2016-05-11 10:40:44 +02:00
* @class Zarafa.plugins.mdm.settings.MDMSettingsWidget
* @extends Zarafa.settings.ui.SettingsWidget
Zarafa.plugins.mdm.settings.MDMSettingsWidget = Ext.extend(Zarafa.settings.ui.SettingsWidget, {
* @constructor
* @param {Object} config Configuration object
constructor : function(config)
config = config || {};
2016-12-08 15:04:21 +01:00
var store = new Zarafa.plugins.mdm.data.MDMDeviceStore();
2016-05-11 10:40:44 +02:00
Ext.applyIf(config, {
2016-06-09 11:13:23 +02:00
title : _('Mobile Devices', 'plugin_mdm'),
2016-05-11 10:40:44 +02:00
items : [{
xtype : 'container',
2016-12-08 15:04:21 +01:00
layout: 'fit',
2016-05-11 10:40:44 +02:00
items : [{
xtype : 'grid',
2016-06-09 11:13:23 +02:00
name : _('Devices', 'plugin_mdm'),
2016-05-11 10:40:44 +02:00
ref : '../deviceGrid',
height : 400,
store : store,
viewConfig : {
forceFit : true,
deferEmptyText: false,
2016-06-09 11:13:23 +02:00
emptyText: '<div class="emptytext">' + _('No devices connected to your account', 'plugin_mdm') + '</div>'
2016-05-11 10:40:44 +02:00
columns : [{
dataIndex : 'devicetype',
2016-06-09 11:13:23 +02:00
header : _('Device', 'plugin_mdm'),
2016-05-11 10:40:44 +02:00
renderer : Ext.util.Format.htmlEncode
dataIndex : 'useragent',
2016-06-09 11:13:23 +02:00
header : _('User Agent', 'plugin_mdm'),
2016-05-11 10:40:44 +02:00
renderer : Ext.util.Format.htmlEncode
dataIndex : 'wipestatus',
2016-06-09 11:13:23 +02:00
header : _('Provisioning Status', 'plugin_mdm'),
2016-05-11 10:40:44 +02:00
renderer : Zarafa.plugins.mdm.ui.Renderers.provisioningStatus
dataIndex : 'lastupdatetime',
2016-06-09 11:13:23 +02:00
header : _('Last Update', 'plugin_mdm'),
2016-05-11 10:40:44 +02:00
renderer : Ext.util.Format.htmlEncode
dataIndex : 'entryid',
2016-06-09 11:13:23 +02:00
header : _('Device ID', 'plugin_mdm'),
2016-05-11 10:40:44 +02:00
renderer : Ext.util.Format.htmlEncode
dataIndex : 'deviceos',
2016-06-09 11:13:23 +02:00
header : _('Device OS', 'plugin_mdm'),
2016-05-11 10:40:44 +02:00
hidden : true,
renderer : Ext.util.Format.htmlEncode
dataIndex : 'devicefriendlyname',
2016-06-09 11:13:23 +02:00
header : _('Device Info', 'plugin_mdm'),
2016-05-11 10:40:44 +02:00
hidden : true,
renderer : Ext.util.Format.htmlEncode
dataIndex : 'firstsynctime',
2016-06-09 11:13:23 +02:00
header : _('First Sync time', 'plugin_mdm'),
2016-05-11 10:40:44 +02:00
hidden : true,
renderer : Ext.util.Format.htmlEncode
buttons : [{
2016-06-09 11:13:23 +02:00
text : _('Wipe Device', 'plugin_mdm'),
2016-05-11 10:40:44 +02:00
ref : '../../../wipeBtn',
handler : this.onWipeBtn,
scope : this
2016-06-09 11:13:23 +02:00
text : _('Full resync', 'plugin_mdm'),
2016-05-11 10:40:44 +02:00
ref : '../../../resyncBtn',
handler : this.onFullResync,
scope : this
2016-06-09 11:13:23 +02:00
text : _('Remove device', 'plugin_mdm'),
2016-05-11 10:40:44 +02:00
ref : '../../../removeBtn',
handler : this.onRemoveDevice,
scope : this
2016-06-09 11:13:23 +02:00
text : _('Refresh', 'plugin_mdm'),
2016-05-11 10:40:44 +02:00
ref : '../../../refresh',
handler : this.onRefresh,
scope : this
2016-12-06 11:22:40 +05:30
listeners : {
rowdblclick: this.onRowDblClick,
2017-05-05 15:44:24 +05:30
rowclick: this.onRowClick,
scope: this
2016-12-06 11:22:40 +05:30
2016-05-11 10:40:44 +02:00
Zarafa.plugins.mdm.settings.MDMSettingsWidget.superclass.constructor.call(this, config);
* Function which handles the click event on the "Wipe Device" button, displays
2016-12-08 15:04:21 +01:00
* a MessageBox for the user to confirm the wipe action. The wipe action is
2016-05-11 10:40:44 +02:00
* handled by the onWipeDevice function.
onWipeBtn : function()
var msgbox = Ext.MessageBox.show({
2016-06-09 11:13:23 +02:00
title: _('Kopano WebApp', 'plugin_mdm'),
msg: _('Do you really want to wipe your device?\n Enter your password to confirm.', 'plugin_mdm'),
2016-05-11 10:40:44 +02:00
inputType :'password',
icon: Ext.MessageBox.WARNING,
buttons: Ext.MessageBox.YESNO,
fn: this.onWipeDevice,
prompt: true,
scope: this.deviceGrid
// ExtJS does not support a password field.
msgbox.getDialog().body.child('input').dom.type = 'password';
* Function which handles the confirmation button in the "wipe device" messagebox.
* Sends an wipe request to PHP for the selected device in the grid.
* @param {Ext.Button} button button from the messagebox
* @param {String} password user password
onWipeDevice : function(button, password)
if (button === 'yes') {
var selectionModel = this.getSelectionModel();
var record = selectionModel.getSelected();
if (record) {
{ 'deviceid' : record.get('entryid'), 'password': password },
new Zarafa.plugins.mdm.data.MDMResponseHandler()
* Function which handles the click event on the "Full resync" button, sends a
* full resync request to PHP.
onFullResync : function()
var selectionModel = this.deviceGrid.getSelectionModel();
var record = selectionModel.getSelected();
if(record) {
{ 'deviceid' : record.get('entryid') },
new Zarafa.plugins.mdm.data.MDMResponseHandler()
* Remove all state data for a device, essentially resyncing it.
onRemoveDevice : function()
var selectionModel = this.deviceGrid.getSelectionModel();
var record = selectionModel.getSelected();
if(record) {
{ 'deviceid' : record.get('entryid') },
new Zarafa.plugins.mdm.data.MDMResponseHandler({
successCallback : this.removeDone.createDelegate(this, [record], true)
* Callback function triggers when device was successfully removed from the z-push server.
* we have to remove that device from {@link Zarafa.plugins.mdm.data.MDMDeviceStore store}.
* @param {Zarafa.plugins.mdm.data.MDMDeviceRecord} record {@link Zarafa.core.data.IPMRecord record} object
removeDone : function(record)
* Function which refreshes the store records from the server.
onRefresh : function()
2016-12-06 11:22:40 +05:30
* Function is called if a row in the grid gets double clicked.
* Which is use to show a dialog with detail device information
* @param {Ext.grid.GridPanel} grid The Grid on which the user double-clicked
* @param {Number} rowIndex The Row number on which was double-clicked.
onRowDblClick : function (grid, rowIndex)
var record = grid.getStore().getAt(rowIndex);
2017-04-20 17:19:55 +05:30
record.opened = false;
2017-02-21 12:42:13 +05:30
Zarafa.core.data.UIFactory.openLayerComponent(Zarafa.core.data.SharedComponentType['mdm.dialog.mdmdevicecontentpanel'], undefined, {
2016-12-06 11:22:40 +05:30
manager : Ext.WindowMgr,
record : record
2017-05-05 15:44:24 +05:30
* Function is called if a row in the grid gets clicked.
* Which is use to disabled wipe button if wipe status is not available.
* @param {Ext.grid.GridPanel} grid The Grid on which the user clicked
* @param {Number} rowIndex The Row number on which was clicked.
onRowClick : function (grid, rowIndex)
var record = grid.getStore().getAt(rowIndex);
2016-05-11 10:40:44 +02:00
Ext.reg('Zarafa.plugins.mdm.mdmsettingswidget', Zarafa.plugins.mdm.settings.MDMSettingsWidget);