Ext.namespace('Zarafa.plugins.mdm.dialogs'); /** * @class Zarafa.plugins.mdm.dialogs.MDMDeviceDetailsTab * @extends Ext.form.FormPanel * @xtype mdmplugin.mdmdevicedetailstab * * General tab in the {@link Zarafa.plugins.mdm.dialogs.MDMDeviceContentPanel} */ Zarafa.plugins.mdm.dialogs.MDMDeviceDetailsTab = Ext.extend(Ext.form.FormPanel, { /** * @cfg {Boolean} isKoe True if device has Kopano Outlook Extension information. */ isKoe : false, /** * @constructor * @param {Object} config */ constructor: function (config) { config = config || {}; Ext.applyIf(config, { xtype: 'mdmplugin.mdmdevicedetailstab', cls: 'tab-device', border: false, labelAlign: 'left', defaults: { border: false, xtype: 'panel', layout: 'form', labelWidth: 150 }, items: [ this.createDeviceInfoPanel(config.isKoe), this.createVersionInfoPanel(config.isKoe) ], listeners: { afterlayout: this.onAfterLayout, scope: this } }); // KOE information if (config.isKoe) { config.items.push(this.createKOEInfoPanel(config.record)); } Zarafa.plugins.mdm.dialogs.MDMDeviceDetailsTab.superclass.constructor.call(this, config); }, /** * Function which is use to create device information panel * @param {Boolean} isKoe True if device has Kopano Outlook Extension information, false otherwise. * @return {Object} Configuration object for the panel which shows device properties * @private */ createDeviceInfoPanel: function (isKoe) { return { cls : 'mdm-device-panel', defaultType: 'displayfield', defaults: { disabled: true }, items: [{ cls: 'mdm-display-name', value: dgettext('plugin_mdm', 'Device'), hideLabel: true, disabled: false }, { fieldLabel: dgettext('plugin_mdm', 'Type'), name: 'devicetype' }, { fieldLabel: dgettext('plugin_mdm', 'Operating System'), hidden: isKoe, name: 'deviceos' }, { fieldLabel: dgettext('plugin_mdm', 'ID'), name: 'entryid' }, { fieldLabel: dgettext('plugin_mdm', 'User Agent'), name: 'useragent' }] }; }, /** * Function which is use to create version information panel. * @param {Boolean} isKoe True if device has Kopano Outlook Extension information, false otherwise. * @return {Object} Configuration object for the panel which shows versions properties * @private */ createVersionInfoPanel: function (isKoe) { return { defaultType: 'displayfield', defaults: { disabled: true }, cls : 'mdm-device-panel mdm-field-sep', items: [{ cls: 'mdm-display-name', value: dgettext('plugin_mdm', 'MDM Plugin'), htmlEncode: true, hideLabel: true, disabled: false }, { fieldLabel: dgettext('plugin_mdm', 'Active Sync Version'), name: 'asversion' }, { fieldLabel: dgettext('plugin_mdm', 'Z-Push Version'), value: container.getSettingsModel().get('zarafa/v1/plugins/mdm/zpush-server-version', true) }, { fieldLabel: dgettext('plugin_mdm', 'Short folder Ids'), name: 'shortfolderids' }, { fieldLabel: dgettext('plugin_mdm', 'Policy name'), hidden: isKoe, name: 'policyname' }] }; }, /** * Function which is use to create Kopano Outlook Extension panel * @param {Zarafa.plugins.mdm.data.MDMDeviceRecord} record The device record.s * @return {Object} Configuration object for the panel which shows Kopano Outlook Extension properties * @private */ createKOEInfoPanel: function (record) { return { cls : 'mdm-device-panel mdm-field-sep', defaults: { disabled: true }, defaultType: 'displayfield', items: [{ cls: 'mdm-display-name', value: dgettext('plugin_mdm', 'Kopano Outlook Extension'), htmlEncode: true, hideLabel: true, disabled: false }, { fieldLabel: dgettext('plugin_mdm', 'Version'), name: "koeversion" }, { fieldLabel: dgettext('plugin_mdm', 'Build'), name: "koebuild" }, { fieldLabel: dgettext('plugin_mdm', 'Last updated'), value: String.format('{0}', new Date(record.get('koebuilddate')).format(_('d F Y, H:i'))) }] }; }, /** * Function which handles the afterlayout event * Which is use to set record values into form fields. */ onAfterLayout: function () { this.getForm().loadRecord(this.record); } }); Ext.reg('mdmplugin.mdmdevicedetailstab', Zarafa.plugins.mdm.dialogs.MDMDeviceDetailsTab);