mirror of
synced 2025-03-05 22:49:48 +01:00
629 lines
23 KiB
629 lines
23 KiB
* SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2022 Andreas Palm
* SPDX-License-Identifier: LicenseRef-EGPL-3.1
class Shopimporter_Mirakl extends ShopimporterBase
private $app;
private $intern;
private $shopid;
private $protocol;
private $apiKey;
private $shopUrl;
private $createManufacturerAllowed = false;
private $idsabholen;
private $idbearbeitung;
private $idabgeschlossen;
public $data;
private $langidToIso = [3 => 'de', 1 => 'en'];
private $taxationByDestinationCountry;
private $orderSearchLimit;
public function __construct($app, $intern = false)
$this->app = $app;
$this->intern = $intern;
if ($intern)
public function EinstellungenStruktur()
return [
'ausblenden' => ['abholmodus' => ['ab_nummer', 'zeitbereich']],
'functions' => ['getarticlelist'],
'felder' => [
'protokoll' => [
'typ' => 'checkbox',
'bezeichnung' => '{|Protokollierung im Logfile|}:'
/* 'textekuerzen' => [
'typ' => 'checkbox',
'bezeichnung' => '{|Texte bei Artikelexport auf Maximallänge kürzen|}:'
'useKeyAsParameter' => [
'typ' => 'checkbox',
'bezeichnung' => '{|Shop Version ist mindestens|}:'
'apikey' => [
'typ' => 'text',
'bezeichnung' => '{|API Key|}:',
'size' => 40,
'shopurl' => [
'typ' => 'text',
'bezeichnung' => '{|Shop URL|}:',
'size' => 40,
'shopidmirakl' => [
'typ' => 'text',
'bezeichnung' => '{|Shop ID des Shops (optional, int64)|}:',
'size' => 40,
'steuergruppen' => [
'typ' => 'text',
'bezeichnung' => '{|Steuergruppenmapping|}:',
'size' => 40,
'zustand' => [
'typ' => 'text',
'bezeichnung' => '{|Freifeld Zustand|}:',
'size' => 40,
'abholen' => [
'typ' => 'text',
'bezeichnung' => '{|\'Abholen\' Status IDs|}:',
'size' => 40,
'bearbeitung' => [
'typ' => 'text',
'bezeichnung' => '{|\'In Bearbeitung\' Status IDs|}:',
'size' => 40,
'abgeschlossen' => [
'typ' => 'text',
'bezeichnung' => '{|\'Abgeschlossen\' Status IDs|}:',
'size' => 40,
'autoerstellehersteller' => [
'typ' => 'checkbox',
'bezeichnung' => '{|Fehlende Hersteller automatisch anlegen|}:',
'col' => 2
'zeigezustand' => [
'typ' => 'checkbox',
'bezeichnung' => '{|Artikelzustand im Shop anzeigen|}:',
'col' => 2
'zeigepreis' => [
'typ' => 'checkbox',
'bezeichnung' => '{|Artikelpreis im Shop anzeigen|}:',
'col' => 2
public function getKonfig($shopid, $data)
$this->shopid = $shopid;
$this->data = $data;
$importerSettings = $this->app->DB->SelectArr("SELECT `einstellungen_json` FROM `shopexport` WHERE `id` = '$shopid' LIMIT 1");
$importerSettings = reset($importerSettings);
$einstellungen = [];
if (!empty($importerSettings['einstellungen_json'])) {
$einstellungen = json_decode($importerSettings['einstellungen_json'], true);
$this->protocol = $einstellungen['felder']['protokoll'];
$this->apiKey = $einstellungen['felder']['apikey'];
$this->shopUrl = rtrim($einstellungen['felder']['shopurl'], '/') . '/';
if ($einstellungen['felder']['autoerstellehersteller'] === '1') {
$this->createManufacturerAllowed = true;
$this->idsabholen = $einstellungen['felder']['abholen'];
$this->idbearbeitung = $einstellungen['felder']['bearbeitung'];
$this->idabgeschlossen = $einstellungen['felder']['abgeschlossen'];
$query = sprintf('SELECT `steuerfreilieferlandexport` FROM `shopexport` WHERE `id` = %d', $this->shopid);
$this->taxationByDestinationCountry = !empty($this->app->DB->Select($query));
private function miraklRequest(string $endpoint, array $postdata = null, string $content_type = null, bool $raw = false)
$ch = curl_init($this->shopUrl.$endpoint);
$headers = array("Authorization: ".$this->apiKey);
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, true);
if (!empty($postdata)) {
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_CUSTOMREQUEST, 'POST');
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, $postdata);
$headers[] = 'Content-Type: '.$content_type;
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER, $headers);
curl_setopt($ch, CURLINFO_HEADER_OUT, true);
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_VERBOSE,true);
$response = curl_exec($ch);
if (curl_error($ch)) {
$this->error[] = curl_error($ch);
$information = curl_getinfo($ch);
if ($raw)
return $response;
return simplexml_load_string($response);
public function ImportAuth() {
$ch = curl_init($this->shopUrl."version");
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER, array("Authorization: ".$this->apiKey));
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, true);
$response = curl_exec($ch);
$code = curl_getinfo($ch, CURLINFO_RESPONSE_CODE);
if ($code == 200) {
return 'success '.print_r($response,true);
return $response;
* Fetches article list from the shop, puts them into table shopexport_getarticles, starts the prozessstarter getarticles which fetches details for each article via ImportGetArticle()
public function ImportGetArticleList()
$result = [];
$response = $this->miraklRequest('offers', raw: true);
$result_array = json_decode($response);
foreach ($result_array->offers as $offer) {
$result[] = $offer->shop_sku;
return $result;
* Fetches article details from the shop
public function ImportGetArticle()
throw new Exception("Not implemented");
* Send articles to shop
public function ImportSendList()
$articleList = $this->CatchRemoteCommand('data');
[0] => Array
[artikel] => 1
[artikelid] => 1
[nummer] => 700001
[inaktiv] =>
[name_de] => Schraube M10x20
[name_en] =>
[einheit] =>
[hersteller] =>
[herstellernummer] =>
[ean] =>
[artikelnummer_fremdnummern] =>
[kurztext_de] =>
[kurztext_en] =>
[anabregs_text] =>
[anabregs_text_en] =>
[beschreibung_de] =>
[beschreibung_en] =>
[uebersicht_de] =>
[uebersicht_en] =>
[herkunftsland] => DE
[texteuebertragen] => 1
[metadescription_de] =>
[metadescription_en] =>
[metakeywords_de] =>
[metakeywords_en] =>
[metatitle_de] =>
[metatitle_en] =>
[links_de] =>
[altersfreigabe] =>
[links_en] =>
[startseite_de] =>
[startseite_en] =>
[restmenge] => 0
[startseite] => 0
[standardbild] =>
[herstellerlink] =>
[lieferzeit] =>
[lieferzeitmanuell] =>
[gewicht] =>
[laenge] => 0.00
[breite] => 0.00
[hoehe] => 0.00
[wichtig] => 0
[porto] => 0
[gesperrt] => 0
[sperrgrund] =>
[gueltigbis] => 0000-00-00
[umsatzsteuer] => normal
[ausverkauft] => 0
[variante] => 0
[variante_von_id] => 0
[variantevon] =>
[pseudopreis] => 0.00
[keinrabatterlaubt] => 0
[einkaufspreis] => 0.12000000
[pseudolager] =>
[downloadartikel] => 0
[zolltarifnummer] =>
[typ] => 1_kat
[kategoriename] => Handelsware (100000)
[steuer_art_produkt] => 0
[steuer_art_produkt_download] => 0
[anzahl_bilder] => 0
[anzahl_lager] =>
[lagerkorrekturwert] => -0
[autolagerlampe] => 0
[crosssellingartikel] => Array
[waehrung] => EUR
[preis] => 0.16000000
[steuersatz] => 19
[staffelpreise_standard] => Array
[0] => Array
[ab_menge] => 1.0000
[preis] => 0.16000000
[bruttopreis] => 0.1904
[waehrung] => EUR
[staffelpreise] => Array
[0] => Array
[ab_menge] => 1.0000
[preis] => 0.16000000
[bruttopreis] => 0.1904
[waehrung] => EUR
[bruttopreis] => 0.1904
[checksum] =>
[variantevorhanden] => 0
foreach ($articleList as $article) {
* Export product
POST P41 - Import products to the operator information system
Import products to the operator information system
Returns the import identifier to track the status of the import
Call frequencies
Recommended: Every hour, for each seller
Maximum: Every 15 minutes, for each seller
Query parameters
integer - int64
Use this parameter when your user has access to several shops. If not specified, the shop_id from your default shop will be used.
HTTP Return Codes
201 - Created
Response Headers
Location - Pre-calculated URL to call to get the import status
Input (body)
string - binary
Import file (CSV or XML or XLSX) to upload. Use multipart/form-data with name file
Force the use of the operator product format
Default to:false
Output (response)
integer - int64
1105510;700002;"OpenXE Schraube M10x20";;Brand.5105083;OpenXE Schraube M10x20 vom Hersteller;;ST;1;unece.unit.C62;;ROHS-2;;;;;;;;;;https://conradb2b-prod.mirakl.net/mmp/media/product-media/28071/CIRCUTOR_DHC_CPM_1.png;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;https://tde-instruments.de/wp-content/uploads/CIRCUTOR_DHC-96_CPM-HS_Datenblatt_Englisch.pdf;https://tde-instruments.de/wp-content/uploads/CIRCUTOR_DHC-96_CPM_Anleitung_Englisch.pdf;;;;;;;1;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;';
$postdata = array('file' => new CURLStringFile($file_contents,'file.csv'));
$response = $this->miraklRequest('products/imports', postdata: $postdata, content_type: 'multipart/form-data', raw: true);
* Export offer
$offers_for_mirakl[] = array(
'product_id_type' => 'SHOP_SKU', // ?!?!
'price' => $article['preis'],
// 'pricing_unit' => $article['waehrung'],
'product_id' => $article['nummer'],
'shop_sku' => $article['nummer'],
'state_code' => '11', // ?!?!
'update_delete' => 'update' // update or delete
$data_for_mirakl = array();
$data_for_mirakl['offers'] = $offers_for_mirakl;
$json_for_mirakl = json_encode($data_for_mirakl);
$result = [];
$response = $this->miraklRequest('offers', postdata: $json_for_mirakl, content_type: 'application/json', raw: true);
$result_array = json_decode($response);
print_r($result_array); // stdClass Object ( [import_id] => 69751 )
private function toMultilangArray($xmlnode) {
$res = [];
foreach ($xmlnode as $item) {
$iso = $this->langidToIso[strval($item->attributes()->id)];
$res[$iso] = strval($item);
return $res;
private function getOrdersToProcess(int $limit)
$states = implode('|', explode(',', $this->idsabholen));
$response = $this->miraklRequest('GET', "orders?display=[id]&limit=$limit&filter[current_state]=[$states]");
$result = [];
foreach ($response->orders->order as $order) {
$result[] = strval($order->id);
return $result;
public function getOrderSearchLimit(): int
if(in_array($this->orderSearchLimit, ['50', '75', '100'])) {
return (int)$this->orderSearchLimit;
return 25;
private function Log($message, $dump = '')
if ($this->protocol) {
$this->app->erp->Logfile($message, print_r($dump, true));
public function ImportDeleteAuftrag()
$auftrag = $this->data['auftrag'];
$obj = $this->miraklRequest('GET', 'order_histories?schema=blank');
$obj->order_history->id_order = $auftrag;
$obj->order_history->id_order_state = $this->idbearbeitung;
$this->miraklRequest('POST', 'order_histories', $obj->asXML());
public function ImportUpdateAuftrag()
$auftrag = $this->data['auftrag'];
$obj = $this->miraklRequest('GET', 'order_histories?schema=blank');
$obj->order_history->id_order = $auftrag;
$obj->order_history->id_order_state = $this->idabgeschlossen;
$this->miraklRequest('POST', 'order_histories', $obj->asXML());
$req = $this->miraklRequest('GET', "order_carriers?filter[id_order]=$auftrag&display=[id]");
$orderCarrierId = strval($req->order_carriers->order_carrier[0]->id);
$req = $this->miraklRequest('GET', "order_carriers/$orderCarrierId");
$req->order_carrier->tracking_number = $this->data['tracking'];
$this->miraklRequest('PUT', "order_carriers/$orderCarrierId", $req->asXML());
public function ImportGetAuftraegeAnzahl()
$ordersToProcess = $this->getOrdersToProcess($this->getOrderSearchLimit());
return count($ordersToProcess);
public function ImportGetAuftrag()
$voucherArticleId = $this->app->DB->Select("SELECT s.artikelrabatt FROM `shopexport` AS `s` WHERE s.id='$this->shopid' LIMIT 1");
$voucherArticleNumber = $this->app->DB->Select("SELECT a.nummer FROM `artikel` AS `a` WHERE a.id='$voucherArticleId' LIMIT 1");
if (empty($this->idsabholen)) {
return false;
$expectOrderArray = !empty($this->data['anzgleichzeitig']) && (int)$this->data['anzgleichzeitig'] > 1;
$expectNumber = !empty($this->data['nummer']);
if ($expectNumber) {
$ordersToProcess = [$this->data['nummer']];
} elseif (!$expectOrderArray) {
$ordersToProcess = $this->getOrdersToProcess(1);
} else {
$ordersToProcess = $this->getOrdersToProcess($this->getOrderSearchLimit());
$fetchedOrders = [];
foreach ($ordersToProcess as $currentOrderId) {
$order = $this->miraklRequest('GET', "orders/$currentOrderId");
$order = $order->order;
$cart = [];
$cart['zeitstempel'] = strval($order->date_add);
$cart['auftrag'] = strval($order->id);
$cart['onlinebestellnummer'] = strval($order->reference);
$cart['gesamtsumme'] = strval($order->total_paid);
$cart['versandkostennetto'] = strval($order->total_shipping_tax_excl);
$cart['bestelldatum'] = strval($order->date_add);
$carrier = $this->miraklRequest('GET', "carriers/$order->id_carrier");
$cart['lieferung'] = strval($carrier->carrier->name);
$customer = $this->miraklRequest('GET', "customers/$order->id_customer");
$cart['email'] = strval($customer->customer->email);
$language = $this->miraklRequest('GET', "languages/{$customer->customer->id_lang}");
if ($language->language->iso_code == "en") {
$cart['kunde_sprache'] = 'englisch';
$invoiceAddress = $this->miraklRequest('GET', "addresses/$order->id_address_invoice");
$invoiceAddress = $invoiceAddress->address;
$invoiceCountry = $this->miraklRequest('GET', "countries/$invoiceAddress->id_country");
$invoiceCountry = $invoiceCountry->country;
$cart['name'] = "$invoiceAddress->firstname $invoiceAddress->lastname";
if (!empty(strval($invoiceAddress->company))) {
$cart['ansprechpartner'] = $cart['name'];
$cart['name'] = strval($invoiceAddress->company);
$cart['strasse'] = strval($invoiceAddress->address1);
$cart['adresszusatz'] = strval($invoiceAddress->address2);
$cart['telefon'] = strval($invoiceAddress->phone_mobile);
if (empty($cart['telefon']))
$cart['telefon'] = strval($invoiceAddress->phone);
$cart['plz'] = strval($invoiceAddress->postcode);
$cart['ort'] = strval($invoiceAddress->city);
$cart['ustid'] = strval($invoiceAddress->vat_number);
$cart['land'] = strval($invoiceCountry->iso_code);
if (strval($order->id_address_invoice) != strval($order->id_address_delivery)) {
$deliveryAddress = $this->miraklRequest('GET', "addresses/$order->id_address_delivery");
$deliveryAddress = $deliveryAddress->address;
$deliveryCountry = $this->miraklRequest('GET', "countries/$deliveryAddress->id_country");
$deliveryCountry = $deliveryCountry->country;
$cart['abweichendelieferadresse'] = 1;
$cart['lieferadresse_name'] = "$deliveryAddress->firstname $deliveryAddress->lastname";
if (!empty(strval($deliveryAddress->company))) {
$cart['lieferadresse_ansprechpartner'] = $cart['lieferadresse_name'];
$cart['lieferadresse_name'] = strval($deliveryAddress->company);
$cart['lieferadresse_strasse'] = strval($deliveryAddress->address1);
$cart['lieferadresse_adresszusatz'] = strval($deliveryAddress->address2);
$cart['lieferadresse_plz'] = strval($deliveryAddress->postcode);
$cart['lieferadresse_ort'] = strval($deliveryAddress->city);
$cart['lieferadresse_land'] = strval($deliveryCountry->iso_code);
$cart['zahlungsweise'] = strval($order->payment);
$taxedCountry = $cart['land'];
if (!empty($cart['lieferadresse_land']) && $this->taxationByDestinationCountry) {
$taxedCountry = $cart['lieferadresse_land'];
$lieferschwelle = $this->app->DB->SelectArr("SELECT * FROM lieferschwelle WHERE empfaengerland='$taxedCountry' LIMIT 1");
if ($this->app->erp->IstEU($taxedCountry) || !empty($lieferschwelle['ueberschreitungsdatum'])) {
$cart['ust_befreit'] = 1;
} elseif ($this->app->erp->Export($taxedCountry)) {
$cart['ust_befreit'] = 2;
$taxes = [];
$this->app->erp->RunHook('getTaxRatesFromShopOrder', 2, $taxedCountry, $taxes);
if (isset($taxes['normal']) && $taxes['normal'] > 0)
$cart['steuersatz_normal'] = $taxes['normal'];
if (isset($taxes['ermaessigt']) && $taxes['ermaessigt'] > 0)
$cart['steuersatz_ermaessigt'] = $taxes['ermaessigt'];
$cart['articlelist'] = [];
foreach ($order->associations->order_rows->order_row as $order_row) {
$article = [
'articleid' => strval($order_row->product_reference),
'name' => strval($order_row->product_name),
'quantity' => strval($order_row->product_quantity),
'price_netto' => strval($order_row->unit_price_tax_excl),
if ($order_row->unit_price_tax_excl > 0) {
$steuersatz = (strval($order_row->unit_price_tax_incl) / strval($order_row->unit_price_tax_excl)) - 1;
$steuersatz = round($steuersatz, 1);
$article['steuersatz'] = $steuersatz;
$cart['articlelist'][] = $article;
$fetchedOrders[] = [
'id' => $cart['auftrag'],
'sessionid' => '',
'logdatei' => '',
'warenkorb' => base64_encode(serialize($cart)),
'warenkorbjson' => base64_encode(json_encode($cart)),
$this->Log('Precessed order from mirakl', $fetchedOrders);
return $fetchedOrders;