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* SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2019 Xentral ERP Software GmbH, Fuggerstrasse 11, D-86150 Augsburg
* SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2023 Andreas Palm
* SPDX-License-Identifier: LicenseRef-EGPL-3.1
* Xentral (c) Xentral ERP Sorftware GmbH, Fuggerstrasse 11, D-86150 Augsburg, * Germany 2019
* This file is licensed under the Embedded Projects General Public License *Version 3.1.
* You should have received a copy of this license from your vendor and/or *along with this file; If not, please visit www.wawision.de/Lizenzhinweis
* to obtain the text of the corresponding license version.
* Class ModuleScriptCache
* Cache-Datei mit zufälligem Namen generieren
* @example IncludeJavascriptFiles('chat', $files) => cache/chat-1234abcd.js
* Cache-Datei mit festen Dateinamen generieren (erster Parameter muss mit .js oder .css enden)
* @example IncludeJavascriptFiles('chat.js', $files) => cache/chat.js?hash=1234abcd
class ModuleScriptCache
/** @var string $baseDir Absoluter Pfad zur Xentral-Installation */
protected $baseDir;
/** @var string $absoluteCacheDir Absoluter Pfad zum Cache-Ordner (muss in www sein) */
protected $absoluteCacheDir;
/** @var string $relativeCacheDir Relativer Pfad zum Cache-Ordner (ausgehend von www) */
protected $relativeCacheDir;
protected $assetDir;
/** @var object $assetManifest Parsed manifest.json from vite */
protected $assetManifest;
/** @var array $javascriptFiles Absolute Pfade zu Javascript-Dateien die gecached werden sollen */
protected $javascriptFiles = [
'head' => [],
'body' => [],
protected $javascriptModules = [];
/** @var array $stylesheetFiles Absolute Pfade zu Stylesheet-Dateien die gecached werden sollen */
protected $stylesheetFiles = [];
public function __construct()
$this->baseDir = dirname(dirname(__DIR__));
$this->absoluteCacheDir = $this->baseDir . '/www/cache';
$this->relativeCacheDir = './cache';
$this->assetDir = '/dist';
$this->assetManifest = json_decode(file_get_contents($this->baseDir. '/www' . $this->assetDir . '/.vite/manifest.json'));
// Cache-Ordner anzulegen, falls nicht existent
if (!is_dir($this->absoluteCacheDir)) {
if(!mkdir($concurrentDirectory = $this->absoluteCacheDir, 0777) && !is_dir($concurrentDirectory)){
throw new \RuntimeException(sprintf('Directory "%s" was not created', $concurrentDirectory));
* @param string $legacyModuleClassName Kompletter Klassenname das alten Moduls
* @return void
public function IncludeModule($legacyModuleClassName)
$newModuleName = $this->DetermineNewModuleName($legacyModuleClassName);
// Neuer Modulname konnte nicht ermittelt werden; MODULE_NAME Konstante fehlt im alten Modul
if ($newModuleName === null) {
// Javascript- und Stylesheet-Dateien sind als Eigenschaft im Modul definiert
$javascript = $this->GetClassProperty($legacyModuleClassName, 'javascript');
$stylesheet = $this->GetClassProperty($legacyModuleClassName, 'stylesheet');
$jsmodules = $this->GetClassProperty($legacyModuleClassName, 'jsmodules');
// Falls nicht im Modul definiert > Defaults verwenden
if (empty($javascript)) {
$javascript = [$this->GetDefaultModuleJavascriptFile($newModuleName)];
if (empty($stylesheet)) {
$stylesheet = [$this->GetDefaultModuleStylesheetFile($newModuleName)];
if (empty($jsmodules)) {
$jsmodules = $this->GetDefaultModuleJavascriptModules($newModuleName);
$this->IncludeJavascriptFiles($newModuleName, $javascript);
$this->IncludeStylesheetFiles($newModuleName, $stylesheet);
$this->IncludeJavascriptModules($newModuleName, $jsmodules);
* @param string $widgetName
* @throws RuntimeException
* @return void
public function IncludeWidgetNew($widgetName)
$widgetNameCleaned = preg_replace('/[^a-z]+/im', '', $widgetName);
if ($widgetName !== $widgetNameCleaned) {
throw new RuntimeException(sprintf(
'Widget name "%s" contains illegal characters. Valid characters: A-Z, a-z', $widgetName
if (empty($widgetName)){
throw new RuntimeException('Widget name can not be empty.');
$javascript = $stylesheet = [];
// Javascript- und CSS-Dateien aus Bootstrap holen
$widgetBootstrapClass = sprintf('Xentral\\Widgets\\%s\\Bootstrap', $widgetName);
if (class_exists($widgetBootstrapClass, true)) {
$javascript = (array)@forward_static_call([$widgetBootstrapClass, 'registerJavascript']);
foreach ($javascript as $cacheName => $jsFiles) {
$this->IncludeJavascriptFiles($cacheName, $jsFiles);
$stylesheets = (array)@forward_static_call([$widgetBootstrapClass, 'registerStylesheets']);
foreach ($stylesheets as $cacheName => $cssFiles) {
$this->IncludeStylesheetFiles($cacheName, $cssFiles);
// Falls nicht in Bootstrap definiert > Fallback auf Defaults
if (empty($javascript)) {
$javascript = [$this->GetDefaultWidgetJavascriptFile($widgetName)];
$this->IncludeJavascriptFiles($widgetName, $javascript);
if (empty($stylesheet)) {
$stylesheet = [$this->GetDefaultWidgetStylesheetFile($widgetName)];
$this->IncludeStylesheetFiles($widgetName, $stylesheet);
* @param string $cacheName Name unter dem die Cache-Datei zusammengefasst werden
* @param array $files Array mit relativen Pfaden zur Xentral-Installation
* @return void
public function IncludeJavascriptFiles($cacheName, array $files)
foreach ($files as $section => $file) {
// Neues Verhalten => Trennung nach Head und Body
if ($section === 'head' && is_array($file)) {
$this->IncludeJavascriptHeadFiles($cacheName, $file);
if ($section === 'body' && is_array($file)) {
$this->IncludeJavascriptBodyFiles($cacheName, $file);
// Altes Verhalten (vor Trennung in Head un Body) => Alles in Body
$realPath = realpath($this->baseDir . '/' . $file);
$this->javascriptFiles['body'][$cacheName][] = $realPath;
* @param string $cacheName
* @param array $files
* @return void
protected function IncludeJavascriptHeadFiles($cacheName, array $files)
// Prüfen ob Dateien existieren
foreach ($files as $file) {
$realPath = realpath($this->baseDir . '/' . $file);
$this->javascriptFiles['head'][$cacheName . '-head'][] = $realPath;
* @param string $cacheName
* @param array $files
* @return void
protected function IncludeJavascriptBodyFiles($cacheName, array $files)
// Prüfen ob Dateien existieren
foreach ($files as $file) {
$realPath = realpath($this->baseDir . '/' . $file);
$this->javascriptFiles['body'][$cacheName . '-body'][] = $realPath;
public function IncludeJavascriptModules(string $moduleName, array $files) : void
foreach ($files as $file) {
$realPath = realpath($this->baseDir . '/' . $file);
if (!is_file($realPath))
$this->javascriptModules[] = $file; continue;
if (isset($this->assetManifest->$file))
$this->javascriptModules[] = $this->assetManifest->$file;
$this->javascriptModules[] = $realPath;
* @param string $cacheName Name unter dem die Cache-Datei zusammengefasst werden
* @param array $files Array mit relativen Pfaden zur Xentral-Installation
* @return void
public function IncludeStylesheetFiles($cacheName, array $files)
// Prüfen ob Dateien existieren
foreach ($files as $file) {
$realPath = realpath($this->baseDir . '/' . $file);
$this->stylesheetFiles[$cacheName][] = $realPath;
* @return string
public function GetStylesheetHtmlTags()
if (empty($this->stylesheetFiles)) {
return '';
$html = '';
foreach ($this->stylesheetFiles as $moduleName => $files) {
$cacheFilesUri = $this->GetCacheFileUri($moduleName, 'css', $files);
if (!empty($cacheFilesUri)){
$html .= sprintf('<link href="%s" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" />', $cacheFilesUri);
$html .= "\r\n";
return $html;
* @param string $section [head|body]
* @return string
public function GetJavascriptHtmlTags($section = 'body')
if ($section !== 'body' && $section !== 'head') {
throw new RuntimeException(sprintf('Invalid section parameter "%s"', $section));
if (empty($this->javascriptFiles[$section])) {
return '';
$html = '';
foreach ($this->javascriptFiles[$section] as $moduleName => $files) {
$cacheFilesUri = $this->GetCacheFileUri($moduleName, 'js', $files);
if (!empty($cacheFilesUri)){
$html .= sprintf('<script type="text/javascript" src="%s" charset="UTF-8"></script>', $cacheFilesUri);
$html .= "\r\n";
return $html;
public function GetJavascriptModulesHtmlTags() : string
if (empty($this->javascriptModules))
return '';
$tags = [];
if (defined('VITE_DEV_SERVER')) {
foreach ($this->javascriptModules as $module)
$tags[] = sprintf('<script type="module" src="%s"></script>',VITE_DEV_SERVER.'/'.$module);
} else {
foreach ($this->javascriptModules as $module)
$this->includeChunk($module, true);
foreach (array_unique($this->renderedCss) as $css)
$tags[] = sprintf('<link rel="stylesheet" href="%s" />', $this->GetLinkUrl($css));
foreach (array_unique($this->renderedJs) as $js)
$tags[] = sprintf('<script type="module" src="%s"></script>', $this->GetLinkUrl($js));
foreach (array_diff(array_unique($this->renderedPreload), $this->renderedJs) as $preload)
$tags[] = sprintf('<link rel="modulepreload" href="%s" />', $this->GetLinkUrl($preload));
return join("\n", $tags);
foreach ($this->javascriptModules as $module) {
if (is_object($module)) {
if (defined('VITE_DEV_SERVER')) {
$url = 'http://' . VITE_DEV_SERVER . '/' . $module->src;
} else {
$url = '.'.$this->assetDir . '/' . $module->file;
if (isset($module->css)) {
foreach ($module->css as $css)
$html .= sprintf('<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="%s" />', '.'.$this->assetDir.'/'.$css);
$html .= "\r\n";
} elseif (str_starts_with($module,$this->baseDir.'/www')) {
$url = '.'.substr($module, strlen($this->baseDir)+4);
if (isset($url)) {
$html .= sprintf('<script type="module" src="%s"></script>', $url);
$html .= "\r\n";
return $html;
private array $renderedCss = [];
private array $renderedJs = [];
private array $renderedPreload = [];
private function includeChunk(string $chunkName, bool $isRoot = false) : void
if (!isset($this->assetManifest->$chunkName))
$manifestEntry = $this->assetManifest->$chunkName;
foreach ($manifestEntry->css as $cssFile)
$this->renderedCss[] = $cssFile;
foreach ($manifestEntry->imports as $import)
if ($isRoot)
$this->renderedJs[] = $manifestEntry->file;
$this->renderedPreload[] = $manifestEntry->file;
private function GetLinkUrl(string $chunkFile) {
if (str_starts_with($chunkFile, 'http:'))
return $chunkFile;
return '.'.$this->assetDir.'/'.$chunkFile;
* @return string
public function GetAbsoluteCacheDir()
return $this->absoluteCacheDir;
* @return string
public function GetRelativeCacheDir()
return $this->relativeCacheDir;
* @return bool
public function IsCacheDirWritable()
$randomData = md5(microtime(true));
$tempFile = $this->absoluteCacheDir . '/' . $randomData . '.tmp';
if (!file_put_contents($tempFile, $randomData)) {
return false;
return true;
* @param string $moduleName Neuer Modulename
* @param string $fileType [js|css]
* @param array $files Array mit absoluten Pfaden zu Resourcen
* @return string
protected function GetCacheFileUri($moduleName, $fileType, array $files = [])
if(!in_array($fileType, ['css', 'js'])){
return '';
$files = array_unique($files);
// Hash über alle Dateien bilden
$hash = $this->CalculateFilesHash($files);
// Pfad zur Cache-Datei bestimmen
if(substr($moduleName, -3) === '.js' || substr($moduleName, -4) === '.css'){
$hashFilename = $moduleName;
$cacheFileUri = $this->relativeCacheDir . '/' . $hashFilename . '?hash=' . $hash;
$hashFilename = strtolower($moduleName) . '-' . $hash . '.' . $fileType;
$cacheFileUri = $this->relativeCacheDir . '/' . $hashFilename;
// Cache-Datei anlegen, falls nicht existent
$cacheFilePath = $this->absoluteCacheDir . '/' . $hashFilename;
$this->CreateCacheFile($files, $cacheFilePath);
return $cacheFileUri;
* Führt mehrere Dateieninhalte in eine Datei zusammen
* @param array $sourceFiles
* @param string $destFile
protected function CreateCacheFile($sourceFiles, $destFile)
$destHandle = fopen($destFile, 'wb');
if ($destHandle === false) {
throw new RuntimeException(sprintf(
'Could not create cache file #1. Please make "%s" directory writable. Failed file: %s',
foreach ($sourceFiles as $sourceFile) {
$sourceContents = '/********* ' . basename($sourceFile) . ' *********/ ' . "\r\n";
$sourceContents .= file_get_contents($sourceFile);
$sourceContents .= "\r\n\r\n";
$writeResult = fwrite($destHandle, $sourceContents);
if ($writeResult === false) {
throw new RuntimeException(sprintf(
'Could not create cache file #2. Please make "%s" directory writable. Failed file: %s',
* Berechnet einen Hash über mehrere Dateien
* Der Hash wird über das Änderungsdatum und die Dateigröße generiert.
* Die Hash-Berechnung über die Dateiinhalte (md5_file) wäre akkurater; ist aber mindestens 10 mal langsamer.
* @param array $files
* @return string
protected function CalculateFilesHash($files)
$md5s = [];
foreach ($files as $file) {
$md5s[] = md5(filemtime($file) . filesize($file));
// Hash über alle Dateien ermitteln
return count($md5s) === 1 ? $md5s[0] : md5(implode('', $md5s), false);
* @param string $moduleName
* @return string Relativer Pfad zur Javascript-Datei im neuen Modul-Verzeichnis
protected function GetDefaultModuleJavascriptFile($moduleName)
return sprintf('./classes/Modules/%s/www/js/%s.js', $moduleName, strtolower($moduleName));
* @param string $moduleName
* @return string relative path to default Javascript-Module-File
protected function GetDefaultModuleJavascriptModules(string $moduleName): array
return [
sprintf('classes/Modules/%s/www/js/entry.js', $moduleName),
sprintf('classes/Modules/%s/www/js/entry.jsx', $moduleName)
* @param string $moduleName
* @return string Relativer Pfad zur Stylesheet-Datei im neuen Modul-Verzeichnis
protected function GetDefaultModuleStylesheetFile($moduleName)
return sprintf('./classes/Modules/%s/www/css/%s.css', $moduleName, strtolower($moduleName));
* @param string $widgetName
* @return string Relativer Pfad zur Javascript-Datei im neuen Widgets-Verzeichnis
protected function GetDefaultWidgetJavascriptFile($widgetName)
return sprintf('./classes/Widgets/%s/www/js/%s.js', $widgetName, strtolower($widgetName));
* @param string $widgetName
* @return string Relativer Pfad zur Stylesheet-Datei im neuen Widgets-Verzeichnis
protected function GetDefaultWidgetStylesheetFile($widgetName)
return sprintf('./classes/Widgets/%s/www/css/%s.css', $widgetName, strtolower($widgetName));
* @param string $legacyModuleClassName
* @param string $property
* @return array|null
protected function GetClassProperty($legacyModuleClassName, $property)
if(!class_exists($legacyModuleClassName, true)){
include_once sprintf('%s/www/pages/%s.php', $this->baseDir, strtolower($legacyModuleClassName));
if (!class_exists($legacyModuleClassName, false)) {
return null;
if (!property_exists($legacyModuleClassName, $property)) {
return null;
$properties = get_class_vars($legacyModuleClassName);
return $properties[$property];
* Ermittelt, anhand des alten Moduls, den Name des neuen Moduls
* Ist notwendig da die alten Module in Deutsch betitelt sind, und die neuen Module in Englisch.
* Beispiel @see Chat::MODULE_NAME
* @param string $legacyModuleClassName
* @return string|null
protected function DetermineNewModuleName($legacyModuleClassName)
if(!class_exists($legacyModuleClassName, true)){
$legacyModuleClassFile = sprintf('%s/www/pages/%s.php', $this->baseDir, strtolower($legacyModuleClassName));
if (is_file($legacyModuleClassFile)) {
include_once $legacyModuleClassFile;
if(!defined($legacyModuleClassName . '::MODULE_NAME')){
return null;
return constant($legacyModuleClassName . '::MODULE_NAME');