csoni 6bc2a9788c Add and delete new folders to the list to be synchronised
Write a php code for adding and removing device folder from device.
Write a js code for adding and removing folder into store while user select / deselect folder
2017-10-04 07:05:29 -07:00

217 lines
5.7 KiB

* @class Zarafa.plugins.mdm.dialogs.MDMManageSharedFolderPanel
* @extends Ext.Panel
* @xtype mdm.managesharedfolderpanel
* Panel for users to show the {@link folders} which are shared with device
Zarafa.plugins.mdm.dialogs.MDMManageSharedFolderPanel = Ext.extend(Ext.Panel, {
* @cfg {} store contains {@link folders} which
* is going to shared with device.
sharedFoldersStore : undefined,
* @cfg {} record The mail which
* is being update by this panel.
record: null,
* @constructor
* @param {Object} config Configuration structure
constructor: function (config)
config = config || {};
Ext.applyIf(config, {
xtype: 'mdm.managesharedfolderpanel',
layout: {
type: 'fit',
align: 'stretch'
border: false,
header: false,
items: [
buttonAlign: 'right',
plugins : ['zarafa.recordcomponentupdaterplugin'],
buttons: [{
text: _('Apply'),
handler: this.onApply,
cls: 'zarafa-action',
scope: this
}, {
text: _('Cancel'),
handler: this.onCancel,
scope: this
});, config);
* Creates a {@link Zarafa.hierarchy.ui.Tree treepanel}
* which contains all the {@link folders}
* on which search get perform.
* @return {Object} Configuration object for the tree panel.
* @private
createTreePanel: function ()
return {
xtype: 'panel',
layout : 'form',
defaults: {
cls : 'mdm-create-tree-panel-item'
border: false,
flex: 1,
items: [{
xtype: 'displayfield',
hideLabel : true,
value: dgettext('plugin_mdm','Select folders to sync on your device')
}, {
xtype: 'mdm.hierarchytree',
autoScroll : true,
hideOwnTree : true,
nodeConfig : {
checked : false
multiSelect: true,
hideShowAllFolders: true,
border: true,
treeSorter: true,
bbarConfig: {
hidden: true
enableDD: false,
anchor: '100% 90%',
ref: '../hierarchyTree'
* Initialize the events
* @private
initEvents: function ()
Zarafa.plugins.mdm.dialogs.MDMManageSharedFolderPanel.superclass.initEvents.apply(this, arguments);
this.mon(this.hierarchyTree, {
expandnode: this.onTreeNodeExpand,
checkchange: this.onTreeNodeCheckChange,
click: this.onTreeNodeClick,
scope: this
* Fired when the {@link Zarafa.hierarchy.ui.Tree Tree} fires the {@link Zarafa.hierarchy.ui.Tree#nodeexpand nodeexpand}
* event.
* It will update the hierarchy by selecting child node if it will shared with device.
* @private
onTreeNodeExpand: function ()
if (!this.record.isOpened()) {
return false;
* Updates the panel by loading data from the record.
* @param {} record The record update the panel with.
* @param {Boolean} contentReset force the component to perform a full update of the data.
update : function(record, contentReset)
this.record = record;
this.sharedFoldersStore = record.getSubStore('sharedfolders');
* Function will try to select those {@link Ext.tree.TreeNode TreeNode} in
* {@link Zarafa.hierarchy.ui.Tree Tree} which was shared with respective device.
updateHierarchy : function ()
var folders = this.sharedFoldersStore.getRange();
folders.forEach(function (folder) {
var node = this.hierarchyTree.getNodeById(folder.get('entryid'));
if (Ext.isDefined(node)) {
if (node.hasChildNodes()) {
node.isNodeSelected = true;
}, this);
* Called when a treeNode is click in tree. The corresponding folder is added to,
* or removed from the active folder list depending on the state of the check box.
* @param {Ext.tree.TreeNode} treeNode tree node.
* @private
onTreeNodeClick : function(treeNode)
var treeNodeui = treeNode.getUI();
if (treeNodeui.checkbox.checked && treeNode.isNodeSelected) {
return false;
treeNode.isNodeSelected = true;
* Called when a check box in the calendar tree is toggled. The corresponding folder is added to,
* or removed from the active folder list depending on the state of the check box.
* @param {Ext.tree.TreeNode} node tree node.
* @param {Boolean} checked indicates whether the box is checked.
* @private
onTreeNodeCheckChange : function(node, checked)
if (!checked) {
node.isNodeSelected = false;
} else if (checked && !node.isNodeSelected) {
* Action handler when the user presses the "Apply" button.
* This save the record and close the panel.
onApply : function ()
* Action handler when the user presses the "Cancel" button.
* This will close the panel.
onCancel: function ()
Ext.reg('mdm.managesharedfolderpanel', Zarafa.plugins.mdm.dialogs.MDMManageSharedFolderPanel);