Setting \'%s\' is missing.', $name
$value = $this->einstellungen[$key];
* Check 'size' argument for maximum length.
if (array_key_exists('maxLength', $setting) && is_numeric($setting['maxLength'])) {
$maxLength = (int) $setting['maxLength'];
if ($maxLength > 0 && strlen($value) > $maxLength) {
throw new RuntimeException(sprintf(
'Setting \'%s\' raised it\'s maximum length of %s.', $name, $maxLength
* Respect select fields.
if (array_key_exists('optionen', $setting) && $setting['type'] === 'select') {
$options = $setting['optionen'];
$keys = array_keys($options);
if (!in_array($value, $keys, true)) {
$values = array_values($options);
$options = implode(', ', $values);
throw new RuntimeException(sprintf(
'Setting \'%s\' is not allowed, allowed values are: %s.', $name, $options
if (array_key_exists('regex', $setting) && is_string($setting['regex'])) {
$pattern = $setting['regex'];
$pattern = trim($pattern, '/');
$pattern = ltrim($pattern, '^');
$pattern = rtrim($pattern, '$');
$pattern = '/^' . $pattern . '$/';
$match = preg_match($pattern, $value);
if ($match === false) {
throw new RuntimeException(sprintf(
'Invalid regex pattern for \'%s\'.', $name
if ($match !== 1) {
throw new RuntimeException(sprintf(
'Setting \'%s\' does not match it\'s regex pattern.', $name
* Print the created file.
* @param string $filename
* @param string $content
* @param int $versandId
* @throws RuntimeException
protected function printFile($filename, $content, $versandId)
$printer = $this->getPrinter();
if (!$printer) {
throw new RuntimeException('No printer configured.');
if (!is_string($filename)) {
$type = gettype($filename);
throw new RuntimeException(sprintf(
'Expected filename as string, got %s.', $type
if (empty($filename)) {
throw new RuntimeException(
'Empty filename is not supported.'
if (!is_string($content)) {
$type = gettype($content);
throw new RuntimeException(sprintf(
'Expected content as string, got %s.', $type
if (empty($content)) {
throw new RuntimeException(sprintf(
'Empty content for document %s is not supported.', $filename
$tmpPath = $this->app->erp->GetTMP();
$full = $tmpPath . $filename;
if (!file_put_contents($full, $content)) {
throw new RuntimeException(sprintf(
'Could not write file \'%s\'.', $filename
$spoolerId = $this->app->printer->Drucken($printer, $full);
if($versandId && $spoolerId) {
'UPDATE versand SET lastspooler_id = %d, lastprinter = %d WHERE id = %d',
$spoolerId, $printer, $versandId
* Return the html structure displayed in the
* 'versandarten' module to add some extra
* input fields for api keys etc.
* Displayed via class 'Versanddienstleister' located
* in ../class.versanddienstleister.php
* @return array
abstract protected function EinstellungenStruktur();
* Set the 'nachnahme' checkbox field.
* Thanks to 'sevensenders.php'
* @param string $doctyp
* @param int|string $id
private function setNachnahmeCheckbox($doctyp, $id)
if ($doctyp === 'lieferschein') {
$lieferschein = $id;
} elseif ($doctyp === 'retoure') {
$lieferschein = $this->app->DB->Select("SELECT lieferschein FROM retoure WHERE id='$id' LIMIT 1");
} else {
$lieferschein = $this->app->DB->Select("SELECT lieferschein FROM versand WHERE id='$id' LIMIT 1");
if ($lieferschein <= 0) {
$lieferschein = $id;
$rechnung = $this->app->DB->Select("SELECT id FROM rechnung WHERE lieferschein='$lieferschein' LIMIT 1");
$zahlungsweise = $this->app->DB->Select("SELECT zahlungsweise FROM rechnung WHERE id='$rechnung' LIMIT 1");
if ($zahlungsweise === 'nachnahme') {
$this->app->Tpl->Set('NACHNAHME', 'checked="checked"');
* Create the package labels.
* Called via Paketmarke or PaketmarkeDrucken
* @param string $doctyp
* @param string $id
* @param string $target
* @param bool $error
* @param array $adressdaten
* @param array $packageData
* @return array list of error messages
abstract protected function createPaketmarke($doctyp, $id, $target, $error, $adressdaten, $packageData);
* Parse the template.
* @param string $target
* @return void
abstract protected function parseTemplate($target);
* May change the tracking id before inserting into the db.
* @param string $tracking
* @return string
public function TrackingReplace($tracking)
return $tracking;
* Extract the child's name and create
* a default module name via 'ucfirst'.
* E.G. converts child's class name
* 'Versandart_parcelone' to 'Parcelone'.
* @return string
public function GetBezeichnung()
$c = get_class($this);
$c = explode('_', $c);
$c = array_filter($c);
$c = array_pop($c);
$c = ucfirst($c);
return $c;
* Load the data given by the current document type and it's id.
* @param string $documentTyp on of 'lieferschein', 'versand' or 'retoure'
* @param int $id
* @throws RuntimeException
* @return array
protected function getDocumentByID($documentTyp, $id)
* var $documentTyp may be:
* - 'lieferschein'
* - 'versand'
* - 'retoure'
* - 'auftrag'
$documentTyp = $this->app->DB->real_escape_string($documentTyp);
$sql = sprintf('SELECT * FROM %s WHERE id = %s LIMIT 1', $documentTyp, $id);
$data = $this->app->DB->SelectArr($sql);
$error = $this->app->DB->error();
if ($error) {
$error = htmlspecialchars($error);
$msg = sprintf('SQL SelectArr error: \'%s\', query was \'%s\'', $error, $sql);
throw new RuntimeException($msg);
if (!is_array($data) || !array_key_exists(0, $data) || !is_array($data[0]) || !$data[0]) {
throw new RuntimeException(sprintf(
'No data for document %s with id %s found.', $documentTyp, $id
$data = $data[0];
return $data;
* Return the 'standard Paketmarkendrucker'.
* Checks GetPOST: drucken
* Checks GetGET: tracking_again
* @return int
protected function getPrinter()
if (is_numeric($this->paketmarke_drucker) && $this->paketmarke_drucker) {
return $this->paketmarke_drucker;
$printer = (int) $this->app->erp->GetStandardPaketmarkendrucker();
if ($printer) {
return $printer;
return $this->export_drucker;
* Get the current user name as escaped string.
* @return string
protected function getUserName()
$user = $this->app->User->GetName();
$user = $this->app->DB->real_escape_string($user);
return $user;
* Load an address via it's id.
* @param string|int $id
* @param string|array $fields Filter these columns, default all
* @throws RuntimeException
* @return array
protected function loadAddress($id, $fields = '*')
if (is_string($id) && is_numeric($id)) {
$id = (int)$id;
if (!is_int($id)) {
$type = gettype($id);
throw new ArgumentTypeException('Expected addressID as int, got ' . $type);
$fields = (array)$fields;
$fields = array_values($fields);
$fields = array_filter($fields);
$fields = array_filter($fields, 'is_string');
if (in_array('*', $fields, true)) {
$fields = '*';
} else {
$tmp = [];
foreach ($fields as $field) {
$tmp[] = $this->app->DB->real_escape_string($field);
$fields = implode(', ', $tmp);
$sql = sprintf('SELECT %s FROM adresse WHERE id =\'%s\'', $fields, $id);
$query = $this->app->DB->Query($sql);
$address = $query->fetch_array(MYSQLI_ASSOC);
$error = $this->app->DB->error();
if ($error) {
$error = htmlspecialchars($error);
$msg = sprintf('SQL query error: \'%s\', query was \'%s\'', $error, $sql);
throw new RuntimeException($msg);
if (!is_array($address)) {
$type = gettype($address);
throw new ArgumentTypeException('Expected address as array, got ' . $type);
return $address;
* Get the package weight from user input.
* @param array $packageData
* @throws RuntimeException
* @return float
protected function getWeight($packageData)
if (!is_array($packageData)) {
$type = gettype($packageData);
throw new ArgumentTypeException('Expected package data as array, got ' . $type);
if (!array_key_exists('kg1', $packageData)) {
throw new RuntimeException('Weight (kg1) is missing.');
$weight = $packageData['kg1'];
if (empty($weight) && $weight !== '0') {
// wtf?! why is '0' string empty?
throw new RuntimeException('The package weight is required.');
if (is_string($weight)) {
$weight = str_replace(',', '.', $weight);
if (is_numeric($weight)) {
$weight = (float)$weight;
if (!is_float($weight)) {
$type = gettype($weight);
throw new ArgumentTypeException('Expected weight as float, got ' . $type);
if ($weight < 0) {
throw new RuntimeException('A negative package weight is not supported.');
return $weight;
* Build an html select element.
* @param string $nameID Name and ID of select element.
* @param array $select associative array
* @param string|int|null|array $selected
* @return string
protected function buildSelectForm($nameID, $select, $selected = null)
$options = [];
$nameID = htmlspecialchars($nameID);
$options[] = sprintf('<select id="%s" name="%s" style="width:23em">', $nameID, $nameID);
foreach ($select as $key => $value) {
$key = htmlspecialchars($key);
$value = htmlspecialchars($value);
$mark = $selected === $key
? 'selected="selected"'
: '';
$options[] = sprintf('<option value="%s" %s>%s</option>', $key, $mark, $value);
$options[] = '</select>';
return implode('', $options);
class ArgumentTypeException extends RuntimeException implements ParcelOneExceptionInterface
class ResponseException extends RuntimeException implements ParcelOneExceptionInterface
class NotImplementedException extends RuntimeException implements ParcelOneExceptionInterface
class EmptyResponseException extends ResponseException implements ParcelOneExceptionInterface
class MissingArgumentException extends RuntimeException implements ParcelOneExceptionInterface
class MissingResponseFieldException extends ResponseException implements ParcelOneExceptionInterface
* MissingResponseFieldException constructor.
* Change the exception message -> wrap it, so its enough to pass only the missed argument name.
* @param string $message
* @param int $code
* @param Throwable|null $previous
* @return static
final public static function fromFieldName($message, $code = 0, Throwable $previous = null)
if (!$message || !is_string($message)) {
$message = 'A field is missing.';
$message = sprintf('The field %s is missing.', $message);
return new static($message, $code, $previous);
class SoapExtensionMissingException extends RuntimeException implements ParcelOneExceptionInterface
if (!class_exists('SoapHeader')) {
* This is just a fix, if php comes without the soap extension.
* So the following header classes can extend this class without raising an unhandled exception just by loading this
* file. A check if the soap extension exists is located in Versandart_parcelone::EinstellungenStruktur() so the
* user cannot setup this delivery service. In addition, a check is located in
* AbstractParcelOneRequest::__construct() so it's not possible to execute a soap request if the extension is
* missing.
* Class SoapHeader
class SoapHeader
public function __construct($namespace, $name, $data = null, $mustunderstand = false, $actor = '')
* Define some constants if the soap extension is not available so at least the class instantiation runs as expected.
* @url: https://www.php.net/manual/en/soap.constants.php
defined('SOAP_1_1') or define('SOAP_1_1', 1);
defined('WSDL_CACHE_NONE') or define('WSDL_CACHE_NONE', 0);
* Headers from documentation package.
* classes:
* - AuthHeader
* - APIKeyHeader
* - CultureHeader
* Thanks to Jörk Sternsdorff from
* Awiwe Solutions GmbH
class AuthHeader extends SoapHeader
private $wss_ns = 'http://docs.oasis-open.org/wss/2004/01/oasis-200401-wss-wssecurity-secext-1.0.xsd';
private $wsu_ns = 'http://docs.oasis-open.org/wss/2004/01/oasis-200401-wss-wssecurity-utility-1.0.xsd';
* AuthHeader constructor.
* @param string $user
* @param string $pass
public function __construct($user, $pass)
$created = gmdate('Y-m-d\TH:i:s\Z');
$nonce = mt_rand();
$passdigest = base64_encode(pack('H*', sha1(pack('H*', $nonce) . pack('a*', $created) . pack('a*', $pass))));
$auth = new stdClass();
$auth->Username = new SoapVar($user, XSD_STRING, NULL, $this->wss_ns, NULL, $this->wss_ns);
$auth->Password = new SoapVar($pass, XSD_STRING, NULL, $this->wss_ns, NULL, $this->wss_ns);
$auth->Nonce = new SoapVar($passdigest, XSD_STRING, NULL, $this->wss_ns, NULL, $this->wss_ns);
$auth->Created = new SoapVar($created, XSD_STRING, NULL, $this->wss_ns, NULL, $this->wsu_ns);
$username_token = new stdClass();
$username_token->UsernameToken = new SoapVar($auth, SOAP_ENC_OBJECT, NULL, $this->wss_ns, 'UsernameToken', $this->wss_ns);
$security_sv = new SoapVar(
new SoapVar($username_token, SOAP_ENC_OBJECT, NULL, $this->wss_ns, 'UsernameToken', $this->wss_ns),
SOAP_ENC_OBJECT, NULL, $this->wss_ns, 'Security', $this->wss_ns);
parent::__construct($this->wss_ns, 'Security', $security_sv, true);
class APIKeyHeader extends SoapHeader
public function __construct($apiKey)
parent::__construct('apikey', 'apikey', $apiKey, false);
class CultureHeader extends SoapHeader
public function __construct($culture)
parent::__construct('culture', 'culture', $culture, false);
* Class AbstractParcelOneRequest
* This class holds only some functionality to
* build up the soap request. It supports some
* methods to set required header.
* Nothing more.
* @package ParcelOne
abstract class AbstractParcelOneRequest
* Support only PA1 as carrier.
* this Key is used to identify this software and not the customer.
const API_KEY = '0641C551-D23A-43BB-87A9-626DAE7FFE00';
* The default software attribute is injected into every request.
* It's possible to 'override' this constant in child classes.
const SOFTWARE = 'Xentral_ERP_Software';
const SERVICE = 'https://productionapi.awiwe.solutions/version4/shippingwcf/ShippingWCF.svc?wsdl';
const SANDBOX_SERVICE = 'https://sandboxapi.awiwe.solutions/version4/shippingwcfsandbox/shippingWCF.svc?wsdl';
const ENDPOINT = 'https://productionapi.awiwe.solutions/version4/shippingwcf/ShippingWCF.svc/Shippingwcf';
const SANDBOX_ENDPOINT = 'https://sandboxapi.awiwe.solutions/version4/shippingwcfsandbox/shippingWCF.svc/ShippingWCF';
* @var AbstractParcelOneRequest|ParcelOneRequest
static private $instance = null;
* The Mandator ID
* ID at PARCEL.ONE, usually '1', if only one mandator.
* @var int 1
protected $mandator = 1;
* The Consigner ID
* ID at PARCEL.ONE, usually "1", if only one consigner.
* @var int
protected $consigner = 1;
* The carrier selected as second step in the settings.
* @var string default PA1 for Parcel.One
protected $carrier = 'PA1';
* @var string The product chosen in the settings.
protected $product = '';
* Options for the SoapClient constructor.
* Note: this property is private. Also child classes have to use
* the setOption / deleteOption methods.
* @var array
private $options = [
'soap_version' => SOAP_1_1,
'exceptions' => true,
'trace' => false,
'cache_wsdl' => WSDL_CACHE_NONE,
'location' => 'https://shippingwcf.awiwe.net/Shippingwcf.svc/Shippingwcf',
'connection_timeout' => 300
* @var array of RequestHeaderInterface
private $soapHeaders = [];
* @var string
private $url;
* Cache here the created soap client.
* @var SoapClient
private $client = null;
* ParcelOneRequest constructor.
* @param bool $production
* @param int $mandator
* @param int $consigner
final private function __construct($production = false, $mandator = 1, $consigner = 1)
if (!class_exists('SoapClient')) {
throw new SoapExtensionMissingException('SOAP support is not configured.');
$this->mandator = $mandator;
$this->consigner = $consigner;
$this->url = self::SANDBOX_SERVICE;
$this->options['location'] = self::SANDBOX_ENDPOINT;
if ($production) {
$this->url = self::SERVICE;
$this->options['location'] = self::ENDPOINT;
* Get the singleton.
* @param array $settings
* @return AbstractParcelOneRequest|ParcelOneRequest
final public static function getInstance($settings = [])
if (self::$instance !== null) {
if (empty(self::$instance->carrier) && array_key_exists('carrier', $settings)) {
self::$instance->carrier = $settings['carrier'];
if (empty(self::$instance->product) && array_key_exists('product', $settings)) {
self::$instance->product = $settings['product'];
return self::$instance;
$required = ['kdnr', 'password', 'sandbox'];
foreach ($required as $requirenment) {
if (!array_key_exists($requirenment, $settings)) {
throw new MissingArgumentException(sprintf(
'Setting %s is missing.', $requirenment
$required = array_flip($required);
$settings = array_intersect_key($settings, $required);
$production = true;
if (array_key_exists('sandbox', $settings)) {
$production = $settings['sandbox'] !== '1';
if (!array_key_exists('mandator', $settings)) {
$settings['mandator'] = 1;
$mandator = (int)$settings['mandator'];
$mandator = max(1, $mandator);
if (!array_key_exists('consigner', $settings)) {
$settings['consigner'] = 1;
$consigner = (int)$settings['consigner'];
$consigner = max(1, $consigner);
if (!array_key_exists('country', $settings)) {
$settings['country'] = 'de-DE';
$instance = new static($production, $mandator, $consigner);
->addSoapHeader(new AuthHeader($settings['kdnr'], $settings['password']))
->addSoapHeader(new CultureHeader($settings['country']))
->addSoapHeader(new APIKeyHeader(self::API_KEY));
self::$instance = $instance;
return $instance;
* Don't allow 'on the fly' calls.
* Only the implemented SOAP methods are supported.
* @param string $name
* @param array $arguments
* @throws NotImplementedException
* @return mixed
final public function __call($name, $arguments)
$class = get_class($this);
$message = sprintf(
'Method %s->%s is not implemented.', $class, $name
throw new NotImplementedException($message);
* Make one call to the PARCEL.ONE API
* @param string $name
* @param array $arguments
* @throws SoapFault
* @throws EmptyResponseException
* @return stdClass|mixed
final protected function call($name, $arguments = null)
$client = $this->getClient();
if (!is_string($name)) {
$type = gettype($name);
throw new InvalidArgumentException(sprintf(
'Expected method name as string, got %s.', $type
if ($arguments === null) {
$arguments = [];
if (!is_array($arguments)) {
$type = gettype($arguments);
throw new InvalidArgumentException(sprintf(
'Expected %s\'s arguments as array, got %s.', $name, $type
$arguments['Software'] = self::SOFTWARE;
* Do some magic ;)
$callback = [$client, $name];
// $response = call_user_func($callback, $arguments);
$response = $callback($arguments);
if (empty($response)) {
$message = sprintf('Method %s returned empty body.', $name);
throw new EmptyResponseException($message);
return $response;
* Return the SOAP client.
* Set it up, if not available now.
* @throws SoapFault
* @return SoapClient
final protected function getClient()
$client = $this->client;
if ($client === null) {
$client = new SoapClient($this->url, $this->options);
$this->client = $client;
return $this->client;
* Convert the stdClass object into an array.
* This method uses recursive calls.
* Thanks to https://stackoverflow.com/a/18576919
* @param stdClass|array $array
* @return array
final protected function convert2array($array)
if (is_array($array)) {
foreach ($array as $key => $value) {
if (is_array($value)) {
$array[$key] = $this->convert2array($value);
if ($value instanceof stdClass) {
$array[$key] = $this->convert2array((array)$value);
if ($array instanceof stdClass) {
return $this->convert2array((array)$array);
return $array;
* @param SoapHeader $header
* @return $this
private function addSoapHeader(SoapHeader $header)
$this->client = null;
$this->soapHeaders[] = $header;
return $this;
* Class ParcelOneRequest
* Implement here all API methods we support.
class ParcelOneRequest extends AbstractParcelOneRequest
* Get available Products for a mandator and Carrier
* @param int|string $level : [0, 1, 2, ..]
* - 0 = all levels returned;
* - 1 = only 1 level returned (only products),
* - >=2 = 2 levels returned (products and services info)
* @throws SoapFault
* @return array|stdClass
public function getProducts($level = 1)
$level = is_numeric($level) ? $level : 1;
$level = max(0, (int)$level);
$arguments = [
'Mandator' => $this->mandator, // string, as field in settings?
'level' => $level, // int
'CEP' => $this->carrier, // string Carrier abbreviation (UPS, PA1 for Parcel One, ...).
$response = $this->call(__FUNCTION__, $arguments);
if (!isset($response->getProductsResult)) {
throw MissingResponseFieldException::fromFieldName('getProductsResult');
if (!isset($response->getProductsResult->Product)) {
throw MissingResponseFieldException::fromFieldName('getProductsResult->Product');
$response = $response->getProductsResult->Product;
$response = $this->convert2array($response);
$products = [];
// get as first the default product
foreach ($response as $product) {
if (array_key_exists('Default', $product) && $product['Default']) {
$id = $product['ProductID'];
$name = $product['ProductName'];
$products[$id] = $name;
// then add all other products
foreach ($response as $product) {
if (array_key_exists('Default', $product) && !$product['Default']) {
$id = $product['ProductID'];
$name = $product['ProductName'];
$products[$id] = $name;
return $products;
* Register Forward and Return Shipments.
* @param $shippingData
* @throws SoapFault
* @return array
public function registerShipments($shippingData)
$default = [
// MandatorID: required - Mandator ID at PARCEL.ONE, usually "1", if only one mandator.
'MandatorID' => $this->mandator,
// ConsignerID: required - Consigner ID at PARCEL.ONE, usually "1", if only one consigner.
'ConsignerID' => $this->consigner,
// CEPID: required - Carrier specification, possible values so far: UPS, PA1, DHL.
'CEPID' => $this->carrier,
// Software: required - Software specification of client, if possible with version number.
'Software' => self::SOFTWARE,
* PrintDocuments: required - Flag to indicate,
* if Documents (for DHL also Export Documents) should be returned with this request
* (0=no, 1=yes).
'PrintDocuments' => 1,
// DocumentFormat: required - only Format.Type = "PDF" needed.
'DocumentFormat' => ['Type' => 'PDF'],
// LabelFormat: required - only Format.Type = either "GIF" or "PDF" needed.
'LabelFormat' => ['Type' => 'PDF'],
// PrintLabel: required - Flag to indicate, if Label should be returned with this request (0=no, 1=yes).
'PrintLabel' => 1,
$shippingData = array_merge($shippingData, $default);
$shippingData = ['ShippingData' => [$shippingData]];
$response = $this->call(__FUNCTION__, $shippingData);
if (!isset($response->registerShipmentsResult)) {
throw MissingResponseFieldException::fromFieldName('registerShipmentsResult');
$response = $this->convert2array($response);
if (!isset($response['registerShipmentsResult'])) {
throw new ResponseException('Missing registerShipmentsResult response field.');
$response = $response['registerShipmentsResult'];
if (!isset($response['ShipmentResult'])) {
throw new ResponseException('Missing ShipmentResult response field.');
$response = $response['ShipmentResult'];
foreach ($response['ActionResult']['Errors'] as $e) {
if (!is_array($e)) {
if (!array_key_exists('Message', $e) || !$e['Message']) {
$msg = $e['Message'];
if (array_key_exists('StatusCode', $e) && $e['StatusCode']) {
$msg .= ' (' . (string)$e['StatusCode'] . ')';
throw new ResponseException($msg);
return $response;
* Get available Carriers for a mandator, optionally filtered by countries list.
* CEP[] getCEPs(string Mandator, int level, String[] Countries);
* @param int|string level: [0, 1, 2, ..]
* 0 = all levels returned;
* 1 = only 1 level returned (only products),
* >=2 = 2 levels returned (products and services info)
* @throws SoapFault
* @return array|stdClass
public function getCEPs($level = 1)
$arguments = [
'Mandator' => $this->mandator,
'level' => max(1, (int) $level),
$response = $this->call(__FUNCTION__, $arguments);
if (!isset($response->getCEPsResult)) {
throw new ResponseException('Missing getCEPsResult field.');
if (!isset($response->getCEPsResult->CEP)) {
throw new ResponseException('Missing CEP field.');
$response = $response->getCEPsResult->CEP;
$response = $this->convert2array($response);
return $response;
* @throws SoapFault
public function getServices()
$arguments = [
'Mandator' => $this->mandator,
'CEP' => $this->carrier,
'Product' => $this->product,
$response = $this->call(__FUNCTION__, $arguments);
if (!isset($response->getServicesResult)) {
throw MissingResponseFieldException::fromFieldName('getServicesResult');
if (!isset($response->getServicesResult->Service)) {
throw MissingResponseFieldException::fromFieldName('getServicesResult::Service.');
$response = $response->getServicesResult->Service;
$response = $this->convert2array($response);
$services = [
'' => 'Kein Service'
// Search for the default service
foreach ($response as $service) {
if (array_key_exists('Default', $service) && $service['Default']) {
$id = $service['ServiceID'];
$name = $service['ServiceName'];
$services[$id] = $name;
// Append all other services
foreach ($response as $service) {
if (array_key_exists('Default', $service) && ! $service['Default']) {
$id = $service['ServiceID'];
$name = $service['ServiceName'];
$services[$id] = $name;
return $services;
// todo: implement here the necessary methods
* Note: the class name is expected as:
* Versandart_{filename}
* Where {filename} is lowercase and without the '.php' extension.
* @url: https://parcel.one/en
* @url: https://parcel.one/en/api
class Versandart_parcelone extends AbstractVersandartParcelone
* @inheritDoc
public function GetBezeichnung()
return 'PARCEL.ONE';
protected function ctrHook()
$current = [
'kdnr' => $this->app->Secure->GetPOST('kdnr'),
'password' => $this->app->Secure->GetPOST('password'),
'carrier_product' => $this->app->Secure->GetPOST('carrier_product'),
$current = array_filter($current);
// $this->einstellungen += $current;
$this->einstellungen = array_merge($this->einstellungen, $current);
if (array_key_exists('carrier_product', $this->einstellungen)) {
list($carrier, $product) = explode('.', $this->einstellungen['carrier_product']);
$this->einstellungen['carrier'] = $carrier;
$this->einstellungen['product'] = $product;
* @inheritDoc
protected function EinstellungenStruktur()
if (!class_exists('SoapClient')) {
$message = 'PHP SOAP Extension ist nicht konfiguriert. Diese Versandart kann nicht genutzt werden.';
$this->app->Tpl->Add('MESSAGE', sprintf('<div class="error">%s</div>', $message));
return [];
$select = [];
$settings = array_filter($this->einstellungen);
// $this->app->Tpl->Add('MESSAGE', '<div class="error">' . json_encode($this->einstellungen) . '</div>');
// $this->app->Tpl->Add('MESSAGE', '<div class="error">' . json_encode($settings) . '</div>');
try {
if (!empty($settings)) {
$carriers = [];
if (!array_key_exists('kdnr', $settings) || !array_key_exists('password', $settings)) {
$this->app->Tpl->Add('MESSAGE', '<div class="error">' . 'Bitte gültige API-Zugangsdaten angeben' . '</div>');
} else {
$request = ParcelOneRequest::getInstance($this->einstellungen);
$carriers = $request->getCEPs(2);
if (!array_key_exists('carrier_product', $settings)) {
$this->app->Tpl->Add('MESSAGE', '<div class="info">API-Key erfolgreich überprüft</div>');
if (!array_key_exists(0, $carriers)) {
// i'm not sure about the structure if multiple carriers are available.
$tmp = $carriers;
$carriers = [];
$carriers[] = $tmp;
foreach ($carriers as $carrier) {
$cepID = $carrier['CEPID'];
$cepName = $carrier['CEPLongname'];
foreach ($carrier['Products']['Product'] as $product) {
$productID = $product['ProductID'];
$productName = $product['ProductName'];
$select[$cepID . '.' . $productID] = $cepName . ': ' . $productName;
}catch (Exception $e) {
$this->app->Tpl->Add('MESSAGE', '<div class="error">' . $e->getMessage() . '</div>');
$select = [];
if (empty($select)) {
$select = ['Bitte Zugangsdaten berichtigen'];
} else if (!array_key_exists('carrier_product', $settings)) {
$this->app->Tpl->Add('MESSAGE', '<div class="info">Bitte ein Produkt wählen</div>');
} else {
$tmp = [];
$firstID = $settings['carrier_product'];
// add the chosen one as first element to $tmp
foreach ($select as $id => $name) {
if ($id === $firstID) {
$tmp[$id] = $name;
// append all other elements
foreach ($select as $id => $name) {
if ($id !== $firstID) {
$tmp[$id] = $name;
$select = $tmp;
return [
'kdnr' => [
'typ' => 'text',
'bezeichnung' => 'Kundennummer:',
'size' => 40,
'password' => [
'typ' => 'text',
'bezeichnung' => 'Passwort:',
'size' => 40,
'country' => [
'typ' => 'text',
'bezeichnung' => 'Absender Land:',
'size' => 2,
'placeholder' => 'DE',
'default' => 'DE',
'regex' => '^[A-Z]{2}$'
'international' => [
'size' => 40,
'typ' => 'select',
'default' => 'CN23',
'bezeichnung' => 'Zolldokumente:',
'optionen' => [
'' => 'Nicht benötigt',
'CN22' => 'CN22',
'CN23' => 'CN23',
'ref1' => [
'size' => 40,
'typ' => 'text',
'default' => '',
'bezeichnung' => 'Referenz 1:',
'placeholder' => 'Referenz 1 auf Label',
'ref2' => [
'size' => 40,
'typ' => 'text',
'default' => '',
'bezeichnung' => 'Referenz 2:',
'placeholder' => 'Referenz 2 auf Label',
'carrier_product' => [
'size' => 40,
'typ' => 'select',
'bezeichnung' => 'Spediteur & Produkt:',
'optionen' => $select,
'standardgewicht' => [
'size' => 40,
'typ' => 'text',
'bezeichnung' => 'Standardgewicht'
'autotracking' => [
'typ' => 'checkbox',
'bezeichnung' => 'Tracking übernehmen:'
'sandbox' => [
'typ' => 'checkbox',
'bezeichnung' => 'Sandbox Anbindung:'
* @inheritDoc
* @throws SoapFault
protected function parseTemplate($target)
if (!array_key_exists('carrier', $this->einstellungen)) {
$this->app->Tpl->Add('MESSAGE', '<div class="error">Bitte die Einstellungen vervollständigen.</div>');
} else {
$request = ParcelOneRequest::getInstance($this->einstellungen);
$services = $request->getServices();
$html = '';
$frame = '<div><input type="checkbox" id="service_%s" name="service[]" value="%s"><label for="service_%s">%s</label></div>';
foreach ($services as $id => $service) {
$html .= sprintf($frame, $id, $id, $id, $service);
$services = $html;
$this->app->Tpl->Set('SERVICE', $services);
$this->app->Tpl->Parse($target, 'versandarten_parcelone.tpl');
public function VersandartMindestgewicht()
return str_replace(',','.',$this->einstellungen['standardgewicht']);
return 0;
* @inheritDoc
* @throws SoapFault
protected function createPaketmarke($doctyp, $id, $target, $error, $adressdaten, $packageData)
$versandId = $doctyp==='versand'?$id:0;
if (!array_key_exists('carrier', $this->einstellungen)) {
$this->app->Tpl->Add('MESSAGE', '<div class="error">Bitte die Einstellungen vervollständigen.</div>');
return false;
// lieferschein, retoure & versand contain all an 'adresse' field.
$document = $this->getDocumentByID($doctyp, $id);
if (!array_key_exists('adresse', $document)) {
throw new MissingArgumentException(sprintf(
'Missed field for adresse in %s.', $doctyp
$lieferscheinID = $id;
if (array_key_exists('lieferscheinid', $document)) {
$lieferscheinID = $document['lieferscheinid'];
$address = $this->loadAddress($document['adresse']);
$items = $this->loadDeliveryPositions($id, $doctyp);
$auftragnummer = $this->getAuftragNummer($lieferscheinID);
$projektabkuerzung = $this->getProjectShortName($lieferscheinID);
// Source: ups.php
$ihrebestellnummer = $this->app->DB->Select("SELECT ihrebestellnummer FROM lieferschein WHERE id='$lieferscheinID' LIMIT 1");
$lieferscheinnummer = $this->app->DB->Select("SELECT belegnr FROM lieferschein WHERE id='$lieferscheinID' LIMIT 1");
$internet = $this->app->DB->Select("SELECT a.internet FROM lieferschein l LEFT JOIN auftrag a ON a.id=l.auftragid WHERE l.id='$lieferscheinID' LIMIT 1");
$replacer = new ParcelOneReplacer([
'IHREBESTELLNUMMER' => $ihrebestellnummer,
'LIEFERSCHEIN' => $lieferscheinnummer,
'PROJEKT' => $projektabkuerzung,
'AUFTRAG' => $auftragnummer,
'INTERNET' => $internet
* ShipTo Reference provided by client, string, max length 20
$clientsReference = $this->einstellungen['ref2'];
$clientsReference = $replacer->handle((string) $clientsReference);
$clientsReference = substr($clientsReference, 0, 20);
* Private Address = 1, B2B = 0
$private = $address['firma'] !== '1' ? 1 : 0;
* ReturnShipmentIndicator: required -
* 0 = Forward Shipment,
* all values > 0 = Return Shipment.
* For UPS the following are available:
* 2-Print and Mail Return Label by UPS;
* 3-Return Service 1-Attempt;
* 5-Return Service 3-Attempt;
* 8-Electronic Return Label by URL;
* 9-Print Return Label.
* For DHL and Parcel One so far not available.
* We only support Parcel One, so:
* 0 -> forward,
* 1 -> return
$returnShipment = (int)$doctyp === 'retoure';
* Parcel ID assigned at Shipping.
* will be reassigned at successfully shipping.
$packageID = '';
* Shipment Reference field provided by client for identification, string, max length 20.
$shipmentRef = $this->einstellungen['ref1']; // $packageData['shipment_reference'];
$shipmentRef = $replacer->handle((string) $shipmentRef);
$shipmentRef = substr($shipmentRef, 0, 20);
* Certificate No to print on CN23.
$certificateNo = '';
* optional - Invoice No to print on CN23. max. length: 20
* $lieferschein['belegnummer'] // 'ihrebestellnummer'
$invoiceNo = '';
* optional item category
* possible values:
* - 1: Gift
* - 2: Documents
* - 3: Commercial Sample
* - 4: Returned Goods
* - 5: Other
$itemCategory = $returnShipment ? 4 : 5;
$weight = $this->getWeight($packageData);
if (!$weight) {
foreach ($items as $item) {
$weight += (float) $item['NetWeight'];
$weight = number_format($weight, 3);
$product = $this->einstellungen['product'];
$international = $this->getInternationalDocumentType($adressdaten['land']);
$destinationCountry = $adressdaten['land'];
$originCountry = $this->einstellungen['country'];
$printInternationalDocuments = 0;
if($destinationCountry != $originCountry){
$printInternationalDocuments = (int)(!$this->app->erp->IsEU($destinationCountry));
$shipment = [
'ProductID' => $product,
'ShipmentRef' => $shipmentRef,
'ReturnShipmentIndicator' => $returnShipment,
'ShipToData' => [
'Name1' => $adressdaten['name'],
'Name2' => $adressdaten['name2'],
'Name3' => $adressdaten['name3'],
* PrivateAddressIndicator: optional/required
* - 1 Private Address,
* - 0 B2B-Address.
'PrivateAddressIndicator' => $private,
'ShipmentAddress' => [
'City' => $adressdaten['ort'],
'PostalCode' => $adressdaten['plz'],
'Street' => $adressdaten['street'],
'Streetno' => $adressdaten['street_no'],
'Country' => $adressdaten['land'],
// 'State' => '',
// 'District' => '',
'Reference' => $clientsReference,
'Packages' => [
'PackageWeight' => [
'Value' => $weight,
'PackageID' => $packageID,
'IntDocData' => [
'ContentsDesc' => $items,
'ShipToRef' => $shipmentRef,
'ItemCategory' => $itemCategory,
'InvoiceNo' => (string)$invoiceNo,
'Invoice' => (int)(bool)$invoiceNo,
'PrintInternationalDocuments' => (int) ! empty($international),
'Explanation' => $clientsReference,
'ConsignerCustomsID' => '',
'CertificateNo' => (string)$certificateNo,
'Certificate' => (int)(bool)$certificateNo,
'TotalWeightkg' => $weight, // $weight, // '34.000', // "34.000",
// 'Postage' => '2.45', // "2.45", // optional - Postage Amount // Porto
'InternationalDocumentFormat' => [
'Type' => 'PDF',
'Size' => $international,
$service = $packageData['service'];
if (!empty($service) && is_array($service)) {
$services = [];
foreach ($service as $serviceID) {
// Parameter Services - Array of ShipmentService:
// Parameters: optional - so far not in use, for future use.
// ServiceID: required - Service ID, e.g. NN for COD, WERT for insurance, SA for Saturday Delivery, etc.
// Value: optional - Currency and Value specification, e.g. for Insurance or COD. Exception for DHL-BulkyGoods: Amount determines kind of bulkgoods: 0=Lang, 1=L, 2=XL, 3=XXL, default=XXL
$services[] = ['ServiceID' => $serviceID];
$shipment['Services'] = $services;
$request = ParcelOneRequest::getInstance($this->einstellungen);
$response = $request->registerShipments($shipment);
if (!array_key_exists('ActionResult', $response)) {
throw MissingResponseFieldException::fromFieldName('ActionResult');
$number = $this->extractActionResultID($response);
if ($this->einstellungen['autotracking'] === '1') {
$lieferscheinID = $id;
if (array_key_exists('lieferschein', $document)) {
$lieferscheinID = $document['lieferschein'];
$versandID = $doctyp === 'versand' ? $id : 0;
$this->SetTracking($number, $versandID, $lieferscheinID);
unset($versandID, $lieferscheinID);
if (!$packageData['drucken'] && !$packageData['tracking_again']) {
return [];
* Let's print the two documents.
if (array_key_exists('LabelsAvailable', $response) && $response['LabelsAvailable'] === 1) {
$label = 'Label_' . $number . '.pdf';
$content = $response['PackageResults']['ShipmentPackageResult']['Label'];
$content = base64_decode($content, true);
$this->printFile($label, $content, $versandId);
unset($label, $content);
if (array_key_exists('InternationalDocumentsNeeded', $response) &&
array_key_exists('InternationalDocumentsResults', $response) &&
array_key_exists('InternationalDocumentsAvailable', $response) &&
is_array($response['InternationalDocumentsResults']) &&
!empty($response['InternationalDocumentsResults']) &&
$response['InternationalDocumentsNeeded'] === 1 &&
$response['InternationalDocumentsAvailable'] === 1 && !empty($response['InternationalDocumentsResults'])) {
$internationalFile = $international . '_' . $number . '.pdf';
$content = $response['InternationalDocumentsResults']['ShipmentDocumentsResult']['Document'];
$content = base64_decode($content, true);
$this->printFile($internationalFile, $content, $versandId);
return [];
* Get the custom documents format.
* @param string $country like 'DE'
* @return string of '', 'CN22' or 'CN23';
protected function getInternationalDocumentType($country)
$senderCountry = $this->app->erp->Firmendaten('land');
if ($country === $senderCountry) {
// no custom documents required
return '';
if ($this->app->erp->IstEU($country)) {
// no custom documents required
return '';
$international = $this->einstellungen['international'];
if (in_array($international, ['CN22', 'CN23'], true)) {
return $international;
return 'CN23';
* Load contents & quantity for all items of one delivery.
* @param int|string $id delivery note id
* @param string $table
* @return array
private function loadDeliveryPositions($id, $table)
if (is_string($id) && is_numeric($id)) {
$id = (int)$id;
if (!is_int($id)) {
$type = gettype($id);
throw new ArgumentTypeException('Expected order id as int, got ' . $type);
// $sql = '
// lp.menge,
// lp.bezeichnung,
// if(lp.zolleinzelwert >0 , lp.zolleinzelwert , ( ap.preis - (ap.preis / 100 * ap.rabatt ) ) ) as preis,
// lp.zolltarifnummer,
// if(lp.zollwaehrung != \'\' , lp.zollwaehrung, ap.waehrung) as waehrung,
// lp.artikel,
// lp.zolltarifnummer
// lieferschein_position lp
// auftrag_position ap
// ap.id = lp.auftrag_position_id
// artikel a
// ON
// a.id = lp.artikel
// lp.lieferschein=\'%s\'
// AND
// ap.explodiert != 1
// AND
// a.lagerartikel = 1';
switch ($table) {
case 'versand':
$sql = '
lp.bezeichnung as Contents,
lp.menge as Quantity,
lp.zollgesamtgewicht as NetWeight,
lp.zollgesamtwert as ItemValue,
lp.herkunftsland as Origin,
lp.zolltarifnummer as TariffNumber,
lp.zollwaehrung as Currency
lieferschein_position as lp,
versand as v
lp.lieferschein = v.lieferschein
v.id =\'%s\'';
case 'lieferschein':
$sql = '
bezeichnung as Contents,
menge as Quantity,
zollgesamtgewicht as NetWeight,
zollgesamtwert as ItemValue,
herkunftsland as Origin,
zolltarifnummer as TariffNumber,
zollwaehrung as Currency
lieferschein =\'%s\'';
case 'retoure':
$sql = '
bezeichnung as Contents,
menge as Quantity,
herkunftsland as Origin,
zolltarifnummer as TariffNumber
retoure =\'%s\'';
// zolleinzelgewicht as NetWeight,
// zolleinzelwert as ItemValue,
// zollwaehrung as Currency
case 'auftrag':
$sql = '
bezeichnung as Contents,
menge as Quantity,
zollgesamtgewicht as NetWeight,
zollgesamtwert as ItemValue,
herkunftsland as Origin,
zolltarifnummer as TariffNumber,
zollwaehrung as Currency
auftrag =\'%s\'';
throw new InvalidArgumentException(sprintf('Unknown table \'%s\'.', $table));
$sql = sprintf($sql, $id);
$positions = $this->app->DB->Query($sql);
$error = $this->app->DB->error();
if ($error) {
$error = htmlspecialchars($error);
$msg = sprintf('SQL query error: \'%s\', query was \'%s\'', $error, $sql);
throw new RuntimeException($msg);
$positions = $positions->fetch_all(MYSQLI_ASSOC);
$error = $this->app->DB->error();
if ($error) {
$error = htmlspecialchars($error);
$msg = sprintf('SQL query error: \'%s\', query was \'%s\'', $error, $sql);
throw new RuntimeException($msg);
if (!is_array($positions)) {
$type = gettype($positions);
throw new ArgumentTypeException('Expected positions as array, got ' . $type);
return (array)$positions;
* Return a tracking number / package id
* @param $response
* @throws MissingResponseFieldException
* @return string|int
private function extractActionResultID($response)
$number = null;
if (!is_array($response)) {
$type = gettype($response);
throw new ArgumentTypeException('Expected response as array, got ' . $type);
if (!array_key_exists('ActionResult', $response)) {
throw new MissingResponseFieldException('Field \'ActionResult\' in response is missing');
$actionResult = $response['ActionResult'];
if (array_key_exists('TrackingID', $actionResult)) {
return $actionResult['TrackingID'];
if (array_key_exists('ShipmentID', $actionResult)) {
return $actionResult['ShipmentID'];
if (array_key_exists('ShipmentRef', $actionResult)) {
return $actionResult['ShipmentRef'];
throw MissingResponseFieldException::fromFieldName('TrackingID/ShipmentID/ShipmentRef is missing.');
* Source: ups.php
* @param int $lieferscheinID
* @return string
public function getProjectShortName($lieferscheinID)
$projekt = $this->app->DB->Select("SELECT projekt FROM lieferschein WHERE id='$lieferscheinID' LIMIT 1");
return $this->app->DB->Select("SELECT abkuerzung FROM projekt WHERE id='$projekt' LIMIT 1");
* Source: ups.php
* @param int $lieferscheinID
* @return int
public function getAuftragNummer($lieferscheinID)
$auftragid = $this->app->DB->Select("SELECT auftragid FROM lieferschein WHERE id='$lieferscheinID' LIMIT 1");
if ($auftragid > 0 ) {
return $this->app->DB->Select("SELECT belegnr FROM auftrag WHERE id='$auftragid' LIMIT 1");
return '';