csoni 6bc2a9788c Add and delete new folders to the list to be synchronised
Write a php code for adding and removing device folder from device.
Write a js code for adding and removing folder into store while user select / deselect folder
2017-10-04 07:05:29 -07:00

59 lines
1.5 KiB

* @class Zarafa.plugins.mdm.dialogs.MDMDeviceContentPanel
* @extends Zarafa.core.ui.RecordContentPanel
* @xtype mdmplugin.devicecontentpanel
* The content panel which is use to show device detail panel.
Zarafa.plugins.mdm.dialogs.MDMDeviceContentPanel = Ext.extend(Zarafa.core.ui.RecordContentPanel, {
* @constructor
* @param config Configuration structure
constructor: function (config)
config = config || {};
var isKOE = config.record && config.record.get('koeversion') ? true : false;
Ext.applyIf(config, {
xtype: 'mdmplugin.devicecontentpanel',
modal: true,
title: dgettext('plugin_mdm', config.record.get('devicetype')),
recordComponentPluginConfig: Ext.applyIf(config.recordComponentPluginConfig || {}, {
allowWrite: true,
useShadowStore: true
layout: 'fit',
stateful: false,
showInfoMask : false,
showLoadMask: false,
width: isKOE ? 440 : 405,
height: isKOE ? 450 : 420,
items: [{
xtype: 'mdmplugin.mdmdevicepanel',
record: config.record,
isKoe: isKOE,
buttons: [{
text: _('Ok'),
handler: this.onOk,
scope: this
});, config);
* Action handler when the user presses the "Ok" button.
* This will close the panel.
onOk: function ()
Ext.reg('mdmplugin.devicecontentpanel', Zarafa.plugins.mdm.dialogs.MDMDeviceContentPanel);