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No commits in common. "master" and "webapp-admin-daemonized" have entirely different histories.

4 changed files with 34 additions and 246 deletions

View File

@ -54,14 +54,6 @@ def files(options):
files = options.file.split(',')
for file in files:
configfile = ConfigObj(file)
# Check if the settings section key is present in the file
value = configfile['setting']
except KeyError:
print('Setting does not exist in', file)
if configfile['setting'].as_bool('use_zarafa_credentials'):
username = options.user

View File

@ -2,10 +2,8 @@
#encoding: utf-8
import kopano
from kopano.errors import NotFoundError
from MAPI.Util import *
import json
import sys
def opt_args():
@ -26,22 +24,14 @@ def main():
options, args = opt_args()
if not options.user:
print('Please use:\n %s --user <username>' % (sys.argv[0]))
print 'Please use:\n %s --user <username>' % (sys.argv[0])
user = kopano.Server(options).user(options.user)
webapp =
except NotFoundError:
webapp = dict(recipients=[])
webapp = json.loads(webapp)
if options.backup:
if len(webapp['recipients']) == 0:
print('Property PR_EC_RECIPIENT_HISTORY_JSON_W not found . User might have never used recipient history before.', file=sys.stderr)
f = open('%s.json' %, 'w')
f.write(json.dumps(webapp, sort_keys=True,
indent=4, separators=(',', ': ')))
@ -60,8 +50,8 @@ def main():
if options.list:
print(json.dumps(webapp, sort_keys=True,
indent=4, separators=(',', ': ')))
print json.dumps(webapp, sort_keys=True,
indent=4, separators=(',', ': '))
if options.remove:
@ -69,7 +59,7 @@ def main():
for rec in webapp['recipients']:
if options.remove in rec['display_name'] or options.remove in rec['smtp_address'] \
or options.remove in rec['email_address']:
print('removing contact %s [%s]' % (rec['display_name'], rec['smtp_address']))
print 'removing contact %s [%s]' % (rec['display_name'], rec['smtp_address'])

View File

@ -1,14 +1,11 @@
# WebApp Admin
>**Always make a backup of the user settings and test the new settings afterwards**
>**This tool is under contruction. Use caution on a live server. Always make a backup of the user settings and test first before modifing**
WebApp admin is a command-line interface to modify, inject and export WebApp settings.
# Example Usage
Overview of all options:
> python3 webapp_admin -h
Reset WebApp settings
> python3 webapp_admin -u john --reset
@ -18,35 +15,6 @@ Change free/busy to 36 months
If you want to make a change for all users pass the --all-users parameter. Example:
> python3 webapp_admin --all-users --icons Breeze
## Signatures
To restore, replace and backup signatures we need a two part, underscore separated filename consisting of a `name` and `id`.\
Example single user: `this-is-my-signature_1234.html`\
The hypens in the filename will be displayed as spaces in WebApp\
The username can also be part of the .html file, but is then ignored by the script.
In WebApp the ID is created based on the unix time, so the ID can be anything
Backup signature for user `henk`
> python3 webapp_admin -u henk --backup-signature
Restore signature for user `henk`
> python3 webapp_admin -u henk --restore-signature my-cool-signature_1615141312112.html
Replace signature for user `henk`
> python3 webapp_admin -u henk --replace-signature my-cool-signature_1615141312112.html
Restore signatures for all users
> python3 webapp_admin --all-users --restore-signature mycompany-signature_1412130992124.html
# Dependencies
- python3
@ -55,8 +23,6 @@ Restore signatures for all users
- OpenSSL
- dotty_dict
For debian 10 python3-pkg-resources is required
# License
licensed under GNU Affero General Public License v3.

View File

@ -18,18 +18,18 @@ try:
import OpenSSL.crypto
except ImportError:
from datetime import datetime, timedelta
from datetime import datetime
from time import mktime
import getpass
import time
from optparse import OptionGroup
from tabulate import tabulate
from dotty_dict import dotty
except ImportError:
Read user settings
@ -51,20 +51,11 @@ def opt_args(print_help=None):
group.add_option("--reset", dest="reset", action="store_true", help="Reset WebApp settings")
# Addionals stores group
group = OptionGroup(parser, "Store", "")
group.add_option("--add-store", dest="add_store", action="store", help="Add shared store")
group.add_option("--del-store", dest="del_store", action="store", help="Delete shared store")
group.add_option("--folder-type", dest="folder_type", action="store", help="Folder to add")
group.add_option("--subfolder", dest="sub_folder", action="store_true", help="Add subfolders")
group.add_option("--list-stores", dest="list_stores", action="store_true", help="List shared stores")
# Signature option group
group = OptionGroup(parser, "Signature", "")
group.add_option("--backup-signature", dest="backup_signature", action="store_true", help="Backup signature")
group.add_option("--restore-signature", dest="restore_signature", action="store", help="Restore signature (need file name)")
group.add_option("--replace-signature", dest="replace_signature", action="store", help="Replace existing signature, file layout must be: username_signature-name_signatureid.html or signature-name_signatureid.html ")
group.add_option("--replace", dest="replace", action="store_true", help="Replace existing signature, file layout must be: username_signature-name_signatureid.html")
group.add_option("--default-signature", dest="default_signature", action="store_true", help="Set signature as default one")
@ -72,13 +63,12 @@ def opt_args(print_help=None):
group = OptionGroup(parser, "Categories", "")
group.add_option("--export-categories", dest="export_categories", action="store_true", help="Export Categories (name and color)")
group.add_option("--import-categories", dest="import_categories", action="store_true", help="Import Categories (name and color)")
# S/MIME option group
group = OptionGroup(parser, "S/MIME", "")
group.add_option("--export-smime", dest="export_smime", action="store_true", help="Export private S/MIME certificate")
group.add_option("--import-smime", dest="import_smime", action="store", help="Import private S/MIME certificate")
group.add_option("--remove-expired", dest="remove_expired", action="store_true", help="Remove expired public S/MIME certificates")
group.add_option("--public", dest="public_smime", action="store_true", help="Export/Import public S/MIME certificate")
group.add_option("--password", dest="password", action="store", help="set password")
group.add_option("--ask-password", dest="ask_password", action="store_true", help="ask for password if needed")
@ -92,9 +82,7 @@ def opt_args(print_help=None):
group.add_option("--icons", dest="icons", action="store", help="Change icons (e.g. breeze)")
group.add_option("--htmleditor", dest="htmleditor", action="store", help="Change the HTML editor (e.g. full_tinymce)")
group.add_option("--remove-state", dest="remove_state", action="store_true", help="Remove all the state settings")
group.add_option("--add-safesender", dest="add_sender", action="store", help="Add domain to safe sender list")
group.add_option("--polling-interval", dest="polling_interval", action="store", help="Change the polling interval (seconds)")
group.add_option("--calendar-resolution", dest="calendar_resolution", action="store", help="Change the calendar resolution (minutes)")
group.add_option("--add-safesender", dest="addsender", action="store", help="Add domain to safe sender list")
# Advanced option group
@ -209,73 +197,6 @@ def language(user, language):
write_settings(user, json.dumps(settings))
Add shared store
def add_store(user, user_to_add, folder_type, subfolder=False):
allowed_folder_types = ["all", "inbox", "calendar", "contact", "note", "task"]
if folder_type not in allowed_folder_types:
print("Unknown folder type allowed: {}".format(','.join(allowed_folder_types)))
settings = read_settings(user)
if not settings['settings']['zarafa']['v1']['contexts'].get('hierarchy') or not settings['settings']['zarafa']['v1']['contexts']['hierarchy'].get('shared_stores'):
settings['settings']['zarafa']['v1']['contexts']['hierarchy']['shared_stores'] = {}
settings['settings']['zarafa']['v1']['contexts']['hierarchy']['shared_stores'][user_to_add]= {folder_type : {'folder_type': folder_type, 'show_subfolders': subfolder}}
print("Saving settings")
write_settings(user, json.dumps(settings))
Delete shared store
def del_store(user, user_to_del, folder_type=None):
if folder_type:
allowed_folder_types = ["all", "inbox", "calendar", "contact", "note", "task"]
if folder_type not in allowed_folder_types:
print("Unknown folder type allowed: {}".format(','.join(allowed_folder_types)))
settings = read_settings(user)
if not settings['settings']['zarafa']['v1']['contexts'].get('hierarchy') or not settings['settings']['zarafa']['v1']['contexts']['hierarchy'].get('shared_stores'):
print("No additional stores found")
shared_store = settings['settings']['zarafa']['v1']['contexts']['hierarchy']['shared_stores'].get(user_to_del)
if not shared_store:
print("No additional stores found")
if not folder_type:
except KeyError:
print("Saving settings")
write_settings(user, json.dumps(settings))
List all added stores
def list_stores(user):
settings = read_settings(user)
stores = settings['settings']['zarafa']['v1']['contexts']['hierarchy']['shared_stores']
except KeyError:
print("No additional stores found")
table_header = ["User", 'Folder type', 'Show subfolders']
table_data =[]
for user in stores:
for folder in stores[user]:
table_data.append([user, folder, stores[user][folder]['show_subfolders']])
print(tabulate(table_data, headers=table_header,tablefmt="grid"))
Backup signature from the users store
@ -292,8 +213,6 @@ def backup_signature(user, location=None):
except Exception as e:
print('Could not load WebApp settings for user {} (Error: {})'.format(, repr(e)))
if not settings['settings']['zarafa']['v1']['contexts'].get("mail"):
settings['settings']['zarafa']['v1']['contexts']['mail'] = {}
if settings['settings']['zarafa']['v1']['contexts']['mail'].get('signatures'):
for item in settings['settings']['zarafa']['v1']['contexts']['mail']['signatures']['all']:
name = settings['settings']['zarafa']['v1']['contexts']['mail']['signatures']['all'][item]['name']
@ -317,31 +236,16 @@ Restore signature into the users store
def restore_signature(user, filename, replace=None, default=None):
restorefile = filename
filename_split = filename.split('_')
if len(filename_split) == 2:
signaturename = filename_split[0].replace('-',' ')
if replace:
signatureid = filename_split[1].split('.')[0]
elif len(filename_split) == 3:
signaturename = filename_split[1].replace('-',' ')
if replace:
signatureid = filename_split[2].split('.')[0]
if replace:
print('File format is not supported')
with open(restorefile, 'r') as sigfile:
signaturehtml =
if replace:
signatureid = filename.split('_')[2].split('.')[0]
action = 'Replacing'
signaturename = filename.split('.')[0]
signatureid = int(time.time())
action = 'Adding'
signaturename = filename.split('_')[1].replace('-',' ')
signaturecontent = dict(
{u'name': signaturename, u'content': signaturehtml, u'isHTML': True})
settings = read_settings(user)
@ -368,7 +272,6 @@ def restore_signature(user, filename, replace=None, default=None):
write_settings(user, json.dumps(settings))
Export categories from users store
@ -443,7 +346,7 @@ def export_smime(user, location=None, public=None):
for cert in certificates:
if public and cert.prop(PR_MESSAGE_CLASS_W).value == 'WebApp.Security.Public':
if public and cert.prop(PR_MESSAGE_CLASS_w).value == 'WebApp.Security.Public':
extension = 'pub'
body = cert.text
@ -523,27 +426,6 @@ def import_smime(user, cert_file, passwd, ask_password=None, public=None):
print('Email address doesn\'t match')
Remove expired S/MIME Public certificates
:param user: The user
def remove_expired_smime(user):
# unable to loop over the associated items so getting the items in a list instead
certificates =list(
if len(certificates) == 0:
print('No certificates found')
now =
for cert in certificates:
# We only want to remove the public certificate
if cert.prop(PR_MESSAGE_CLASS_W).value == 'WebApp.Security.Public':
if cert.prop(PR_MESSAGE_DELIVERY_TIME).value < now:
print('deleting public certificate {} ({})'.format(cert.subject, cert.prop(PR_MESSAGE_DELIVERY_TIME).value))
Custom function to merge two dictionaries.
@ -553,7 +435,6 @@ but this function caused undesired behavior
:param dict1: The first dictionary
:param dict2: The second dictionary
def mergedicts(dict1, dict2):
for k in set(dict1.keys()).union(dict2.keys()):
if k in dict1 and k in dict2:
@ -624,36 +505,22 @@ def main():
if options.language:
language(user, options.language)
if options.add_store:
add_store(user, options.add_store, options.folder_type, options.sub_folder)
if options.del_store:
del_store(user, options.del_store, options.folder_type)
if options.list_stores:
if options.export_categories:
export_categories(user, options.file)
if options.import_categories:
import_categories(user, options.file)
# S/MIME import/export
if options.export_smime:
export_smime(user, options.location, options.public_smime)
if options.import_smime:
import_smime(user, options.import_smime, options.password, options.ask_password, options.public_smime)
if options.remove_expired:
# Signature
if options.backup_signature:
backup_signature(user, options.location)
if options.restore_signature:
restore_signature(user, options.restore_signature, False, options.default_signature)
if options.replace_signature:
restore_signature(user, options.replace_signature, True, options.default_signature)
restore_signature(user, options.restore_signature, options.replace, options.default_signature)
# Advanced injection option
if options.add_option:
@ -705,38 +572,11 @@ def main():
print('Removed state settings for {}'.format(
# Add sender to safe sender list
if options.add_sender:
if options.addsender:
settings = read_settings(user)
setting = 'settings.zarafa.v1.contexts.mail.safe_senders_list = {}'.format(options.add_sender)
setting = 'settings.zarafa.v1.contexts.mail.safe_senders_list = {}'.format(options.addsender)
advanced_inject(user, setting, 'list')
print('{}'.format(options.add_sender), 'Added to safe sender list for {}'.format(
# Polling interval
if options.polling_interval:
value = int(options.polling_interval)
except ValueError:
print('Invalid number used. Please specify the value in seconds')
settings = read_settings(user)
setting = 'settings.zarafa.v1.main.reminder.polling_interval = {}'.format(options.polling_interval)
advanced_inject(user, setting)
print('Polling interval changed to', '{}'.format(options.polling_interval), 'for {}'.format(
# Calendar resolution (zoom level)
if options.calendar_resolution:
value = int(options.calendar_resolution)
except ValueError:
print('Invalid number used. Please specify the value in minutes')
if value < 5 or value > 60:
print('Unsupported value used. Use a number between 5 and 60')
settings = read_settings(user)
setting = 'settings.zarafa.v1.contexts.calendar.default_zoom_level = {}'.format(options.calendar_resolution)
advanced_inject(user, setting)
print('Calendar resolution changed to', '{}'.format(options.calendar_resolution), 'for {}'.format(
print('{}'.format(options.addsender), 'Added to safe sender list')
# Always at last!!!
if options.reset: